Reviews from

Lean on Hope

My personal musings

33 total reviews 
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The president of the US, effects us all. The world now sits and waits to see what he will do. Okay, I am not an American, I'm from the UK, and I am with you on your thoughts. I can't believe that a man who has commited so much crime can become the president! How did that happen? I hope you get your knee replacement op done, Jesse, I had mine done 10 years ago, and I'm walking miles. Take care, and keep the hope going. God is on the side of the good. Sandra xx

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks, Sandra, for your supportive review. Two reasons why this happened; 1) Ignorance, and 2) apathy. So many people I talked to didn't vote because they said they are not into politics. What does that say about our country?
    Thanks for the encouragement for my upcoming knee surgery.
    Let's hope I can walk again unaided soon after the operation is over.
    I'll need my running legs to get the heck out of Dodge!
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 09-Nov-2024
    I know people who have run the marathon since having their knee replaced. (I'm not one of them, I'm sane!!) You will be in your element after it's done. xxxx
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks for your compassionate encouragement.
    Enjoy the weekend.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 09-Nov-2024
    You too! xxx
Comment from Madeleine Mardis
This work has reached the exceptional level

Jesse, your commentary hits the nail on the head! It reflects my concerns for minorities, this could become a mean nation very soon!! And wow I hope that you will be able to have your knee operation as planned and all the therapy and aftercare you will be needing. Love that you mentioned Get Together, that chorus rings my inner bell. Hope is essential, and I know what you mean about letting the dust settle.
I like to watch MSNBC! Wonder if Trump will go full on Putin mode and lock up his critics?! Concrete Jungle is playing in the back of my mind as I write this.
Thanks for writing this and giving voice to these concerns, I think it's a very harmonious piece and I say Bravo, my friend!!!

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks, Maddy, for your six stars and supportive review. Agreed, it will be angst ridden for a spell but let's hope it will all turn out alright. We must keep hope alive and work for peaceful change.
    Enjoy the weekend.
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am in agreement with your words. I was hoping for a different outcome of this election. Hope is what we have and I pray you do not lose your health insurance. I wish you well on your upcoming surgery.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks for your positive support. Let's keep hope alive and work for peaceful solutions.
    Thanks for your good wishes.
    The sooner I walk the better.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for putting this all so graciously and eloquently. Trust me, the shock waves have reached far and wide and are certainly felt here in the UK. I simply couldn't believe it when I woke up on Wednesday morning. If the US pulls out of Europe/Ukraine we will be left devastatingly weakened and vulnerable in the West. And making America great again will be like building a house on sand when the rest of the world is collapsing. On a better note, I'm so pleased that you've got hope and optimism for the future in terms of your knee operation. The fact that you're walking now with a walker is helping to get the memory back in those muscles in preparation. I wish you all the very best in your rehab endeavours, Jesse. Take care Debbie

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks, Debbie, for your supportive and encouraging review. Walking ahead of time will enable me to walk that much sooner after the operation. Muscle memory is a real thing and I am working on it every day.
    Thanks for your good wishes for my successful surgery and rehab afterwards.
    Take care, my friend.
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are better off than me in some respects. I still can't walk with a walker. I pray God will bless your surgery. It would be so great to walk again! There were people on both sides disappointed with the election. Prayer changes things and I pray President Trump will make the right decisions and not take away benefits from those who need them.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Let's hope you are right, Jim, and the health benefits needed to enable me to complete my surgery and rehab will not disappear.
    I must walk before I can run and who knows whether or not I will need to run away from this country.
    Thanks for your prayers.
Comment from Terry Broxson
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well said, Jesse. To quote another song from those times by Johnny Cash, "And the lonely voice of youth said, what is Truth?" We might add a corollary, "Does truth matter anymore?" Terry.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks, Terry, for the six stars and quotes from long ago.
    What is truth? Does it exist anymore? The songs written from a long time ago sure can tell it like it is.
    Keep up the hope and positive thinking.
reply by Terry Broxson on 09-Nov-2024
    Remember when that other Jesse said, "Keep hope alive!"
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    What do you mean, other Jesse?
reply by Terry Broxson on 09-Nov-2024
    Sorry. LOL, that quote was from Jesse Jackson. That was his message in '88 when he ran for President under the Rainbow Coalition. His message was simple..."Keep hope alive!"
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Ahh, the good old days.
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amen, brother. I got not one derogatory note on my story , "Targeted". I was shocked. This is well written. You are doing right to get your legs as strong as you can. Eons ago when I had my third back surgery, the doctor told me to weigh no more than 125 pounds as I was then 5' 4". He said any excess weight pulls at my back. I got down to 112. I went back to my eating something small every 4 hours. That is the diabetic diet. I maintain the diet to this day. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Karen

