Reviews from

To Last Forever

Viewing comments for Chapter 2 " voyage"
Poems by Michael

23 total reviews 
Comment from daeneam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello there dear Michael! How you've been? I've been browsing the net and I come across with an article about TEXAS... Then you suddenly popped into my mind...

Quite a busy year for me... spending precious times with my loved ones... I avoided the internet during those days so I did not greet my precious friends, so I am doing it now!

Happy new year dear! I hope everything is in good shape and so are you! God bless you! c", MAE

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

Comment from Merlin2016
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am Merlin...I translate...
The poem is a double entendre... It is a maiden voyage...She is a maiden not a married woman....This is his first voyage with her..
Florescent..she is bright...He sings their anthem. I n released breath..he drifts no more...
He says her name is Freedom and she longs for home...he hopes in his love..
He says We swing the moon...above the world...She is his America...his home...
Ta da....Tear it up Rec...

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2016
    Hey Merl....-smile- ...I'm Michael and I do too.
    most of my poetic expression is "double" if not triple or quadripple entendre. from what I hear anyway... I've suspicion it comes from a Rod Mckuenisym mentality subjected to Mcarthyism....but I really don't care do you...?

    well I think youre interpretation delightful....and your insinuation shameful. but then again we are on opposing sides of names Reconciled merl...not wrecking ball. Adios-
reply by Merlin2016 on 29-Nov-2016
    Opposing sides of mentality? I am a wizard...shameful insinuations? Not me...
    If that is the way you understood it..lo siento...Adios to you ...
Comment from Leineco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

we pass the moon
from one hand to the other

as royalty once did
to independence

the people rose
and voiced
their freedom anthem

they sang it
as their kinsman built foundations
to construct faith's mansion on.

we pass the moon
from one hand to the other


course corrections
steady the ship
or lead us on diversions

only time
will tell the tale
of progress or regression

we pass the moon
from one hand to the other

but never lose connection
with liberty's
awesome fluorescence.


 Comment Written 29-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2016 that cat walk Leinko....Lady Liberty who?
    do you think we lookin' at...woo do the walk know you making us all look bad Leinko, you write better poetry in your reviews then most of us put out...ew watch her walk...ahh love Michael
reply by the author on 30-Nov-2016
    hm....after re-reading this...I'm somewhat embarrassed. I mean you no disrespect Loraine I hope you know
reply by Leineco on 30-Nov-2016
    Whatever is there to be embarrassed about??? - You
    complimented my writing - tossed out some banter
    and did the playful flirty thing

    In other words. . .you brought a smile to my face


    (and besides. . .what girl doesn't like to have her
    catwalk applauded -lol-)

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2016
    love you Lady Liberty....-smile-
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know I'm not really qualified to say anything about this poem, Michael, but I do believe those poor people who were on that maiden voyage to a new, unknown, possibly hostile world were good people with hopes and dreams worth fighting for. They brought God with them and settled. They fought for their rights, and brought honesty and decency with them. It's people like that we need now. In your country and mine. I thought you said this so well, my dear friend. Love you always. Sandy xxx

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2016
    of course you are...
    the first Americans came from England.
    and in gradual witness of both enemy and then ally
    we've seen our foundation exalted and then hidden in shame
    which produced the better blessing...?

    love you too Sandy...hope youre well. Michael
Comment from Neonewman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awesome Michael! I always enjoy reviewing your work. Pure, raw and uninhibited. Masterfully crafted piece you have delivered. I enjoyed the music as well.
God bless!

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2016
    Hey Steve,,,thanks Buddy...appreciate you enjoying with me. love michael
Comment from MissMerri
This work has reached the exceptional level

My first six star rating this week goes to the poet who swings the moon around his head and believes with an unshakable faith that America can once again be as strong as the first settlers believed it was meant to be. "Freedom longs for home sweet love" is especially meaningful to me. I also liked the line about "faith leads more than follows." That seemed profound and wise, carrying more meaning than what first appears. As always, Michael, you have written a poem packed with strong imagery and inference, allowing your readers the privilege of participating in the creative process. I always enjoy the way your poems carry me to lofty places. Thank you for this fun trip. ;") I really like this!

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2016
    I believe what I see...seen, when it comes to men.
    I've faith in God for the power to change...anything...everything.
    we as firstborn placed God cornerstone and were blessed world wide undeniable. if we recognize that we still are.
    yes there is some of me personally in here. apparently I'm a poet who puts his feelings on loose-leaf...-smile-...always love Michael
Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A nice little one for Thanksgiving day, my brother,
Even through your cryptic style one feels your emotion, sees your heart.
There are always two parts of any arrangement or compromise.
Have a great day, my brother.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2016

Comment from Oatmeal
This work has reached the exceptional level


Very reflective, all thoughts are very well described, understandable and comprehensible. This is a beautiful poem. I liked it very much. It made for an enjoyable read. The flow was smooth. The theme well thought out.

There was no SPAG, no typos, no room for improvement.

Your feelings are very understandable and expressed through the poem.

I look forward to seeing you again.

Love you,


 Comment Written 27-Nov-2016

Comment from Dustybones
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good verse. All about the freedom of liberty. Thanksgiving is when we all visit for dinners and relax. This is only for America while the rest of the world waits for Christmas.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2016

Comment from robina1978
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great photo that complements your free verse poem perfectly. I especially liked the fact about swinging the moon from one hand to the other. Did you really mean to say florescent believes, or should it be fluorescent.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2016