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Viewing comments for Chapter 53 "What Don't We Do? "
Poems, Rants, Short Stories and Ramblings
2 total reviews
Comment from
In this life we must first see what is happening, hear what is being said, then think about it all before we speak. If we all would do this there would be far fewer problems in this world.
Comment Written 13-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 13-Jun-2019
Amen. Thank you for the insights and Kind review. Blessings to you.
Comment from
I so agree with your words, often it is not what we do, but we don't do in life that thwarts ourselves and others, not sure the first stanza rhymes: "speak' and 'shook' work for me, maybe:
"Strangers in Need, each soul unique"
Love Dolly x
Comment Written 13-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 13-Jun-2019
Thank you for the Insight and Review, oddly enough I had Look in the first line where speak was to rhyme better. I switched the place with speak as there seemed to be too rhyming through out the poem when 1st completed it, so I substituted words and placement of them. Thank you for Great advice it's always Extremely Helpful for my Improvement and refining of poems.
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