Angelic Christmas Surprise
No Hearses in Heaven
No Hearses in Heaven
Encouraging words when dealing with grief & loss
from 3 reviews.
General Poetry -
Ode To Sleepwalking Souls
Ode To Sleepwalking Souls
Why do people sleepwalk through life? A poetic exploration
from 7 reviews.
General Poetry
Melody Ringo: March 30,2022 - UPDATE Oh my, how the world has changed in the past two+ years! I hate to admit it, but I dropped ALL writing projects during the pandemic. I suffered the worst case of writer's block I have ever experienced. I am still reeling emotionally from losing five of my loved ones in 2021, including my mom, a sister and three others. I spent most of 2020 trying to wrap my head around the pandemic, researching every aspect of it and trying to understand the global repercussions. Most of 2021 was spent grieving my losses. Wow am I ever glad the last two years are OVER! Now I need to make up for lost time. Thus, my reason for renewing my subscription here on FS. I NEED to feel inspired again! For those who don't know, I retired early from my corporate job in the space industry in May 2017. Twenty years was enough, and I needed to reduce my stress levels and focus on my overall health and well-being. I did write my first book in 2019, which is still in the editing phase. I have no idea when I will write the two other books in my planned three book series. All three books were supposed to be written and published by now. Oh, well, one step at the time, one project at a time is all I can do going forward. I can only assume that the two years of writer's block was in part to teach me once again that life sometimes throws curveballs at us, and we should be prepared to catch them when it does. Anyway, glad to be back in the writing saddle, ready to be re-inspired by all of you lovely fellow writers in 2022! I welcome interactions with you all. My virtual office door is always open to all of you, so do pop in and say hello if you feel so inclined! |
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Melody Ringo: Hello again, FS friends! I'm back! :-) Here's a brief update on what I've been doing since my last activity here on FanStory: I finally did it! I wrote my first book in 2019. It is book one in a (planned) three book series. I intend to self-publish the first book in 2020. I also created a related blog. The books offer a roadmap to healing body, mind and spirit for full-time family caregivers. The blog offers general support for family caregivers, along with snapshots of my personal caregiving journey and lessons learned. I welcome your impressions, comments or suggestions! |
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Melody Ringo: Hello, FS friends! I'm finally back in the writing saddle. I almost panicked today when I logged on and noticed that my entire portfolio had disappeared! Talk about a shock. Much of my work posted on this sight is original material, found only here, so if I had not been able to recover it, it would have been three plus years of work down the drain. But no worries now. Turns out, I forgot to renew my membership, so all of my work was still here, although in a disabled state so as not to be visible on my profile page. What relief I am feeling! I spent much of the afternoon copy and pasting my work to a Word doc on my PC so in case I ever get locked out, I have copies of EVERYTHING! I'll have to continue that practice going forward as new work is created. Lesson learned. Speaking of new work, last week I was contacted by a well known Christian publishing company. The rep who called me expressed an interest hearing more about the manuscript I am currently working on. The working title for this book is, "Broken Dreams - A True Story of Heartbreak, Hardship and Healing". It documents an incredible journey of life altering events that have occurred in my life spanning a thirty year period. Written primarily for men or women who are trapped in abusive relationships with spouses who are controlling and domineering, its main message is to help, encourage and inspire those whose lives and dreams are being shattered on a daily basis. But it also offers encouragement to those who are full time caregivers, taking care of a spouse, a child or a parent who happens to be mentally or physically disabled, but who also exhibits an emotionally abusive personality. Yes, it is my story, but there are millions of people who are just like I was at one time -trapped in abusive relationships and can't seem to find any workable solutions. I finalized the outline for the books chapters today and will start creating the preface next. I'll probably upload chapters as I write them this summer so that you - my FS friends can provide valuable feedback. It feels good to be inspired and motivated to write again. I've missed spending time here on FS, creating new material and getting to know so many of you through mutual interaction and support. What are your plans for the summer of 2013? Travel? Vacation? Catching up on your stack of stuff to read? Family reunions? Or, are you going to spend every waking moment (when not working at your day job or sleeping) pounding the keys like me? I look forward to hearing from you all again. Drop me a note when you get a chance. I'll be checking back at least once a week for the foreseeable future. Enjoy your summer! Melody |
