Reviews from


Lunch box memories.

37 total reviews 
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi D&V
This brings back some of my memories. I learned to read with Dick and Jane but I didn't have a lunch box. I was a brown bagger, or ate at home or in the junior high/high school cafeteria. I ate bologna sandwiches until I got tired of being called Joannie Baloney.

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    Thank you so very much, Joan for your kind words and generous review.
reply by dragonpoet on 29-Nov-2024
    Don't mention it, Don&Vicki.
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, you took me down Memory Lane with this 5-7-5. My baloney sandwich was always in a brown paper bag, though. I loved watching Roy Rogers (note spelling) on TV, and learned to read with Dick and Jane and little Sally. Happy trails to you and Happy Thanksgiving! Blessings. Carol

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    Thank you so very much, Carol for your kind words and generous review.
reply by Carol Clark2 on 28-Nov-2024
    My pleasure, Don. Have a blessed weekend. Carol
Comment from shad blunt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

First of all, love the picture that sets this all up. Reflecting on this Thanksgiving morning, remembering all that I have shared a meal with. Your taking me back today with a memory lost in thought to remember, remembering I too, have shared a hand from Jane to run. My name is not Dick, I'll have to reach out to Jane later for lunch. Praying that I may entice and lure her in with a sandwich. Have a blessed day and Happy thanksgiving.
Praying that Janes taste have not become too extravagant.

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    Thank you so very much for your kind words and generous review.
Comment from ESOSTINE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Quite a memory, Don. Those sweet memories keep us going. Your photo, and the poem properly captured the excitement associated with that stage of life. Thanks for sharing your childhood memories.

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    Thank you so mucjh.
Comment from June Sargent
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I still eat baloney sandwiches! Your sweet little poem conjures such amazing memories of school days of fun and innocence. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    Thank you so very much for your kind words and generous review.
Comment from Patrick Bernardy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey Don!

*****I have pledged to rate in accordance with the criteria outlined on the Q&A page. I will award 4-stars based solely on grammar and lack of proofreading, never on content or creative choices.*****

This is a wonderful short poem! The best thing we can do as poets when we are writing these poems with so few words is to make each word as memorable and impactful as possible. Another way is to use specific references that evoke nostalgia in those who remember. While I am not quite as old as you (I'm 50), I can certainly recognize the brand imagery from this era. I also remember the smell of a bologna sandwich in a metal lunch box (mine would have been Mighty Mouse and then Star Wars). And if it was a field trip and the weather was warm, that bologna-smell would be stronger and even more distinct. Yes, my friend. These memories are inside my brain as well. Well done, and good luck in the contest!


 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    Thank you.
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have an old dick and Jane book with a lot of wear, and a Mickey mouse lunchbox shaped like a school bus.

My baloney has a first name it's OSCAR, my baloney has a second name it's Mayer. Oh, I love to eat it every day, and if you ask me why I'll say.. Cause Oscar Mayer has a way with Bologna. Happy Turkey day. Karen

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    You are always so kind and give such generous reviews, Karen.
Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

Who can forget the Fun with Dick and Jane books, even though I remember thinking at the time his name should've been Rick, short for Richard, or even John, but why Dick? Even phonetically speaking? Great job with the nostalgia associated with bologna sandwiches which were common fare at the time, and quite delicious with some mustard and an apple.

Just one typo: Roy Rogers.

Quite enjoyed this one D&V and I wish you great luck with the Contest Committee. :)


 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    You are so very kind and generous Gloria, I made the change.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow. You took me way back with this poem! Those images of dick and Jane are still plain as ever in my mind and I had bologna sandwiches once in awhile but mostly I asked for peanut butter and jelly because they made the best trading sandwiches lol thanks for the trip down memory lane.

 Comment Written 28-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2024
    Thank you so much Marilyn.
Comment from harmony13
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The author's words are interesting, bring back memories and are
creative. I remember Dick & Jane and the lunch boxes and I'm in my
70's too. The poem flows and connects well. The artwork is awesome!
Great Poem! Happy Thanksgiving!

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2024
    Thank you so much Harmony, Happy Thanksgiving to you.