Reviews from

Who to Trust

Cheapskate, chapter two

13 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, you're full of surprises, Katharine! Look at you writing suspenseful murder mysteries! You certainly have me wondering what's going to happen next. Hope Marilyn is someone she can confide in!

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2024
    yep. this is new for me - kinda fun. keeps me hoppin' trying to think what happens next :) Actually, writing mysteries is good for the old brain, for people who are beginning to forget things. good practice. thanks for reading, Helen!
Comment from Y. M. Roger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Uh, wow! Well, Southern Lady, when that imagination gets a hold of your pen, it certainly works some plotting!! ;) : Enjoying what you've got going on with your 'extension of a short' my lady! ;) Perhaps put a list of characters at the end (you could just copy/paste for each post) so that folks could follow along since there's always a delay between readings...? Also helps those of us who may get a bit behind... :-) Thanx for sharing! :) Yvette

 Comment Written 03-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 03-Dec-2024
    thanks for the suggestion. Heavens, do most people who write extended stories post every day? I'll try to write some on Chp 4 today.
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Katharine,
what a dilemma. It's not totally unlike what is happening now in the US. The people who are supposed to be working for us, seem to be in league with our enemies, willfully destroying what our forefathers set in place. You left me wondering what is going to happen next. Well done gal.
Have a blessed evening.

 Comment Written 02-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
    thanks, Tom, and I do believe you're right, as for as our gov't goes. I've never seen anything like it. The poor people Trump picks getting death threats! It is disgusting, unchristian and unAmerican! And "they" say we're the bad guys.
    But, to this story, I never know what's going to happen until I sit down to write it. Thanks for sticking with it!
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad you decided to continue this story. It has turned into a suspenseful murder mystery. Kate is now on her own without her friend to confide in. Who can she trust?

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2024
    you will see. Just finished chapter three. (I think :)
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

You sure know how to create suspense. Now it appears that Carl may be getting his "Get out of jail" card, thanks to some politically connected folk. Kate is going to meet her friend Marilyn to talk about the situation, but what if her husband is one of those insiders? Will they try to get Kate, thinking she knows too much? Marilyn's look has set off alarm bells, so we'll have to see what's going on. Great story. judi

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2024
    thanks again, my friend!!!
Comment from Jennifer L Newcomb
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is funny, I get notified when you write something new and there were two in my messages. I had no idea when I commented on the first one that the second message was part two. It is good as always..Jennie

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    thanks, Jennie. Busy times around here, but I'm thinkin.' I really hadn't planned on continuing after the first entry, so, the brain needs to be put in high gear.
    Thank you for your kind words!
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is certainly a scary story. It is also certainly the way to keep readers reading Cheapskate. There is a problem with knowing too much, and what could Carl know or do that would make him a person to be of value to the political people? Maybe she and Marilyn should go for a drive instead of entering that park.

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    you've got a good point, there! Don't think, however, that she still trusts Marilyn. We'll see what M. has to say for herself. :)
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm really enjoying your murder mystery. I like that Kate is feeling very alone in this. She has something she wants to get off her chest, yet now she is suspicious of everyone. Not a good feeling. Really good set up of her mindset. Gretchen

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    thanks, Gretchen. Yeah, what a shock to wonder if your old friend might not be who you thought she was.
    Thanks for your very nice comments!
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What's that sound that they use to play when the old tv series Dragnet would come on? Something eerie and suspenseful....perfect for this chapter. What's turned Marilyn white like a ghost? Something big must be going down but to whom? Great job!
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    thanks, Carol!
    Stay tuned :)
    "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" ho ho ho
Comment from Rick Gardner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Leaves you wanting to read more as somebody has been killed, no who did it and why? I am sure more will be soon. As this method of splitting chapters creates problems of continuity.

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    si, but also keeps the reader reading and waiting for the next chapter.
    A pretty good hook, dont'cha think? :)Thank you for reading.
reply by Rick Gardner on 29-Nov-2024
    I am hooked and sinking without more, send a rope, pull me up.
reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    that's cute - thank you!!!
    gotta think it up, first :)
    busy days right now, but soon. gotta jump start the brain.
    love your comment!!