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks, Karen, for the great advice on weight control and how it helps in recovering from surgery.
    Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts.
    Enjoy the weekend.
reply by Karen Cherry on 09-Nov-2024
    I am excited to think of you out of that chair. I am 69 also, and am doing everything I can to not be in one too. When you can. Here is something I do.
    Instead of special gizmo's I have an strong pair of panty hose and wrap it around my foot to do leg lifts while lying in bed. I used to do it on the floor, but it was too hard to get up. It helps your arms. back, legs, everything. Ask your therapist about it. Simply put a foot of the pantyhose in each hand, put your foot inside and lift. The other day I could touch the bathroom floor with both hands. I haven't been able to do that in years. Love you sweetie. Karen
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Sounds good. I can't reach my foot to put anything on it. When I can reach my feet I will try it. Thanks for your advice.
    You are a good friend.
reply by Karen Cherry on 09-Nov-2024
    I don't know what kind of shows you like to watch, I love mysteries. Especially English ones. Much less violence. I watch the Acorn channel for a year, and then next year I watch Britbox. I am watching acorn this year. "Broken wood mysteries" cracks me up. Love you sweetie. Karen
reply by the author on 10-Nov-2024
    I don't watch television. I listen to jazz and rock CDs and audiobooks instead.
    My eyesight is poor and it gets stimulated too much too soon.
    Also, I choose carefully what stimulation comes to me.
    I don't like ads or violence.
    I used to watch murder mysteries with my mother.
    She has long since passed and I miss her but not watching television.
    Take care, my friend. Jesse

reply by Karen Cherry on 10-Nov-2024
    I read a lot. Here, and I love paperbacks.
    But because of my tinnitus, I usually have the TV on for noise coverage, otherwise I hear loud static, buzzes, the hum of voices, vibrations from music, etc. We all have limitations to our lives. Yesterday my sister Lynda took me to the grocery store. It was fun. I keep her laughing. Joy can be found most anywhere. Love to you and yours. Karen
reply by the author on 10-Nov-2024
    Our differences make us interesting and eventful. If we were all the same it would get boring. Limitations are a part of life for most of us.
    I hear extremely well but my eyesight is poor.
    Finding joy in everyday things is an excellent way to spend the day.
reply by Karen Cherry on 11-Nov-2024
    I always push my limits. Sometimes they push back.:-)
Comment from Aussie
This work has reached the exceptional level

The knee replacement is a simple operation and what joy to be walking! Don't forget to do your exercises before and after the op. Yes, I was gobsmacked at the election results. I don't live in America but this is the worst outcome, not only for you guys. It will have ramifications around the World. Take care friend. K xx

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2024
    Thanks, Kay, for the six stars and supportive review. I won't forget to do my exercises before and after the surgery.
    Agreed, the world will be affected by my country's decision to have Trump as our president, again. Gobsmacked is a great descriptive phrase to let me know how you feel about the recent election.
    Take care, my friend.
    Enjoy the weekend.

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There was so much hatred levied at Trump and he had so many enemies and yet he battled against all odds and won the election. I am sorry you feel disappointment, I felt like that when the labour party won the vote at the last election, pensioners are now suffering with allowances being cut and many will die of the cold this winter.

I favoured Trump because he is a Republican and traditionally they will help the country prosper and we need to fight world inflation. Also they will take a hard line with illegal immigrants that are draining America's health services. I am hoping Trump will tackle the world's peace problems and befriend Russia and China to prevent a world war.

Democracy dies under the Democrats as they restrict people's power to lift themselves out of poverty. I am hoping that life will improve for you all here Jesse, so take heart and look forward to a brighter future. People may not like Trump's personality, but his policies will work for America.

Love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2024
    I reserve the right to disagree. But each to their own, right?
    Thanks for stopping by.
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 08-Nov-2024
    Of course Jesse, absolutely x x x
Comment from karenina
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Jesse! Very well expressed, my friend! These are worrisome times for so many the President elect considers "less than" in our society and the world.

I take some comfort in nearly half the country not voting for him!

I, too, am hoping and intend to be peacefully proactive in pushing back against those he has declared marginalized.

You are well loved and respected here...and I am one among many who support you both in your next series of health challenges and your determination to remain true to your identity, despite DJT's efforts to take us back to a time of intolerance.

To peace and harmony!


 Comment Written 08-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2024
    Wow, Karenina! Your gifts of six stars and many pumps are overwhelming in your generosity and kindness!
    Your support of me is unwavering and I feel hopeful knowing that you among many are here for me despite the election results.
    I wonder how could so many vote for him again. People are afraid of differences.
    I feel secure knowing your love and kindness are here for me in these crazy times.
    Thanks, my friend!
    To peace and harmony!
reply by karenina on 11-Nov-2024
    You are a favorite of mine, and I'm always delighted to see you post. Whenever I have the means, I'm grateful to have the opportunity to promote your work. You DO have a ton of friends here, Jesse! Consider me one!!!
reply by the author on 11-Nov-2024
    I do, you are one of my favorites too.
    It is nice to know I have a lot of friends here on FS.
    Thanks, my friend.