My Chocolate
IonLaidi: LIFE CYCLE OF THE AVERAGE NIGERIAN WOMAN. She s born into d family. When d relatives ask her mum/dad d sex of their child, they say it s a girl but d las tym her broda ws brn, they said it s a bouncin baby boy as if girls cant bounce. But since it s ungirlylike to bounce, hw abt a skippin baby girl. She grws up learnin 4rm her mum wht a gurl is supposed 2 b like nt mindin wht comes naturally 2 her. Most of life's decisions re made 4 her. Not bad 4 a kid or teenager bt d real tragedy s dat even in her adulthood, her life s shaped by others, whether dad, mum or elder ones. Then comes marriage & d baton s passed on, given to her husband & his pple. Her husband continues 4rm where her family left off, decidin who re friends ll b, whether she ll wrk or nt(even if she s a graduate). Her mother inlaw s merciless, insistin on more grandchildren(esp if she hasnt had a boy) even if it puts her life in danger. And if she hs grown bitter nt better wth d passin of yrs, she ll rule her children wth an iron hand,decidin who they marry & wht goes on in their life. Notwithstandin she fares beta than some of her Asian counterparts, whose lives re stuffed out @ birth simply bc they re nt bouncin baby boys! |
IonLaidi: Writing is my way of sharing my inner world with the outside world. Thank God for the gift of writing. |