Reviews from

I Survived

Viewing comments for Chapter 7 "My Code Blue Experience"
A book for people to share stories of survival.

47 total reviews 
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

good grief, Debi, what an ordeal, and much of it the nurse, doctor's and hospital's fault. I guess I know how you felt but so many people let things like that go with no repercussions on those at fault, and it isn't right. I'm certainly glad you were all right, but that was mighty close.
Take care of yourself, sweet girl and I hope you stay well and your medication is what you need and it helps.
Bless you Deb and Happy Thanksgiving!

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2024
    Thanks a bunch, Kay. I appreciate so very much your compassionate words. This was indeed a horrific time and I am so thankful to have made it through it. Thanks again for your very kind review, my dear friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We hear about these types of problems all the time that could have been eliminated by doctors just taking time to listen. I understand they are always in a hurry and short of time, but that's no excuse. As I learned early in life, "We never have time to do something right the first time, but we always have to take time to do it right the second time." But in the case of doctors, they don't always get the second chance if they kill the patient.
:-) Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad it worked out okay after all the time in intensive care.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2024
    Thanks a bunch, Ric. I appreciate so very much your thoughtful words. This was indeed a horrific time and I am so thankful to have made it through it. Thanks again for your very kind review, my dear friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from karenina
This work has reached the exceptional level

On behalf of RN's everywhere I am infuriated! Rule ONE is to listen to our patients. They know when something is not right and my God--look what happens?

You capture the urgency well as the trust we seem to assume medical professionals are entitled to.

You were sorely failed and could well have lost your life without your family ever being aware of the neglect that stole you from them!

I am certain you are your own best advocate after this experience...

You survived! God was watching over you for sure!


 Comment Written 20-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2024
    Thanks so much, K, for this kind and compassionate review and words for my story. This was about the time when we were first getting to know each other so you probably remember it from a poem I wrote about it in Feb, 2023.
    Thank you also for the lovely stars. I truly appreciate them and you, my dear dear friend. Much love and hugs! Debi
reply by karenina on 20-Nov-2024
    I did remember the incident...I'm no less incensed now that professionals make such huge errors and keep their licenses! AAARGH!
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Debi,
I was getting so angry as I read this story. I can appreciate the stress that doctors and nurses are under, but patients know their own bodies, and I think all too often medical professionals feel as if they can't be questioned. I'm so glad it all worked out for you, no thanks to the staff.
Have a blessed evening.

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2024
    Thanks a bunch, Tom. I appreciate so very much your compassionate words. This was indeed a horrific time and I am so thankful to have made it through it. Thanks again for your very kind review, my dear friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, I am so very sorry you had to go through that. I know we go through things on this earth that is far from fun or easy, but with Jesus on our side and right there with us we make it. Thank you for sharing this my friend. I pray God bless and protect you and your family always! love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2024
    Thanks so very much my sweet friend. This was a hard one for me to know that I had come so close, but when I felt Jesus holding me in his arms, then I knew I was going to be ok one way or another. So thanks for your compassionate word, Teri. With so much love and big hugs. Debi
Comment from Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level

Forgive me, my friend. How I review is a bit different. I start with the suggestions because I find it easier when reading something a little more lengthy.

But forgive me too, Debi, for not adding my personal comments until the end -- I am just so sad, reading about your trials, I won't be able to give a helpful review if I do not detach...

Typo -- add apostrophe for possession -- "...steps on my Fitbit in a day(')s time."

My suggested 'tweak'--
"My lupus of thirty years had taken so much from me already, and now it was slowly disabling my legs(.) since<-omit "since". They were weakened and were in (the)<-omit ... formation, much like the letter X(.) and<-omit. The bones needed to be straightened and built up. " (We don't want run-on sentences = it makes the read less clear.)

Add two commas --"It was during the pandemic when I learned that my lupus(,) along with my chronic anemia(,) had also caused kidney damage, and now I had stage 4 kidney disease."

