HONESTY...My Kinda Religion
Dedicated To My Sisters of The Hood...and the Brothers TOO52 total reviews
Comment from TXANG1128
Absolutely love this.. the words, the facts, the humor, and the cleverness.
You sound like a whole lotta fun..:)
Lyrical Greatness.
reply by the author on 18-Sep-2013
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Absolutely love this.. the words, the facts, the humor, and the cleverness.
You sound like a whole lotta fun..:)
Lyrical Greatness.
Comment Written 17-Sep-2013
reply by the author on 18-Sep-2013
LOL Oh, I am.
Thanks for stopping by with a sterling review...good luck with your writing ventures at FS. Welcome
Cheers P
LOL Oh, I am.
Thanks for stopping by with a sterling review...good luck with your writing ventures at FS. Welcome
Cheers P
Comment from krowboom
Hey this is great stuff and well said. I don't know who you're referring to but I'm sure it applies to many on this site. I don't have your problem because I only review. I am not a writer or poet so don't fear retaliation. Frankly anyone who would retaliate and take offense to a constructive review is probably a no talent hack. I had one of those black ball me so I can't read his stuff then again who would want to. I joined because a friend of mine is on the site and I like to read and review his stuff and while I'm at it I review others that interest me. I mostly stay away from spiritual stuff because I don't want to offend anyone (religion is so touchy) and I'm sure I would because its just not my thing. Bottom line is I would think serious writers and poets would want honest constructive reviews to help them improve. They of course don't have to agree with everything but this constant giving of 5 stars whether the work is good or bad is really kind of silly. Well enough babbling. I'll have to read some of your stuff because this one was great and I love the controversy. My only criticism is I really don't care for the f word. You may think me a stiff but I think profanity pejoratively affects a person's work, is never necessary, and rarely has the intended effect.
reply by the author on 14-Jul-2013
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Hey this is great stuff and well said. I don't know who you're referring to but I'm sure it applies to many on this site. I don't have your problem because I only review. I am not a writer or poet so don't fear retaliation. Frankly anyone who would retaliate and take offense to a constructive review is probably a no talent hack. I had one of those black ball me so I can't read his stuff then again who would want to. I joined because a friend of mine is on the site and I like to read and review his stuff and while I'm at it I review others that interest me. I mostly stay away from spiritual stuff because I don't want to offend anyone (religion is so touchy) and I'm sure I would because its just not my thing. Bottom line is I would think serious writers and poets would want honest constructive reviews to help them improve. They of course don't have to agree with everything but this constant giving of 5 stars whether the work is good or bad is really kind of silly. Well enough babbling. I'll have to read some of your stuff because this one was great and I love the controversy. My only criticism is I really don't care for the f word. You may think me a stiff but I think profanity pejoratively affects a person's work, is never necessary, and rarely has the intended effect.
Comment Written 14-Jul-2013
reply by the author on 14-Jul-2013
LOL Many thanks for your review and stopping by.
In regards to the f-bomb, I only use when I feel it is warranted and HAS an intended effect...otherwise I agree, what is the point in using it? With that said, I do use it now and again but the appropriate warnings are there and if you're offended, you are in no way obliged to read.
I appreciate your feedback.
Cheers P
In no way am I offended, just wanted to let you know what I thought of using it. Thanks for your reply.
LOL I'm glad. I DO understand what you're saying. My mum keeps telling me a good poet doesn't swear. I realise its easy enough to find another word in its place if I really wanted to but sometimes I feel if it fits the context I'll use it.
Many thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate your pov.
Cheers P
Sorry to beat a horse to death but just a few more thoughts on swearing and of course this is just my take on it. As soon as I see the f word it immediately stereotypes the writer (rightly or wrongly) and not in a positive way.
I also have to disagree with you in that I never think swearing is as effective as cleverly written put downs. Those that routinely use swear words could care less if you use it so it has no impact, and those that don't are turned off by it so in my opinion it's a lose lose deal. At any rate those are my thoughts and I appreciate your open mindedness in listening to my rambling on like this.
