Halloween Night
Tricksters and treats on Halloween night.42 total reviews
Comment from BethShelby
This was a different kind of story than I anticipated from you. However, I never know what you might write, since you don't post that often anymore. It was a great Halloween story that started out like a documentary telling the history of Halloween. Then we have a group of teenage terrors doing all kind of damage, and I wonder how much of it might have been based on truth. It got a bit out of character when these guys seemed genuinely concerned about the old lady. They paid for their night of fun by being scared out of their wits and then made to pay for damages. Nicely done. I have my doubts about the curse the old bag of bones quoted. Are we supposed to quake in our boots for having read the curse. If you've cursed us, you are wicked. LOL
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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This was a different kind of story than I anticipated from you. However, I never know what you might write, since you don't post that often anymore. It was a great Halloween story that started out like a documentary telling the history of Halloween. Then we have a group of teenage terrors doing all kind of damage, and I wonder how much of it might have been based on truth. It got a bit out of character when these guys seemed genuinely concerned about the old lady. They paid for their night of fun by being scared out of their wits and then made to pay for damages. Nicely done. I have my doubts about the curse the old bag of bones quoted. Are we supposed to quake in our boots for having read the curse. If you've cursed us, you are wicked. LOL
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Beth, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. Yes, there was a bad bunch of teens who grew up in my neighborhood who reigned terror on Halloween. But to ease your mind, I wasn't with them. I always chose to stay home and give out candy for Trick or Treat. And that was one time I was glad, since I didn't have to scrub paint for months. LOL. I'm sure the old lady looked scarier than she was. And for the hex at the end, it is a real hex they say, but I don't believe in any of that foolishness. I just wanted to send a chill through a few at the ending. LOL. I wouldn't take you for a superstitious or type to be afraid of much of anything. I appreciate YOU!
You are right. It takes a lot to scare me and I pay no attention to curses. We had a bunch kids when I was a teen that put a goat or a cow on top of the highschool every halloween. That had to be hard work. We had a carnaval and didn't get to go trick or treating. My kids went though.
I had you figured right, but that's because I've been reading you for a while now. Plus, I think we share many similar thoughts. :-)
Comment from Theodore McDowell
Superb Halloween story. Those kids were hellions! I loved the history at the beginning of the poem and the curse at the end. Your imagination went wild in this one. Great job.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Superb Halloween story. Those kids were hellions! I loved the history at the beginning of the poem and the curse at the end. Your imagination went wild in this one. Great job.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Tim, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. You would probably be one of the few who has figured out that my imagination goes wild all the time, but I've learned to keep it in check and not share too much, so people don't think I'm completely crazy. LOL. Glad you liked it. I'm always anxious to get your thoughts. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from nomi338
May the guilty acknowledge their guilt. The day of reckoning has finally reckoned. Down into destruction you have been cast, you will receive your just punishment at last. Bwahahahaha!
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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May the guilty acknowledge their guilt. The day of reckoning has finally reckoned. Down into destruction you have been cast, you will receive your just punishment at last. Bwahahahaha!
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Nomi, for your taking time to read and review. I just wanted to try something different and keep broadening my horizons. But I must admit, this one even weirded me out a little, and I wrote it. LOL. The mean kid antics actually happened 50 years ago, but I wasn't one of them. I was at home handing out candy. LOL. Much appreciated!
Good for you.
Comment from Maria Millsaps
Ok so why are you trying to scare me to death? In my lifetime I have seen and witnessed horror, and your story sounds very realistic. Love your usage of words.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Ok so why are you trying to scare me to death? In my lifetime I have seen and witnessed horror, and your story sounds very realistic. Love your usage of words.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Maria, for reading and reviewing my story that I'm sure is outside your comfort zone. LOL. I just wanted to do something different for Halloween. I hope you were at least entertained a little, because I'm sure you didn't like it. Heck, I'm even a little weirded out by it. Much appreciated!
Oh no, I loved it?I just love your work, you are so clever and so descriptive in your writing?a trait all writers aspire for. It?s nice to step out if the comfort zone. Keep writing.
Thanks, Maria! I enjoy reading your work, and your reviews on mine!
Comment from LJbutterfly
I appreciated the brief introductory history of Halloween, and the story that was told from the perspective of the bad boys. I was glad when they found themselves closed up in a dark cellar with a pickaxe, shovels, and machetes. However, I didn't want to read they were physically tortured. The ending was perfect. Police rescued them and they had to pay. Great Halloween story.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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I appreciated the brief introductory history of Halloween, and the story that was told from the perspective of the bad boys. I was glad when they found themselves closed up in a dark cellar with a pickaxe, shovels, and machetes. However, I didn't want to read they were physically tortured. The ending was perfect. Police rescued them and they had to pay. Great Halloween story.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Lorraine, for sticking with me to read and review this wacky story. I just wanted to do something different, and that it is, if nothing else. LOL. Don't worry, I don't do torture and blood and guts. This weirded me out enough. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Very nicely done. Good work.
It's a good thing that the boys were caught, convicted, and sentenced. Otherwise, I would be wishing them to have every tooth knocked out, condemned to a long life of dentures.
Best wishes.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Very nicely done. Good work.
It's a good thing that the boys were caught, convicted, and sentenced. Otherwise, I would be wishing them to have every tooth knocked out, condemned to a long life of dentures.
