Reviews from

A Particular Friendship

Viewing comments for Chapter 35 "The Girl Scout Cookie Encounter"
We meet Lizzy who has just come out of the convent

11 total reviews 
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I guess I'd have to admit that I'm a chocoholic, but thanks to many years of fighting off the cravings, I seldom, to almost never, sneak a taste or two. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 27-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 27-Mar-2024
    Thank you for your involved review. I'm glad you have kind of got a hold on that whole addiction too. It was brutal.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thought this was well written. And I found the little details interesting including the differences between white sugar and raw sugar. Your story about the Girl Scout cookies and the confrontation with Sister Joan was great. You show the tension so well. Your frustration with Joan's accusations was well written. Have to admit I love the thought of you throwing the cookie boxes! Great job - this was very enjoyable.

 Comment Written 27-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 27-Mar-2024
    Thank you for your delightful review. I don't know if you've read any other of my chapters they're all kind of funny too and you are welcome to peek at them on my portfolio. Don't worry about any writing of reviews just enjoy them.
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh Liz, this was just too funny. I'm glad that your cutting down on your sugar and sweet intake. It is really an addiction. I have never liked sweets, however strange that may sound, but there you go. I enjoyed this read. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2024
    . Thank you for your sweet review hahaha you made me laugh. My next post won't be as sweet It's going to be about my being scammed, severely scammed. I know one other of our members on here was very very scammed also and id like I am...broken hearted. I want to put my story out so people will beware. I needed the laugh...thank you
Comment from Beck Fenton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the flow of this piece. I am with you in the moment and watched as a shy Liz threw those boxes at Joan (J.B.?) I gotta know! LOL You are growing so much as a writer!

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2024
    Thank you it's because of you that I have become such a good writer. I have now written six books. B1 and B2 and Traffic 1 are on Amazon. But for the others I've been terribly scammed as a lot of other writers are. I've lost a lot of money I am almost down to nothing and I was scammed believing I was talking with the editor of Simon & Schuster. oh they flattered me so and because of that I wrote out a lot of checks. I'm doing my best to try and figure out how to reclaim that money from my bank. One of my friends on the writing group was kind of heartbroken because he was terribly scammed also. We're scam magnets that's all. They passed me from one group to another to another.And I didn't catch any of them till the very end and it was almost too late.

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2024
    Thank you back and I tell you it's because of you that I was able to grow as much as I have This website has saved my sanity The latest terrible thing is I got terribly terribly hacked since November about my books fortunately B1 and 2 are onAmazon and also the Traffic one is on Amazon. But traffic 2 is out in Limbo something andB3 is out there also. Now I'm not sure I posted this response. bwaaa
reply by Beck Fenton on 30-Mar-2024
    Big hug. I'm sorry this happened.
Comment from LateBloomer
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Liz, your were much kinder to that Sister than I would have been.

Of Note:
--Something must have snapped in my head.

(As I was reading about the night of the great Girl Scout Cookie "attack," I thought, it time for this B*tch to go down.)

--My therapist told me that for the most part, in the history of the world, many fights have involved food.

(Liz, I agree. When I think back to my childhood, how many arguments, fights--literally, etc. happened in the kitchen. The same thing in my husband's childhood home.)

--How do you tell someone in a romantic moment you don't eat chocolate

(Heck No! You share and savor that chocolate and keep that moment going for as long as possible.)

-- but it seemed to be genetic that I threw things.

(It may be genetic, but I think that it is a learned behavior as many behaviors are learned from our parents. It's subconscious. I know "throwers" too. They are all women, and all of their mother's did the same thing, mostly to upset their husbands, especially if it was something special that he bought or cherished. It was a payback.
Perhaps, it's also a female thing???)

Liz, that sugar addiction is real. There have been many times that I have not been hungry, and didn't eat much during the day, and I decided to have a cookie, and a little while later, the hunger attack starts, and now I'm starving and want to eat everything in sight.

I think that you should have lived-out your cookie fantasy, and stomp those cookies into a powder, or ... open the box of cracked cookies and eat everyone of them while Sister nasty watches. Big-teeth smile.

A fun story to read, but perhaps not so much fun to live. Thank you for sharing. Well done.

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 24-Mar-2024
    . You've got me laughing through most of your review it was a wonderful review. Thank you for all the affirmation you're giving me. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I wonder did she go by so late bloomer okay
reply by LateBloomer on 24-Mar-2024
    Originally, I wanted my screen name to be Night Owl, but that was already taken, so I took LateBloomer because I'm late to the game. Lol, but true. I must write my bottle collecting story. I think you'll like it. M
reply by the author on 24-Mar-2024
    Cool...are you considering really developing your autobiography too? that'd be so cool.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a fun story. I don't know how you can live without chocolate. I find ways to make chocolate things with no white sugar, but the real stuff is still the best stuff. Of course, for a long-distance friend, you would indulge, it's only polite.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 23-Mar-2024
    Thank you for your delightful sweet review. You are right. It is only polite.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's horrible that Joan verbally attacked you! Glad you had good aim when you threw the boxes. They don't have the same aerodynamic properties as balls. Enjoyed learning about the different effects between white and raw sugar!

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2024
    I needed this humorous review. Thank you. Are you still with your mother driving the right car?
reply by lyenochka on 25-Mar-2024
    Yes, this is my last day here with her. I'm so thankful for this visit that wasn't because of an emergency.
reply by the author on 25-Mar-2024
    That's nice It was just a casual getting together not an emergency That's so wonderful Helen.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When I quit using white sugars, almost 6 years ago, I switched to using sweet leaf Stevia to sweeten my drinks in the like it has cured me of having a craving for white sugar. It is also helped me to lose a lot of weight. Patricia .

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2024
    Thank you for your involved review. I'm glad things have worked out well for you Patricia.
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very good. I was always (until now ) little bitty.
I couldn't chunk stuff good. I used my big brain and big mouth to deal with people. It worked most of the time. I love Junior mints. I pass on sugar pretty much, except for my sweet tea. And I use half of what I used to use. I must draw the line somewhere. Good writing. I just posted "Did you hear?" Karen

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2024
    Thank you for your involved review I will check your new post out. Thank you for the heads up
reply by Karen Cherry on 22-Mar-2024
    No problem. Karen
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm doing low carb right now, not as low as Keto, but low carb. It's hard to do, but is working. Thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed reading.

I was asked by the other sisters in my small group living situation to bring home some of the Girl Scout cookies (Sisters??)

in the history of the world, many fights (interesting)

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 Comment Written 22-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2024
    Thank you for your involved review and sending you good strength to do the carb thing.