Comment from twinklepoems
Sorry I didn't see this great poetic rant when you first posted! I love how you put all of this in rhyme form and very high level of word usage. It appears that things have settled down a smidge ....for the moment or until the next round! Great job!
reply by the author on 12-May-2013
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Sorry I didn't see this great poetic rant when you first posted! I love how you put all of this in rhyme form and very high level of word usage. It appears that things have settled down a smidge ....for the moment or until the next round! Great job!
Comment Written 12-May-2013
reply by the author on 12-May-2013
LMAO I wouldnt know whats happening next...I've kindly been silenced by some pure white joy over yonder so my threes and twos will no longer be appreciated...I have to tell it like it is and it cracks me up to be muted for giving honest, solid and HELPFUL critique...oh the pain of it all! Your sixer review is very much welcomed and appreciated. Have a lovely day, this was a nice surprise in mine. Cheers Phillippa x
Well, I believe I know who of you speak and my response was to give him a review that was all from scripture explaining how even Jesus knew when to blow his horn and when to keep his mouth shut....I think it was pearl before swine but I felt better! Seems like you did too!
Oh yeah.
And like I said, I have nothing against religion but there ARE some who put themselves on the pedastal...its not pretty and I have to call it. Especially when I'm TOLD how to review.
Pulllleeeeze...thats the biggest insult of all.
I totally agree and I'm sure the big man upstairs knew when to zip it.
Thanks for the support on this one.
I sometimes worry a little.
Could you tell? Haha
Comment from N.K. Wagner
Ya got rhythm, ya got rhyme, ya got passion. What's not to like, Phillippa? Yes, there are some who can't tolerate any appraisal of their work that doesn't agree with their own.
Speak the truth. If your critique is honest, the worst a writer can do is mute you.
Well done. :) Nancy
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2013
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Ya got rhythm, ya got rhyme, ya got passion. What's not to like, Phillippa? Yes, there are some who can't tolerate any appraisal of their work that doesn't agree with their own.
Speak the truth. If your critique is honest, the worst a writer can do is mute you.
Well done. :) Nancy
Comment Written 06-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2013
Hey Nancy, thanks so much.
I always try and speak as honestly and forthright in my poetry.
It doesn't always please but my mum informed me a long time ago "Phillippa, you can please some of the people some of the time, but you'll NEVER please ALL the people ALL of the time!"
Too true...it takes all types. Indeed the worst they can do is hit mute.
Cheers and thanks again
Comment from Frankeddy
I know you write great poetry and I love reading it. Very enjoyable and you notes
explain each verse so well. I haven't been writing for a while but hope to get busy in about a month. I love when you take the time to write a verse that puts
the pretend experts back in their place, like this one.
Excellent job. Ed
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2013
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I know you write great poetry and I love reading it. Very enjoyable and you notes
explain each verse so well. I haven't been writing for a while but hope to get busy in about a month. I love when you take the time to write a verse that puts
the pretend experts back in their place, like this one.
Excellent job. Ed
Comment Written 05-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2013
Thanks Ed...your sixer and show of support has renewed my OWN faith to say what I think and to hell with the masses.
Someone's gonna like it...LOL
Yes, pretend experts...they're bloody well everywhere around here.
Cheers Phillippa
Comment from strandregs
I have a complaint -
you should have written:
Not stink FS with my BS
expecting ALL to fucking wear it
otherwise it hits the spot splendidly.Z.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
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I have a complaint -
you should have written:
Not stink FS with my BS
expecting ALL to fucking wear it
otherwise it hits the spot splendidly.Z.