"I am proud to say that I had already planned to refuse any narcotics(.) since<-omit. I had been addicted to them years earlier when my doctor had pushed them on me for my lupus pain. I took them for ten years (and was on)<- replace with a semi-colon or double hyphen... high doses of OxyContin and Percocet when I decided to wean off, with my doctor's help. It wasn't easy, but it was well worth it. I just knew that I didn't dare start retaking them. They were way too hard to quit the first time around."

My friend, I am in tears... I give you permission to smack me upside the head if I ever complain again!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2024
    You silly girl, as I usually use Grammarly or something like it too when writing prose, as I am mostly a poet. So I recognize the suggestions, but I don't mind a bit. Wouldn't you know that was something I added on a whim and in a hurry after the fact. So I thank you so very much, Dawn. I always appreciate good feedback.

    I also thank you for your compassionate words and thoughtful review. You have touched my heart with your tears, as I know that you are a loving and caring person and friend. Thank you for the six stars as well, dear dear friend. Love and hugs, Debi
reply by Dawn Munro on 19-Nov-2024
    Love and hugs back to you, Debi. Best wishes, always!
Comment from Tim Margetts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a story.
I was a nurse running a post-surgical ward for many years before I left nursing. And while things in the UK are different to the USA the actions of your nurse that night were one of gross negligence, also, in any operation, if there is blood loss, it is replaced.
Certainly in UK theatres, all swabs etc are weighed at surgery end so that an accurate estimation of blood loss can be made. This along with the blood results prior to surgery give an accurate point to base fluid replacement on.
The hospital is lucky you didn't sue. Many would have

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2024
    Hi Tim, and yes, can you believe this was also a trauma hospital. It was where my daughter was flown as a child when she had a bike accident and her head landed on a rock so our local hospital flew her to North Memorial with a fractured skull, because they couldn't handle it there.

    So, thank you for your kind words for this, and I assure you this is not the norm in the states. We usually get very good care. But it is interesting that as a post surgical nurse you could emphasize that this is not acceptable anywhere. So thank you once again for your compassionate comments and review. Love, Debi
Comment from Esther Brown
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, you must have been terrified. I am so sad that happened to you. Sounds like you have struggled for years. When were you diagnosed with lupus? Chronic disease exhausts you without any further medical drama. Esther

 Comment Written 18-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2024
    Hi Esther, I was diagnosed actually at 25 after my last child was born. But I noticed the pain was excruciating much earlier. My medical history is actually a little unbelievable as it started as a child from being a DES baby.

    I will tell you about it sometime. Thanks so much for the kind words.
    Love, Debi

reply by Esther Brown on 19-Nov-2024
    We are leaving for AZ next week. I will catch up when I have computer access. Have a good holiday. Esther
reply by the author on 19-Nov-2024
    Have a safe trip my friend and a very blessed Thanksgiving!! So thankful for finding you!
Comment from Mintybee
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a terrifying ordeal! I am so glad you're okay. I'm glad you felt the Lord with you, and that your son was able to advocate with you for your other surgery.

 Comment Written 18-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2024
    Mintybee, I am so touched by your lovely review and words for my story.
    Yes, I am proud of my son for giving me that peace of mind before I went in again and so thankful to Jesus for seeing me through that horrible night, Thankfully it is just a distant memory now.

    Thanks so very much for your generous six stars and once again for your kind words. Love, Debi
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story of your surviving the cold blue is very interesting. It is a shame when doctors and nurses don't listen to the patient. I've had a couple times in my life when I've had to make the doctors understand that I have adverse reactions to many medication's and they need to listen to me when I tell them that I do not want to try a new medication. I am glad you survived the ordeal and you're still with us to write your beautiful work. Patricia.

 Comment Written 18-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 18-Nov-2024
    Hi Patricia, and would you believe this is the hospital that most trauma patients are taken to? It is called North Memorial Hospital and Trauma Center. go figure, huh?? When my daughter, Bridget was little she had a bike accident where she hit a rock and her head hit another one. Our local hospital couldn't handle her fractured skull so they flew her to North Memorial. I am not kidding!! LOL and that is why they wanted me to have my surgeries there
    I thank you so very much for the kindest and compassionate words for my story. I am hoping that something good has come from it if maybe they stopped taking meds away from people without their knowledge. I appreciate you so very much, my dear friend. Love, Debi