Don't judge drone by it target
Don't judge drone by it target
Advice to terrorists sympathizers who accommodate them
from 2 reviews.
General Poetry
Homie77: I am currently researching on a young New Yorker, called Bruce Mayrock who took his own life on 30th May, 1969 at the front of United Nation office as a protest against the United Nation's silence over the genocide by Nigerian government against the children and civilians of Biafra. It was on record that about 9 million Biafra people were killed who were mostly children. The genocide was also known as one of the World most hidden genocides, which pushed Bruce Mayrock to kill himself as a protest to save the remaining Biafran Children and stop further brutal systematic genocide of Biafran people at the watch of the United Nations. As a new Biafra generation and a writer, I am not happy that majority of our people and even the world are not aware of this prize paid on our behalf by Bruce. I have taken it as my life responsibility to remind the world of it and to collectively set up a memorial plan for BRUCE MAYROCK ANTI-GENOCIDE WORLD DAY later. I have discovered that history of selfless scarify with its messages which Bruce gave out for, with high emotion, sympathy, love and conscience, based on the humiliation and injustice towards us are not yet in the ears of the world as many atrocities are still going on against innocent people. I'm in need of informations about Bruce Mayrock and also a Co-Author from the United States or else where who will join me in doing a comprehensive research on BRUCE which shall be developed into a full book,and also be used as a full international media documentary report on him. The potential interested Author shall be the Co-Author of the book which might be called the UNKNOWN HERO or THE ANTI-GENOCIDE WORLD UNKNOWN HERO. I need my potential Co-Author to assist on the research, possiblily reach out to Bruce Mayrock's family in New York. We shall need the full account of Bruce Mayrock's story by his family, related documented information on him, pictures, and witnesses or friends�?? accounts on him to make our book. I am happy to have discovered Bruce�??s news and now still searching for more information about him for us to build up a good hero�??s historic book to the world to remember him. My expectations on the book are; That the book shall contain full account of Bruce Mayrock's life; before and after with Church, hospital, School, USA government, United Nations and family's full account on him. That the book shall, give full account on why this unknown Biafra hero; truly sacrificed himself, his motivation, inspiration and intention. That the book shall also give full records of world documented reports on him and the antics behind the attempt to seal his story both by the US government, and United Nations(if any). That the book shall contain Bruce's full pictures from; birth to death with a full biography of him/ family history. Living witnesses accounts and living friends account and the full detail of Bruce's message to Nigeria, Biafra and the United Nation. Bruce Mayrock's life taking protest has touched my heart and many others hearts in this generation and we have seen the need for peaceful world where wicked humans still exist. Bruce came to this world to see the injustice meted out to man. He cried, the unjust heard his voice, but didn't take any action to wipe his tears away for us. He said he'd rather leave this wicked world than watch millions of my people (Biafrans) exterminated. Bruce was not an African much less a Biafran, but he showed the world that it didn't matter your race, origin and color; that evil being perpetrated anywhere is evil being perpetrated everywhere. Though the world may not remember his sacrifice, Heaven will forever talk about his love and sacrifice for humanity. My duty as mortal still on earth is to make sure my people the igbo race of Biafra, immortalize him here on earth and the world to hear more about his sacrifices. Bruce has written his name with a golden pen and we shall forever remember him in this world with a special day and a special well written book of him and his stories. Please if you are my potential Co Author and very much interested in joining me to make history,feel free and kindly return a reply. I look forward in hearing from you. |