Comment Written 04-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
Hahaha, I like your style honey but that extra "fucking" would have thrown my delightful syllable count...You know me...Miss Perfect da DUMs! LMAO
Thanks for your support my friend...I WILL take that complaint on board...perhaps I can drop another f-bomb somewhere else in there! haha
Cheers and thanks again
P xx
Comment from Empathy
I haven't been a member for very long but have already been blocked by one poet and have had long discussions with others about not giving 5 stars for everything...I thought I'd just become a member of a mutual appreciation society. You however, seem to have talent and there are a few others I enjoy the work of. In a sense though I have been brow-beaten to just pass over work I think is poor rather than give a negative review. Good work and sentiment. Cheers! E.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
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I haven't been a member for very long but have already been blocked by one poet and have had long discussions with others about not giving 5 stars for everything...I thought I'd just become a member of a mutual appreciation society. You however, seem to have talent and there are a few others I enjoy the work of. In a sense though I have been brow-beaten to just pass over work I think is poor rather than give a negative review. Good work and sentiment. Cheers! E.
Comment Written 04-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
Hey there E...don't be discouraged. This WAS a really good site once upon a time and there are a few here who would like to get it back to what it was...thing is the ranking system is stuffed...it needs an overhaul and until Tom listens to that gripe, we'll be moaning to ourselves probably...however always worth a try and I have to call em how I see em...
Thanks so much for your support.
Cheers P
Comment from rhymelord
Dear Phillippa,
You'll get no BS from me on this subject, just a big 6 stars which reflects:
a) Your absolute mastery of the rhyme, metre and grammar/syntax of this highly readable poem,
b) the absolute truth of its text and the skill with which you have portrayed it and
c) the guts to come out and say what you have.
I am on your side, of course, in what you say and have felt similar frustration with the vapid, colourless verse that posts with a big cash reward and receives glowing testimony by the bucket load, the comments being as vapid as the poem. "Gee, I love your poem. I think it's great. It reads smoothly (even though the lines will never scan). Thank you for sharing etc..."
Before closing, I have just read the astonishing number of responses to a 52 cent poem. It proves that somewhere on FS there is a critical audience who will respond.
Very well done!!!!
And before leaving I offer you the following, which I wrote for Carol (Pix) on the occasion of her righteous dissatisfaction with some treatment she received. Not all of it is germane to your case, but, what the hell, I'm too tired to rewrite it all:
First one must build a reader base
To do this one must be well known
To be well known one has to pay
To get the folk to read your poem.
And what do readers first go for
When they are short of cash and time
The first two pages, that's for sure
The later posts aren't worth a dime.
And, so, you must acquire cash --
You use real bucks or you can earn
Fanstory dollars reading trash --
Those posts from those with cash to burn.
No need to over analyse
Just say "Gee, I enjoyed your poem"
At all costs, don't have eagle eyes
Just quickly scan and then move on.
But, if your conscience bothers you
(To honest folk that can occur)
Then, tell the poster what to do,
To offer succour as it were.
Now, this of course, eats up your time
And that is short when said and done
It never will your coffers prime
So there you are, back at square one.
So, poet, what is it to be
If earning cash is your concern
If you take time for honesty
You never will those ribbons earn.
It's all about the cash, my dear
It's been that way since Shakespeare's day
Though sad it is, I really fear,
The ribbons go to those who pay.
And speaking of me earning cash
For this advice I now dispense
I can't believe I've been so rash
For fifty two unworthy cents.
I must be mad.
Best regards
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
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Dear Phillippa,
You'll get no BS from me on this subject, just a big 6 stars which reflects:
a) Your absolute mastery of the rhyme, metre and grammar/syntax of this highly readable poem,
b) the absolute truth of its text and the skill with which you have portrayed it and
c) the guts to come out and say what you have.
I am on your side, of course, in what you say and have felt similar frustration with the vapid, colourless verse that posts with a big cash reward and receives glowing testimony by the bucket load, the comments being as vapid as the poem. "Gee, I love your poem. I think it's great. It reads smoothly (even though the lines will never scan). Thank you for sharing etc..."
