The Return
Viewing comments for Chapter 31 "The Return Chapter 31"Erotic Turmoil
34 total reviews
Comment from Sanku
I was away from this site because my son and family were visiting .I had a month of absolute joy with my granddaughters!
So I read chapters 28,29 and 30 at a stretch and it was wonderful!.Miles handling the solicitor and later the parents were brilliant.Now Meg is wondering how it will all end...
reply by the author on 09-Aug-2022
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I was away from this site because my son and family were visiting .I had a month of absolute joy with my granddaughters!
So I read chapters 28,29 and 30 at a stretch and it was wonderful!.Miles handling the solicitor and later the parents were brilliant.Now Meg is wondering how it will all end...
Comment Written 09-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 09-Aug-2022
I can quite understand the joy you had while spending time with your granddaughters, I can't think of anything nicer. :))
Thank you so very much, Sanku, for catching up, and this lovely golden star! There is still one more left for you to catch up on, and it's still paying! I hope you can find a bit more time to read it, I think you'll like it. :))
You have totally made my day reading four chapters on the go, that is so very encouraging. I've got a smile a mile long!! Thank you, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from rspoet
Hello Sandra,
This is another excellent chapter for the book. It looks like Lord Brandon is trying to put all the blame on Lady Brandon. He just doesn't seem quite
so helpless to me, but who knows in a who-done-it novel
The list of possible murderers is narrowing down quickly. Lady Brandon tops the list. The only person we haven't heard much of lately if Meg's friend Lucy.
And, of course, you cleverly asked the question, what happened to Lord Crawley's estate, but didn't answer it. That answer could be very revealing.
Well done, once again.
Hope everyone is feeling better.
Best wishes.
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2022
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Hello Sandra,
This is another excellent chapter for the book. It looks like Lord Brandon is trying to put all the blame on Lady Brandon. He just doesn't seem quite
so helpless to me, but who knows in a who-done-it novel
The list of possible murderers is narrowing down quickly. Lady Brandon tops the list. The only person we haven't heard much of lately if Meg's friend Lucy.
And, of course, you cleverly asked the question, what happened to Lord Crawley's estate, but didn't answer it. That answer could be very revealing.
Well done, once again.
Hope everyone is feeling better.
Best wishes.
Comment Written 04-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2022
Hello Robert.
Thank you so much for another lovely review, and all the stars! It's funny but this never started out as a whodunnit story, but soon developed into one. I'll have to see if I can do the same with the next book. My books tend to write themselves. I find out almost at the same time you do. Lol. I've known the ending of this one since the beginning, it's the rest that happened as I wrote it. I'm so pleased you are enjoying the story, my friend. Thank you so much for always supporting me. Warm hugs, :)) Sandra xxx
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
So, this speaks the need and essence of love, if there is no love, this type of behaviour and attitude appear, action and emotion orderly expressed, as truth comes out this way, so evident is the essence of truth, comes out whether you want or not; well said, well done, post god speed more, share post not 4 self-joy-pride but 4 God and readers worldwide Alcreator Litt Dear (DR)
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2022
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So, this speaks the need and essence of love, if there is no love, this type of behaviour and attitude appear, action and emotion orderly expressed, as truth comes out this way, so evident is the essence of truth, comes out whether you want or not; well said, well done, post god speed more, share post not 4 self-joy-pride but 4 God and readers worldwide Alcreator Litt Dear (DR)
Comment Written 03-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2022
Thank you so much, Alcreator Litt Dear, for another lovely review. I really appreciate it! Thank you. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from Judy Lawless
Oh, this is so intense, Sandra! What a big mess Miles' parents, especially his mother, made of so many lives. You've written this very well and left us wanting to know the rest now. The chapter seemed too short! lol Great job.
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
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Oh, this is so intense, Sandra! What a big mess Miles' parents, especially his mother, made of so many lives. You've written this very well and left us wanting to know the rest now. The chapter seemed too short! lol Great job.
