Reviews from

These Contests Are Rigged!

An Earth Shaking Essay

35 total reviews 
Comment from Muffins
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I took this tongue and cheek rant with a laugh and a large gulp of soda to calm me down. I don't enter member prompts. Instead I use them to work out my writing skills. If I think its a meaty piece, I'll share it with Fan story. The cheating part on this site makes me shake my head. What do the cheaters think they get out of it? Oh, yeah 25 member points or that mouth watering $100 Visa card. No, thanks. I came here to exercise my creative muscles not build up one of thievery. By the way, I do make it my business to vote in the contests. A few months ago, Gypsycaravan wrote a funny piece about the lack of voters. It shamed me good and now I make a point to do it. With all the people on this site, it's gross to see the tiny votes cast. Oh, well that's just my rant on your earth shaking, wake up essay. See you in the voting booths!

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2015

Comment from ravenblack
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have nothing against the contests. I have just never been much of a joiner and I like to leave my muse unbound. Hell, half the time I sit down to write , I have no idea what is going to come out. I think contests would be improves if there was an incentive to vote, read and review an entry and get a bonus 20 cents or something. As long as the contests keep you waiting, that is what is most important.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2015

Comment from mauial
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your rant and so I have this to add. I enter the contest if it gets my creative juices flowing. I've learned that a lot of reviewers don't pay attention to the prompt rules. I promoted a contest where one reviewer voted for the poem simply because it mentioned, Jesus, nothing else. One well known poet on this site took offense when I gave him a 3 star because his 5-7-5 didn't have the correct syllable count. He blasted me and stated he never gives anything below a 5. Wow, how can that help others.

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2015

Comment from Neonewman
This work has reached the exceptional level

I will offer a great big ole sixer for this wonderfully honest rant my friend. I have entered several contest that I feel should have done a bit better than they did. I have hit several sixers on a piece that never drew a vote. I have actually won quite a few contests, no where near you, Domino and Dean who I cherish on this site. But I continue to grow daily as is necessary. I have had no formal training other than the simply learning in school in the 70's and 80's. Thank you for this piece you have delivered with compassion my friend.
God bless!

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2015

Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL, Mikey, you have only said what loads think. To stop all this 'cheating' I think every contest should have the author's name on it. Some drop hints as to who they are, then all you have to do is go to their profiles to check that it IS the person you think it is. I have only been entering site contests lately, it doesn't cost you anything to lose!! LOL. xsx Sandra

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2015

Comment from Michaelk
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My biggest problem with contests are people who review my contest entry, tell me how great it is and say they will vote for it. After four or five of these, I'm feeling pretty confident. The problem comes when the voting ends and my entry doesn't have a single vote.
Message to all who do that, if you're not going to vote for me, don't say you are.

This is my pet peeve with contests. As for originality, I have created five contests over the last year only one had all the spots reserved. One of the contests only had two entries. When people say they want originality I say, 'Hah!' I would create many more contests if I thought people would enter them. I have ideas for contests all the time, I just don't want to waste my time and money on something that no one seems to care about.
Is there some contest idea committee that I could submit ideas to?

Now down to the actual review. I loved it. Each of those arguments I have seen before, with the cheaters being the number one gripe. I agree that the contests should be fun and help you learn, but it seldom happens that way.

As for the fear factor, everyone is afraid of Dean (and I think he likes it that way), I have no idea who Domino is, but I can't imagine every being afraid of good ole' Mikey Cahill. That dude is just too cool. :)

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2015

Comment from Patti R.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael
I can relate closely to this well-written rant! It's been said before and will be said again: Quit griping you people and just participate! No writing site is going to be ideal. But this one really works for a broad range of writers, making it in my opinion a terrific place to hang out and as you say, improve one's skills.
Who's Dean?
I know Domino.
You remind us to look at the positives offered here.

two little nits: (choose) the topic,
and you've used the phrase 'give a head's up' almost back to back. It sounds a bit too repetitive.

Excellent write, Mikey.


 Comment Written 03-Feb-2015

Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said, Mikey. You're right about so much of this. What bugs me is that folks all know the writer by style, especially Dean's. I made a contest once that did not permit all the things he does, but I neglected to include font SIZE, so he still was able to squeeze in some of his style. Next time, I'll just not make it blind. I give up! LOL!

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2015

Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Each to his own, Taco Bell would die fast if they only sold tacos. If you're political and competitive and politically correct, contests are great entertainment, I'm sure. Go for it.

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2015

Comment from Barb Hensongispsaca
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I entered hiku or whatever it is and was disqualified right on the time of voting because?????never told. Used to be told and could correct so I could understand. Entered a semru and got the same treatment. I don't enter anymore because they wait till the contest dedline then disqualify me but I never know why.
But I loved this and felt you did great as ususal

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2015