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Viewing comments for Chapter 67 "When Death Arrived "
Poems, Rants, Short Stories and Ramblings
3 total reviews
Comment from
country ranch writer
Times haven't changed much over the centuries as sickness still spreads through out the people trying to find freedom. Ebola. Hiv, drugs galore, and myster sickness they still haven't found a name for yet has run rampid through the masses. Freedom still comes at a price to one and all.
Comment Written 02-Nov-2019
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
Thank you your time to read and review this poem offering. Have a Blessed Day.
Comment from
Great choice of topic for this horror poem. We often don't take the time to imagine what it would be like to be invaded and have your culture devastated like this. Thanks for sharing
Comment Written 02-Nov-2019
reply by the author on 02-Nov-2019
Thank you for Reading, Rating
and Reviewing this poem offering. Blessings to you.
Comment from
Nice to see you take up such a weighty, important and under-poetized theme. I liked your choice of image to complement the text. I also appreciate the different approach to the word horror.
Comment Written 02-Nov-2019
reply by the author on 02-Nov-2019
Thank you for Reading, Rating and Reviewing this Horror themed poem offering. Blessings to you.
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