Elektra_Azalea: Sorry it's been so long! Summer classes have been CRAZY!!!! |
Elektra_Azalea: Why do I bother arguing with those too dimwitted to get past their stubborn perceptions? Seriously >.< "Never argue with an idiot. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." |
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Bear - | ||
Elektra_Azalea: I love rainy days. We have too few of them here ^_^ Perhaps I should live in Washington someday. I think I would quite love it there. |
Elektra_Azalea: This has not exactly been a good birthday. In fact, it's pretty much been the crappiest I've ever had. I'm sorry. I know that sounds all drama queen-ish. But it's true. Too long of a story to get into on here, but yeah. It's sucked a lot of expletives that I probably shouldn't say on here. Yay me. |
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Elektra_Azalea: Hooray. Having been inducted in my first bit of drama on this site, I hope the drama llamas leave me alone after that. Don't bitch at me because I gave you 4 stars >.< Effin' seriously. |
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Not everyone is going to LOOOOOOOOOOVE the poems one puts out. Some might find it a 6 and others might find it a 3 and it might not be for anything more than pure druthers. That's how writing goes. I swear, the next person who jumps up my ass over a 4-star rating is going to get a huge Internet Bitchslap from me. I've got one piece that was rated by one as a 6 and as a 4 by another. Big whoop. I don't see 4 stars as a bad rating. If they'd told me that that piece was utter shite, then I might want to know why, but I'm sure as hell not going to get my skirts ruffled just because someone gave me a 4-star rating on something. I simply take it as "They liked my piece even if it wasn't the best they ever saw. And I'm fine with that." And then I move on with my day. I don't expect everyone to get stars in their eyes over my work. Even when it comes time for me to try to publish. Some might like it, and others not. And if I feel that some of my stuff needs re-writing, great. I definitely don't mind the suggestions of "try re-writing it like this". If it's something I feel I could do and it would improve the work, great. If not, I thank them kindly for their honest opinion, and I go about my day. I don't go jumping up their arse over it, whether it's because they thought something was wrong with my piece or just because they liked it well enough but it just wasn't their druthers kind of thing. *deep breath* Ok. I'm shutting up now LoL - | ||
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@Tawny Exactly!! It's great to get 5- or 6-star reviews, but ultimately it's the less-shiny ones we learn the most from. I don't always have an idea as to how something can be improved when I give a rating of less than 5 stars, but I still express appreciation for the work, but I don't rate something 5 or 6 stars if I don't personally find it to be that good in my honest opinion. And considering the over 100 reviews she already had on it and the average rating of Excellent, I couldn't understand her angst over mine that didn't follow the rest of the herd. - | ||
Elektra_Azalea: I am so anxious for the summer semester to begin and to be done with all this complicated bullcrap! *frets* |
Elektra_Azalea: I am really hoping that my short story, "Summer Snowfall" does well in the Write About This contest :-) |
Elektra_Azalea: I have a couple of poems entered into a couple of contests! I'm not counting on winning, but I'd be thrilled as hell to just do well ^_^ |
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