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Melody Ringo: Hello, FS friends! Bless me FanStory, for I have sinned....it's been a while since I've posted here or actively participated in FS at all. What can I say? Life got in the way! Until two months ago, I had two of my six grandchildren living with me and writing had to take a back seat so I could focus on them. The past two months I've been recovering from Tired Granparent Syndrome, enjoying silence in my home once again and getting reaquainted with my equally worn out husband! Having the children in our home was a mixed bag - we love them with all our hearts, but we were not prepared to raise them to adulthood. Thankfully, their mother stepped up, completed rehab, got a job (finally) and has now resumed her parenting responsibilities. They have their own home, just minutes from us and seem (at last) to be functioning on their own for the first time ever! We are so proud of the children's mother for choosing her children over her additictions. It's been a bit of a bumpy ride for the past two years, but I think it is safe to now say, "Mission Accomplished." Now I am ready to turn my attention back to writing and other personal interests. Speaking of interests...I've recently discovered the wonderful world of genealogy and have had great fun researching my family's history on Ancestry.com and other web sites. So far I've learned that my first cousin, (three times removed) served as the Governor of the State of California from 1934-1939. I've also learned that my great-great-great granfather (and his son, my great-great grandfather) founded a town in California and spent many years runnning the post office and managing several sucessful businesses there. What fun I am having! In addition, I recently helped one of my sister-in-laws find her long lost biological family through Anstestry.com and Face Book! It's like being the family detective/historian. I think I've found my calling (besides writing, although the two kind of go hand in hand.) I may try to do genealogy work along with my writing when I retire in a few years. It's truly addicting, and very rewarding! Thank goodness I have a huge family to practice on. With all that is going wrong with the world today, I really need the diversion of Fan Story and to re-connect with friends here. Please write to me soon and let's start where we left off two years ago. I'll be eager to hear from you soon. Thanks and God bless and keep you all, Melody |
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Melody Ringo: Yesterday, many people around the world paused to recall the horrific attack on America that occurred on 9/11/01. I was no exception. In fact, I used the opportunity to educate two of my grandchildren, ages six and eleven about the events that changed the course of world history. The six year old wasn't even born when the event happened and the eleven year old was just a toddler, so it came as no surprise that they had not even heard about it before yesterday. As we watched online video on demand of the events which occurred that day, they were full of questions as they watched tears stream from my eyes over the event. As a grandparent, I think it important that I educate them - the current generation of youngsters - about why the U.S. is engaged in the "war on terror" and what that could mean for their future. I don't personally know anyone who died on that day, but my heart breaks for the families of those who lost a loved one at the hands of these terrorist radicals. Given the current climate of opposition on both sides of the religious and idealogical debate, one can see how fragile world peace and security are - as if hanging by a thread. All it will take for the powder keg to explode is one major incident, either domestically or internationally. It is my desire to be prepared for any eventuality, and to educate my children and grandchildren about these matters so that when worldwide events tip in the direction of global chaos, they will understand why. America needs to wake up to the truth and take a stand for the values and principles upon which we were founded. If we don't do that, our enemies will certainly make us wish that we had. What do you think about the events of 9/11? Where were you when you heard the news? How has it impacted your world view over the past nine years? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Melody |
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Melody Ringo: Ah, the dog days of summer... August has arrived with its usual high heat and humidity and our thoughts turn toward squeezing the last bit of fun out of summer. August in Texas can be brutal and I am sure this year will be no exception. Too hot to stay outdoors for very long without risk of heatstroke. So I stay indoors and suffer from the summer version of cabin fever. What better way to spend a hot summer Sunday afternoon than writing away the hours with friends here on FanStory? I needed a break from the gloomy world and national news cycle today. I needed to dream for a while of better things. I needed to escape all responsibilities for just a while, to recharge my batteries in preparation for what is sure to be another busy week at work and at home. FS is the perfect refuge on days like this. This summer has been a challenge with my grandchildren home 24/7. My dear hubby cares for them during the week while I am at work. He's had one illness after another lately due to the stress. Recently I got permission from my company to telecommute two days a week so I can support him. I have a laptop and remote access. Working from home is the best of all worlds, especially for us at this stage in our lives. On weekends we take the kids swimming, or to the park or to the movies, or visit the library. School starts later this month, so we are trying to make the most of the time we have left. They've been with us for nearly five months now while their mother works on her issues. They may be with us for another four to six months, depending on how much progress she makes. We are praying that she will be able to get her life back on track and will be able to care for herself and her children again soon. Its been an uphill battle for all of us so far. But nothing is impossible with God. What have you been up to this summer? I'd love to hear from my friends here on FS. Write soon and God bless. Melody |
