Spike the second: Hi folks So sorry if it appears as though I have disappeared, I haven't. I am hugely busy on my return to work after the holidays and I am working until late to get vital work finished. I have drawings to finish and accounts to complete. I will get around to reviewing at some time this week. If you need a review done urgently, to get you to the recognised or all time best, please let me know and I will do that review before your cut off promotion date. Spike |
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I see you have given up on comedy on this site. I feel the same with my latest comp. entry. I can't stand a world without humour. I'm so pleased we have plenty over here. - | ||
No it's that Fanstory has to sit backm as I have so much work I just cannot fit it in. The recent work is old, done some time ago for the contests. But the comedy is still there, although largely aimed at kids :). As for Mark I think he broke the rules again as I did see a post saying warning to all Fanstory members. I know he was taken off before for using bad language in a poem. today is my birthday, but I am working through it and all weekend to try and get on top of all I have to do. - | ||
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Spike the second: This is an extract from the Dylan Thomas poem - A Child's Christmas in Wales So remember if your Aunties, Uncles, Nieces, Nephew's bring you Useless Presents - It's the Thought that Counts |
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I love the fact that useful presents are jumpers, scarves, hats etc and the useless ones are toys. Ah to have Chistmases like that again. This was a TV movie done in 1987, made between the BBC Wales and Canadian TV. The way they tell the poem is through a Grandad telling his Grandson how life used to be. I found the actual fim on you tube - http://youtu.be/GrLDaAG7j_o - | ||
Spike the second: Copyright In the UK we are protected by copyright. If you produce your work as a word document first. The word document then produces an actual creation date in the documents properties. This is sufficient proof of the date of creation of the piece of work. But back it up onto a secondary usb drive as further proof. As an Architect my drawings are covered by the same copyright laws as writing. For literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works that is 70 years after the death of the last person that was involved in the creation of that piece of work. Literary covers poems, books, stories etc. I would think other countries carry the same laws. |
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I am on this site ever so briefly over the holiday, as I have had a wee break from family frolics and performing aunts and uncles. I hope you are all enjoying yoiur Christmas. I'll be back reviewing very soon, when I can get rid of the family. Ho ho ho - | ||
Spike the second: Many thanks to all that have sent their congratulations and blessings to me and Mrs Spike on our 30th Wedding Anniversary. As I have said in responding to your reviews the contest is secondary in my mind and the poem was loved by my wife, who was most impressed. The reviews just made it special for us. I did say I would get less time for murder, but i would not have the fun and giggles that time with Donna has given me. Once again heart felt thanks for your wonderful messages and the super response to an old fool letting his feelings be known in his poem. Bless you all Spike |
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Spike the second: Apologies to all that have posted writing this weekend but I have a had an important job I have to do construction drawings for. I hope to do reviewing and even posting a little follow up poem myself, later this evening UK time. But please do not think I am ignoring your work. Spike |
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![]() Spike the second: I would like to thank everyone that has reviewed my last two childrens poems. I am really overwhelmed and I have decided that I will concentrate on this form of poetry. Rather than the 'British' wit that I appreciate may not make sense to some of you over the pond. It's been a real eye opener for me and I cannot thank you all enough. Spike |
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Spike the second: Here in the UK today is National Poetry Day and all poets such as Byron, Burns, Morgan, Keats, Auden, Wordsworth, Coleridge etc are celebrated all over the British Isles. Harrow School in London for example have an exhibition of Lord Byrons work. There are websites that are associated with today and three just sites are - www.nationalpoetryday.co.uk www.poetrysociety.org.uk/content/info/npd www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/n/nationalpoetryday.asp There are good source of reference for budding poets and even have competitions. So check it out and I hope it helps. |
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Spike the second: Hi all I have started a book and now decided that one or two poems actually need to be moved to their own book, because of the style of the poems. If I use the disable button does that take it out of the book and into my portfolio? |
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Spike the second: How are points allocated for rankings? I have noticed sometimes the points can shoot up, other times it goes up by 1 or 2 and sometimes it stays as it is! I have found it has not made a huge amount of difference by the ratings you get and by how many poems you submit. For example 6 x 5 stars and 1 x 4 star = 2 points. I just wondered how they work that out! |
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Spike the second: Can anyone answer the following? If I am putting my poems into a book and one of the poems certificates runs out is it readable only by me or anyone? Also can a story or poem be entered into a contest without a certificate? Many thanks in advance |
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Work can be entered into contests without certificates, yes. And a cert won't make any difference come voting time; most will have expired by then, and it's a huge waste of money to promote work twice (whether for a contest or just generally). Louise :) - | ||
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Spike the second: Joined a week ago and I now have 2 recognised poems that I have added as chapters to my book. Here in the UK we have a wealth of poets dating back to medieval times and occaisionally along comes a pure comedy genius and for me this mans name was Spike Milligan. He died in 2002 and was of Irish and English parentage, so they must of had a sense of humor. The words ' I told them I was ill' are placed on his gravestone. He was my influence as a child and I simply loved his nonsense and silly rhymes as any kid would. I write thinking of him and urge anyone to check out his work. There is a lot of it! You are all more lovely than love. |
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So far I have found it very gratifying. It's so nice to get a good response for silly and nonsense poetry and although the large amount do praise, a minutely small minority do criticise (sometimes it is difficult to see why if most like it). But I suppose it's all called taste and does help. - | ||
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