Best wishes.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Wayne, for your generous review and kind words. Yes, I took my idea from a group of boys I grew up with. They were bad boys. Out of 15 of us, there are only 2 of us living. Fortunately, I was home that night handing out candy, so didn't get into trouble. LOL. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from GWHARGIS
Dammit. You gave me chills. The childish pranks that grew worse with each paragraph. The end though, that got me. How can you unread a curse. I really liked this story. I could honestly see the street lights and the safe Halloween decorations that grew more sparse as you ventured further into the night. Great job. Gretchen
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Dammit. You gave me chills. The childish pranks that grew worse with each paragraph. The end though, that got me. How can you unread a curse. I really liked this story. I could honestly see the street lights and the safe Halloween decorations that grew more sparse as you ventured further into the night. Great job. Gretchen
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Gretchen, for generous review and kind comments. I just wanted to do something a little different. Add a little fun and foolishness, and still add something scary. Glad you liked it. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Susan Newell
This is a delightful tale of vandalism and terror told from the perspective of a youngster. I still find your style of using sentence fragments a little hard to accept as a died-in-the-wool grammarian. But it is your writing and the style you choose. It is effective, even if it bends the rules a little. Your descriptions made me feel like a participant all the way through.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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This is a delightful tale of vandalism and terror told from the perspective of a youngster. I still find your style of using sentence fragments a little hard to accept as a died-in-the-wool grammarian. But it is your writing and the style you choose. It is effective, even if it bends the rules a little. Your descriptions made me feel like a participant all the way through.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thanks for taking so much time to be helpful and review. Maybe I need a few of these fours to wake me up. Yes, I break a lot of rules. Many to cut down on what I think is unneeded wordiness, since I can get the point across without them, I think. Many out of ignorance. What amazes me is: when I do it, it's a stupid blunder. But when Lewis Carroll, James Joyce, Cormac McCarthy, William Faulkner, Emily Dickinson, E.E. Cummings, Jane Austen, Don DeLillo, and many others, it a writer's choice. Sometimes, to me, a fragment better explains what I'm trying to say in the way I want it to be understood. But I'm trying to listen and learn if you'll bear with me. Much appreciated!
I have updated my review. All criticism is meant to be helpful ? to you and to your readers.
You didn't need to change your review. It is what it is. We all have a right to see things our own way. And as I hope you can tell, I very much appreciate that you took the time make suggestions. We don't have to agree on everything, but we all can think what we will. :-) Much appreciated!
You fixed enough for me to justify bumping it up, or I wouldn't have done it. I really enjoy you're writing, but I'm afraid sometimes the editor in my comes off to strong. I never mean to offend.
You're fine. I appreciate all the time and effort you spent to be helpful. We don't totally agree, but we don't have to. I hate all the were and was sentences, and other world that just bulk without true meaning. Right or wrong. But I'm working on it, I promise. :-)
I understand.
Comment from amahra
Thanks for the history. I've known most of it. I grew up in a Christian house whole and don't remember going out on Halloween, but knew Christian kids who did.
"...and shook the ice in his rocks glass." ['rocks' glass?]
Sixty jumbo rolls of toilet paper waved look-at-me in the wind like advertising banners, or tinsel on giant Christmas trees. [great simile. I can picture this.]
"...flames danced in her eyes." [loved this line]
Every pop and crack caused a wiggle and shake, which gave reason enough to stop. But we trudged on. [great descriptive writing here.]
You printed a deadly hex and let me read it? Thanks a lot, Ric. LOL! Should I call an exorcist now? Next time write, "Warning, Read if you dare." :))
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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Thanks for the history. I've known most of it. I grew up in a Christian house whole and don't remember going out on Halloween, but knew Christian kids who did.
"...and shook the ice in his rocks glass." ['rocks' glass?]
Sixty jumbo rolls of toilet paper waved look-at-me in the wind like advertising banners, or tinsel on giant Christmas trees. [great simile. I can picture this.]
"...flames danced in her eyes." [loved this line]
Every pop and crack caused a wiggle and shake, which gave reason enough to stop. But we trudged on. [great descriptive writing here.]
You printed a deadly hex and let me read it? Thanks a lot, Ric. LOL! Should I call an exorcist now? Next time write, "Warning, Read if you dare." :))
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Amahra, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. I'm always waiting, patiently as possible, to get your review. I mean, so much of my similes and descriptions have been generated from reading your fantasy visions. Who would have thunk it. LOL. Me reading fantasy, and loving it. That hex part is even scary to me. :-) I appreciate YOU!
Comment from barbara.wilkey
This is very well written. There is a lot of vandalism on Halloween. I never let my teenage boys leave the house on Halloween. That way they could never be accused of causing trouble. I bought them tons of candy so they had some.
Tiny Casper the friendly ghost latched onto the pantleg (Maybe - Tiny Casper, the friendly ghost, latched onto the pantleg )
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
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This is very well written. There is a lot of vandalism on Halloween. I never let my teenage boys leave the house on Halloween. That way they could never be accused of causing trouble. I bought them tons of candy so they had some.
Tiny Casper the friendly ghost latched onto the pantleg (Maybe - Tiny Casper, the friendly ghost, latched onto the pantleg )
Comment Written 30-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2022
Thank you, Barbara, for your generous review, kind words, and suggestion. I usually stayed home and handed out candy to all the other children. But looking back, it wasn't just about the candy, the real fun was being out and the fellowships between kids and families. LOL. Much appreciated!
That was true too, back in the day.