Before closing, I have just read the astonishing number of responses to a 52 cent poem. It proves that somewhere on FS there is a critical audience who will respond.
Very well done!!!!
And before leaving I offer you the following, which I wrote for Carol (Pix) on the occasion of her righteous dissatisfaction with some treatment she received. Not all of it is germane to your case, but, what the hell, I'm too tired to rewrite it all:
First one must build a reader base
To do this one must be well known
To be well known one has to pay
To get the folk to read your poem.
And what do readers first go for
When they are short of cash and time
The first two pages, that's for sure
The later posts aren't worth a dime.
And, so, you must acquire cash --
You use real bucks or you can earn
Fanstory dollars reading trash --
Those posts from those with cash to burn.
No need to over analyse
Just say "Gee, I enjoyed your poem"
At all costs, don't have eagle eyes
Just quickly scan and then move on.
But, if your conscience bothers you
(To honest folk that can occur)
Then, tell the poster what to do,
To offer succour as it were.
Now, this of course, eats up your time
And that is short when said and done
It never will your coffers prime
So there you are, back at square one.
So, poet, what is it to be
If earning cash is your concern
If you take time for honesty
You never will those ribbons earn.
It's all about the cash, my dear
It's been that way since Shakespeare's day
Though sad it is, I really fear,
The ribbons go to those who pay.
And speaking of me earning cash
For this advice I now dispense
I can't believe I've been so rash
For fifty two unworthy cents.
I must be mad.
Best regards
Comment Written 04-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
Wow Reg, not a bad effort for 52c mate. Thanks so much for your show of support. To be honest, I'm not one to bitch (teehee) unless I at least rhyme. But I get sickened at the rate this site is going down into shitters ditch.
My post said it all, I can clearly see from your delightful show of hand and extra rhyme (thankyou) that you clearly agree.
Yes you MUST be mad.
Hey, I hear there is a guy paying a buck thiry on the front page. You need only breeze in, blow him a fiver and some fluff and it will ease the conscience.
What? You have one?
Terriffic...now what's everybody ELSES excuse I wonder? LOL
I hereby solemnly swear that I will bypass crap and not give it even .001 percentage of a rating by giving it a review.
You my friend have the God given right to have LORD in your handle...you at least earn it both in review response and bloody talent. Thankyou, thankyou and thankyou again, yet another sixer for this has blown my MIND!
Amazing what you can do with a stinging repartee, a bit of the old rhyme and 52 cents. Maybe I should be giving some at the top some value for money tips...hahahahahaha
Cheers Phillippa
Comment from BeasPeas
I did enjoy reading this poem, learning the ins and outs of FS and revenge reviews, genuflecting at the feet of some, and saying, "Say whaaaaa??" about intent of some writing. You did a good job with your rant.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
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I did enjoy reading this poem, learning the ins and outs of FS and revenge reviews, genuflecting at the feet of some, and saying, "Say whaaaaa??" about intent of some writing. You did a good job with your rant.
Comment Written 03-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
LOL Many thanks for your honesty here. Plenty print crap and expect you to at least high five it. I just can't do that.
Nope. Not me. I need completed sentences and non pre-school style poetry to stimulate my brain.
Cheers P
Comment from dmt1967
I like your style I will help whoever needs helping and I would rather have an honest review rather than a review that I know is biased as for revenge reviews don't believe in that at all its nasty I agree with a lot of what you said thank you for sharing
reply by the author on 03-Apr-2013
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I like your style I will help whoever needs helping and I would rather have an honest review rather than a review that I know is biased as for revenge reviews don't believe in that at all its nasty I agree with a lot of what you said thank you for sharing
Comment Written 03-Apr-2013
reply by the author on 03-Apr-2013
I agree. Fifty reviews of fluff are barely worth five constructive ones...many thanks for your support.
I see now some of that crap is gone from the front page.
Won't be soon enough for me and many others who are insulted at his incoherent yet apparent poetic splendor! Pullleeeeze!
Cheers P