Halloween Night
Tricksters and treats on Halloween night.42 total reviews
Comment from Judy Lawless
Wow, I'm glad this is all from your imagination, Ric, and none of it real. I was worried about you. :) Great work. I like the history of Halloween at the beginning. It's hard to imagine how long ago it started. Your imagery and action descriptions are powerful. Why is this not in the contest?
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Wow, I'm glad this is all from your imagination, Ric, and none of it real. I was worried about you. :) Great work. I like the history of Halloween at the beginning. It's hard to imagine how long ago it started. Your imagery and action descriptions are powerful. Why is this not in the contest?
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Judy, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. I don't normally enter contests. But this time, I thought I had signed up, but when I posted and my name came up, I realized I must have done something wrong. I don't care about contests anyway. I just like reading those of you I like best, and having you like something I do too. LOL. I appreciate YOU!
You are most welcome, Ric. I feel much the same way, and I always enjoy reading your stories. :)
Comment from damommy
Eeeek! I'm glad I read this during the day and not at night. I never get scared but sometimes, I feel uneasy. This would certainly have done that job in spades! Well written, it was like watching a movie. I was very "into" what was happening.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Eeeek! I'm glad I read this during the day and not at night. I never get scared but sometimes, I feel uneasy. This would certainly have done that job in spades! Well written, it was like watching a movie. I was very "into" what was happening.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Yvonne, for your generous review and kind words. I tried not to make it too scary, but just scary enough to make readers think. LOL. I'm glad you like it. Much appreciated!
It was just right!
Comment from Ulla
Hi Ric, this is a fabulous read, which I really enjoyed. I also liked that you started it with some historical background that I bet many didn't know. I admire all the work you have put into this. Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Hi Ric, this is a fabulous read, which I really enjoyed. I also liked that you started it with some historical background that I bet many didn't know. I admire all the work you have put into this. Ulla:)))
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Ulla, for your generous review and kind words. I'm so glad you liked it. There is nothing that makes me happier than for those I read and enjoy regularly liking some of my foolishness. Much appreciated!
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
First of all, thank you for the background that you open with - I stupidly thought this was an American experience even from the beginnings, as it's such a big deal here.
Great imagery throughout - you put the reader on the street and in the old woman's house on this Halloween night.
Casper with Myers, Sleeping Beauty with Dracula - good and evil pictured side by side.
Your foursome must have had a U-Haul hidden somewhere - full of all the damaging toys they played with that evening.
This was a creative read, Ric - you really pulled out all the stops! Very well written and told, good pacing that brings us to somewhat of a surprise ending. (I figured at least one of those brats was going to be decapitated.)
Did you say that they watched someone burn in the flames of the car? At the end you state that no one was seriously hurt. Or did I read that wrong?
Only found one minor "fix". Paragraph that begins "The women hadn't responded to questions . . ." I think you want "woman"
Thanks for a great pre-Halloween treat:-)
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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First of all, thank you for the background that you open with - I stupidly thought this was an American experience even from the beginnings, as it's such a big deal here.
Great imagery throughout - you put the reader on the street and in the old woman's house on this Halloween night.
Casper with Myers, Sleeping Beauty with Dracula - good and evil pictured side by side.
Your foursome must have had a U-Haul hidden somewhere - full of all the damaging toys they played with that evening.
This was a creative read, Ric - you really pulled out all the stops! Very well written and told, good pacing that brings us to somewhat of a surprise ending. (I figured at least one of those brats was going to be decapitated.)
Did you say that they watched someone burn in the flames of the car? At the end you state that no one was seriously hurt. Or did I read that wrong?
Only found one minor "fix". Paragraph that begins "The women hadn't responded to questions . . ." I think you want "woman"
Thanks for a great pre-Halloween treat:-)
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Pam, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. As for the man burning in the flames, I'm not sure how I said it, but I wrote something about imagining or visions or something. I did take a few more pains on this piece hoping you and Thomas wouldn't find any nits, but you did anyway. LOL. I'm glad you liked it. I'm just a silly old boy wanting to be a kid again. I appreciate YOU!
Okay, my bad. And my nit was so minor that I'm sure no one else noticed. Thomas is one of my favorites here, but he won't read my current series - said he didn't want to know that much about me, lol! I can appreciate that.
Enjoy your Sunday and all of your rave reviews and accolades. I thought you said you weren't posting so that people knew who the author was. Did you change your mind or did I get that wrong too?
Bye now:-)
Well, I can understand Thomas's thoughts. Especially now that I've read the first three parts and . . . and . . . see, I'm at a loss again. I guess, I didn't want to know that much about you either . . . but now I do.
I thought I had entered something and figured my name wouldn't show up. I don't normally do contests, but wanted to post something where my name wouldn't be on my post. It wasn't supposed to be, but I guess I goofed up by promoting it or something. Oh, well, enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
I read that two ways: I guess I didn't want to know that much about you either, but now I do (want to know more).
I guess I didn't want to know that much about you either, but now I do (because I read the first three parts of your story).
Promoting contest work won't give you away - Debi does it all the time. If it's a blind contest (that people vote on), you will remain anonymous; if it's a contest that will be judged by the board, your name will be public. At least that's how I understand it.
Lastly, I thought about your being at a loss for words. Sometimes speechlessness comes with embarrassment. Perhaps you're not as comfortable with what you're reading as you might think. If I had a do-over on this, I would have presented it as fiction and distanced myself from it. This site is, perhaps, not the place for total honesty. If I have made you uncomfortable with anything I've said, just let me know. That's fixable.
I value your reviews - I'm a big fan of your writing - and you've become a friend that I can be myself with.
But tell me if I cross a line.
On that note, I'm off to read a book that my son sent me by an Italian writer I've never heard of before. At least it's been translated:-)
Goodnight, sir!