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Melody Ringo: My how time flys! April came and went in the blink of an eye. Now May is almost gone and with it my sanity! This has been a challenging couple of months to say the least. * Heavy tree pollen trigged my asthma, which in turn descended into bronchitis. My husband and grandchildren have also suffered various ailments in recent weeks. * Job wise, the current administration announced a dismantling of the space industry in which I work. Huge layoffs are looming in my company, begining in July. * Home life is a daily challenge, as caring for two energectic grandchildren (6 & 10 yrs. old) full time is taking its toll. Unfortunately, we are not getting much support from social services or the children's mother and summer is just around the corner. When I look at all the insecurity that is in the world today, it is challenging not to let worry and fear overtake me. Thankfully, I always come back to the things that anchor me: faith, family and friends. I also believe (as it says in the bible) that no weapon formed against me (a child of God) can prosper. Fear cannot live when faith rules. Family and friends are a blessing beyond compare. So what have I to fret about? Not one thing. Life is a gift from God, each day an opportunity to make a positive difference in this world. I've decided that for the foreseeable future, I am going to focus on writing uplifting and inspirational messages. A favortie quote: "'Tis better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." To all my friends on FS: Have a wonderful summer! I'll try to post more often, as time and energy allow. Blessings, Melody |
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Melody Ringo: March 2010 update - I've been too busy for the last three weeks to stop and post my monthly update. Please accept my apologies for the delay. This month, two of my six grandchildren have come to live with my husband and I for a period of time. Allow me to introduce them: Stephanie is ten years old and is in the fourth grade. Her hobbies are playing sports, singing and reading. Her favorite subject is biology. Someday, she hopes to grow up to be a writer, just like her grandma. Nathan is six years old and is currently attending kindergarten. His hobbies are playing at the park, playing with his toy cars and playing table games. His favorite subject in school is playing on the playground between classes. Someday he hopes to grow up to be a policeman. Having them in our home full time is a blessing, although quite an adjustment for us all. But we are seizing this opportunity to plant seeds of love and discipline, nuturing their spirits, bodies and minds by pouring ourselves and our values into them while we have the chance. I'm reminded of a scripture in which Jesus said, "Suffer not the little children from coming unto me." We don't always know why life circumstances occur as they do, but we can be certain that God has a purpose for each of our lives. Sometimes that purpose calls for self-sacrifice for a period of time for the benefit of others. As a grandmother who cares deeply for my grandchildren, I can think of no greater calling. |
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Jesus smiles and blesses little children. And, you know He smiles and blesses their caretakers as well, especially grandma and grandpa. I don't know the circumstances but I am certain that things will work out for t he best. In the meantime, you have two beautiful blessings (angels) in your care and they are there for a reason. Bless you for taking them and may God give you and your hubby the daily strength to do the very best you can with patience, love and understanding. Looking forward to hearing more and reading more. Blessed Easter. Mary's angel - | ||
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![]() Melody Ringo: Well, February has finally arrived. What's so special about February you ask? For starters, I'll be celebrating my 11th wedding anniversary with the love of my life just in time for Valentines Day (Happy Anniversary, hon). My mother's birthday also occurs this month (Happy Birthday, Mom!) and one of my works just reached "Recognized" status here on FanStory. What more could a girl want? |
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Melody Ringo: Just wanted to touch base with everyone before the New Year. I just posted my New Year Res-Illusion piece that includes my take on the whole diet thing (among other topics). Thought you might get a good laugh out of it. To find it, go to my portfolio. I tried to promote it, but I think I did it wrong and somehow lost the points I applied to it. Happy New Year! Melody |
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