Reviews from

The Orphanage

Horror Sonnet contest entry

7 total reviews 
Comment from Bill Schott
This work has reached the exceptional level

Truly the most sinister and scary sonnets in this challenge's grouping of subhuman examples of the sonnet turned sadistic. Between the we'll-metered stanzas and awesome image, this is my pick for the winner.

 Comment Written 18-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 18-Nov-2018
    Thank you so much for the fantastic review and the big sixer, Bill. I really appreciate the generous stars and support, my friend. I'm glad you liked this twisted little tale. Have a great day. Thank you again.

Comment from K. R. Ward
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Creepy! Yet, somehow, oddly funny. 'Cause it's almost like he's saying "Well yes, I kill children for their brains, but I don't eat them. No, see, I feed them to church-goers. Aren't they awful."
Great work,
And good luck!

 Comment Written 17-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 18-Nov-2018
    Thank you for the great review, KRW. Yeah, he likes eating them but also likes sharing his delicious find with others, lol. I really appreciate the gracious stars. I'm glad you liked this twisted piece.

Comment from Chrissy710
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

hi Dragon skulls This certainly is sinister and the image of the brains is a perfect choice for your Sonnet I likedyour meter and humour Well done and good luck in the contest Cheers Christine

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2018
    Thank you for the great review, Chrissy. I really appreciate the gracious stars. I'm glad you liked this twisted piece. Have a great day.

Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I must say I do not like this form used in this way (that is not really your fault as you did not set this contest) but you have done it well without too much blood and gore.

SPAG here in Q3: 'But dark is not my horrid acts or nerve.' The subject of the sentence is plural so the verb should agree, 'But dark are my...'

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2018
    Thank you for the great review and for pointing out the goof, Pantygynt. I fixed it. I really appreciate the generous stars. I'm glad you liked this dark piece even though, I agree, shouldn't be in sonnet form. Have a great weekend.

Comment from poesyapprentice
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well, I did say I missed your sonnets, LOL. My my, orphaned children AND their brains served at church, what a bad boy you are! ;-) I love it! Poor JaCherie got a 4 for drowning children on a school bus in a nasty storm, even though she gently put to rest all their worldly troubles, lol, so I'm not sure the votes will be pouring in for this piece. You'll have mine, at least. The meter was flawless...very nice! Should I ask where you found that pic, lol? ;) How's work coming along? Much better, I hope! Good luck all around, my friend.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2018
    Wow, thank you for the big sixer, M. I got lucky finding this pic. I did a Google image search for brain and this one came along and fit perfectly, lol. It's actually lamb brains, I think. Yeah, I don't really count on too many votes for this twisted piece, especially after adding the serving it at church aspect, haha.

    Job wise, nope, it's still just as bad. Crap, it's actually worse. I've worked 5 days in the last 3 weeks. I filled out an application for another trucking co and it looks pretty promising. I'll be hauling mail at night. I'll have to work weekends and on holidays but hey, I gotta do what I gotta do.

    I dearly appreciate the gracious stars, M. Thank you again. Have a great weekend.

reply by poesyapprentice on 09-Nov-2018
    Ah, shit, that sucks! Hopefully that other pays off! It's hard enough trying to make it in a slump without the holidays looming. I'm so dreading them. Both my brother and father passed away almost two years ago and my mom and sis really have a hard time with holiday blues so that makes me dread them even more. Oh well, what can you do but muddle through it? Hope it gets better soon.

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2018
    Thank you. It should get better here soon. Hopefully before I'm homeless, lol. Yea, I just want these holidays to go on by as well.
Comment from LyndaS
This work has reached the exceptional level

Holy shit! I can barely type I'm laughing so hard. You are a very creative sick puppy Mr. Skulls!!! OMG this was so sweetly horrific and oh yeah..... Your sonnet meter was spot on blah, blah, blah. Artwork sick and sweet as well. And you were so slick pulling this into a sick communion....... With the Church!!! Ha! So proud of you poet. Well done!!

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2018
    Lol, yeah, I'm sure the feeding brains to church folks won't fly over too well on here, haha. But hey, they wanted horror. Thank you so much for the big sixer, L. I sure didn't plan on seeing one of those for this twisted piece. Crap, seven people read it so far and I just got me second review. I probably won't get a handful though, but I planned on it, lol. Thank you again for the gracious rating, Lynda. I'm glad you liked this sick piece. Have a great weekend.

Comment from Galactia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This is a fantastic entry for the sinister sonnet contest. You have written this in perfect iambic parameter. Perfect rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd, efef, gg.

Great job, my doors are locked and kids asleep, not eating mine for your mcfeast :)

Good luck this poem will do really well.


 Comment Written 09-Nov-2018

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2018
    Lol, my mcfeast, haha. Thank you for the great review, Tia. I really appreciate the generous stars. I'm glad you liked this twisted piece. Have a great night.

reply by Galactia on 09-Nov-2018
    Your quite welcome :)