I'll answer every question as openly and honestly as I can, if you really want answers. But I'd rather not do it here where everyone is watching and many can't wait to put some spin to it, right or wrong. You've not made me uncomfortable at all. But I don't want to say anything to make you uncomfortable either. I'm trying to look out for you as much as I am me. Send me a copy of your questions to ric_myworld@ yahoo.com if you'd like. If not, I understand.
Goodnight, ma'am!
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
I think this is the thing I've read of yours since the first that pleases me the most. I liked the authenic research you started out with, then the sudden shift into today's lunacy that suggests that the days of Hallowe'en celebrations are numbered. Thrilling. Kate xx
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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I think this is the thing I've read of yours since the first that pleases me the most. I liked the authenic research you started out with, then the sudden shift into today's lunacy that suggests that the days of Hallowe'en celebrations are numbered. Thrilling. Kate xx
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
I'm a nut! What can I say? LOL. Thank you so much, Kate, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. Halloween is so many things to so many different people and cultures. To me, it's about candy and children having fun. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Jesse James Doty
Ric, these are terrible stories and I will bet some of them are true. But as long as I live I will not take part in Halloween festivities since they only bring bad luck and bad fortune to us all. This is well-written but extremely disturbing to me. I hope you write some disclaimer when you post this. Thanks for nothing of any importance.
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reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Ric, these are terrible stories and I will bet some of them are true. But as long as I live I will not take part in Halloween festivities since they only bring bad luck and bad fortune to us all. This is well-written but extremely disturbing to me. I hope you write some disclaimer when you post this. Thanks for nothing of any importance.
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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Jessie, thanks for taking time to read and review my foolishness. There is a disclaimer warning at the bottom of the page. I'm sorry you though my stories were terrible. Some of the deeds were true to a degree, but I can assure you I didn't take part in them. I would never intentionally do anything to disturb you or anyone else. This is fiction! Strictly meant to entertain, and create a scary at times atmosphere. To me Halloween has no real significance, other than for children to dress up, get candy, and have fun. So, I'll always be sitting on my porch handing out candy for the little ones. Understanding there will always be a few bad kids, but most are not. Thanks again for reading.
Hi Ric. I think the disclaimer should be at the top of the page. Otherwise, folks like me will read it through and not get any benefit from it.
Comment from Terry Broxson
LOL, who knew you were a poet, and a good one at that! This is a departure for you, and I like the way you wrote and presented it with some history and great creativity. Outstanding work from a master of fiction. Terry.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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LOL, who knew you were a poet, and a good one at that! This is a departure for you, and I like the way you wrote and presented it with some history and great creativity. Outstanding work from a master of fiction. Terry.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Terry, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. I'm just an old man stuck with a child's mind and reverberating sounds blaring Never grow up, Never grow up. I don't know if I'm a master of anything, but it sure is nice when talented writers like you say nice things about my foolishness. Much appreciated!
Comment from Thomas Blanks
This story is very creative in the way it sucks the reader into the panic rising in the protagonist, explaining it all away at the end. Or is it the end? Nicely done.
Note: This should be one sentence with a comma, not two - because the second is a fragment.) "We trembled and shook in trepidation, squeezing each other tight, not wanting to be alone. Petrified tomorrow would never come."
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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This story is very creative in the way it sucks the reader into the panic rising in the protagonist, explaining it all away at the end. Or is it the end? Nicely done.
Note: This should be one sentence with a comma, not two - because the second is a fragment.) "We trembled and shook in trepidation, squeezing each other tight, not wanting to be alone. Petrified tomorrow would never come."
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Thomas, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. Just a silly old boy reliving others' nightmare mistakes. I was home that night missing all the fun, but I didn't have to scrub brick for weeks. Thanks for pointing out my blunder. But as you've probably noticed, I use lots of fragments. Many times by choice. Rules are made to be broken, or at least that's what I've always thought. LOL. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from John Ciarmello
Geeeeeeez! WTH(F), man! Only you can leave me with poop in my pants. On top of that, I read the deadly hex twice. I'm double doomed. You don't know how much I enjoyed this read, Ric. A perfect setup to a perfect piece, and if by reading this HEX there is any change in my everyday life, I'm coming to find you--- and we can have a beer. LOL. Best, JohnC. Damn, you're good!
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Geeeeeeez! WTH(F), man! Only you can leave me with poop in my pants. On top of that, I read the deadly hex twice. I'm double doomed. You don't know how much I enjoyed this read, Ric. A perfect setup to a perfect piece, and if by reading this HEX there is any change in my everyday life, I'm coming to find you--- and we can have a beer. LOL. Best, JohnC. Damn, you're good!
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, John, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. I'm so glad you liked it. There is nothing that makes me happier than for those I read and enjoy regularly to like my foolishness. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Golly gee, your recollection of halloween memorable and very unlike the enjoyable ones I experienced. I never tp'd a tree, and never participated on Halloween Eve, even when invited for dad's belt hung fixed in my head which he enjoyed swinging if we did anything bad.
I gave the extra star and would even add another because this was a well-written recollection (?) I suspect of a very participatory childhood.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Golly gee, your recollection of halloween memorable and very unlike the enjoyable ones I experienced. I never tp'd a tree, and never participated on Halloween Eve, even when invited for dad's belt hung fixed in my head which he enjoyed swinging if we did anything bad.
I gave the extra star and would even add another because this was a well-written recollection (?) I suspect of a very participatory childhood.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Tom, for you extra special six-star review and kind words. My dad had a razor strap that hung at the barn, but he only used it on me once. That was enough. Luckily, I was home the night all this happened, and I didn't have to scrub brick for weeks. LOL. Much appreciated!
I had the leather laid but once which gave life a true perspective. Choose the right or reap the consequence.