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Viewing comments for Chapter 19 "All Americans came from Somewhere!"
Poems, Rants, Short Stories and Ramblings
4 total reviews
Comment from
Excellent, English first born it was they who spread Adams and Eves Sporn to the Americas " so speak our English" ( just my thought ) on this wonderful read****kahpot
Comment Written 09-Jan-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2019
Thank you for the review.
God Bless you.
Comment from
country ranch writer
The Government has lost touch with reality of what our world is ll about I am afraid. They only think of themselves and what suits them at the time. People are in need of protection and are turned away. It is a sad situation.
Comment Written 09-Jan-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2019
Thank you for the review.
God Bless you and your family.
reply by country ranch writer on 09-Jan-2019
Comment from
It is human nature to shun change and America is made up of immigrants, it is a melting pot of people from different nations, but the immigration issues take on a very different reality today, food for thought here, love Dolly x
Comment Written 09-Jan-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2019
Thank you for the review and Kind words.
God Bless you.
Comment from
dejohnsrld (Debbie)
Such a wonderful piece reminding us we all came from somewhere else once upon a time. If more people considered that, there would be less hatred and discrimination in the world, my friend~Debbie
Comment Written 09-Jan-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2019
Thank you for the review.
God Bless you and your family.
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