Comment Written 03-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
Hi Judy, thank you ever so much for this lovely review! I worry that the chapters are too long, and you wanted more!!! Lol, that is such a lovely compliment. Thank you, dear friend!! I'm working on the next part now. It's getting closer to the finding the truth about Meg's murderer. That chapter will be fun to write, and I can't wait to get to it and see the reactions. :)) Thank you so much for that sixth star, my friend, that is so nice of you. Love and hugs, Sandra xxxx
You are most welcome, Sandra! :)
Comment from Fleedleflump
I love the word 'yonks' - it's certainly been in use in my family for a very long time. This was a great chapter as ramifications of what's come before start to become clear. I very much enjoyed!
Spag notes:
'But it was serious he knew it, and they did, too.' - I think there needs to be some punctuation after 'serious'. Perhaps: 'But it was serious. He knew it, and they did, too.'
'How stark everything looked.The few' - missing space between sentences.
'leaves that once clung valiantly to the branches of the old majestic oak, had finally given up' - I think this would read more naturally without the comma.
'Both can be so beautiful, and yet both are capable of such devastating cruelty.' - the present tense (although I see why you did it) felt jarring here. Perhaps: 'Both so beautiful, capable of devastating cruelty.'
'Although Margot hadn't met the lady yet, for what she'd heard about her, Lady Brandon would be more than capable.' - I feel as though it should be 'from what she'd heard' rather than 'for'
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
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I love the word 'yonks' - it's certainly been in use in my family for a very long time. This was a great chapter as ramifications of what's come before start to become clear. I very much enjoyed!
Spag notes:
'But it was serious he knew it, and they did, too.' - I think there needs to be some punctuation after 'serious'. Perhaps: 'But it was serious. He knew it, and they did, too.'
'How stark everything looked.The few' - missing space between sentences.
'leaves that once clung valiantly to the branches of the old majestic oak, had finally given up' - I think this would read more naturally without the comma.
'Both can be so beautiful, and yet both are capable of such devastating cruelty.' - the present tense (although I see why you did it) felt jarring here. Perhaps: 'Both so beautiful, capable of devastating cruelty.'
'Although Margot hadn't met the lady yet, for what she'd heard about her, Lady Brandon would be more than capable.' - I feel as though it should be 'from what she'd heard' rather than 'for'
Comment Written 03-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
Thank you so much for this really helpful review, Mike, I always appreciate it a lot. I've sorted all those spags out now, thank you. It's surprising how many people hadn't heard of 'Yonks', or the word, 'Miffed' which goes back to the early 1800s.
I so glad you are enjoying my story. Your words are so encouraging. Warm hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from giraffmang
Hi Sandra,
I may be off the mark here but I was struck by the opening paragraph. It made me wonder from whose perspective it was from. Usually when Miles is involved it's from his perspective. It felt, to me, a little like author intrusion which I hadn't picked up anywhere else in previous instalments, especially the opening line.
'I's thinking Gwendolyn will be too busy looking out for her husband's and father's ghost to be thinking of Meg. 'But she's not out of the woods yet. Her murderer is still in the background, biding time.'
- delete the speech mark before But.
Good stuff again and seeing the change in certain character is paying dividends on the development the reader's relationships with them.
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
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Hi Sandra,
I may be off the mark here but I was struck by the opening paragraph. It made me wonder from whose perspective it was from. Usually when Miles is involved it's from his perspective. It felt, to me, a little like author intrusion which I hadn't picked up anywhere else in previous instalments, especially the opening line.
'I's thinking Gwendolyn will be too busy looking out for her husband's and father's ghost to be thinking of Meg. 'But she's not out of the woods yet. Her murderer is still in the background, biding time.'
- delete the speech mark before But.
Good stuff again and seeing the change in certain character is paying dividends on the development the reader's relationships with them.
Comment Written 03-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
I have read that beginning again, and of course, you're right. This is how it reads now...
Miles looked at his parents' faces. If it wasn?t so serious, he would have found them quite comical. They sat like two children caught out in some misdemeanour in school. But it was serious, he knew it, and they did too. ('was' is in italics)
Without another word spoken, Lady Brandon stood up and marched out of the room. Father and son were left to stare at each other.
Does that read better? Thank you so much for that, Gareth, I'm usually careful with things like that.
Thank you for the lovely review, my friend, and I'm so glad you are enjoying the story, coming from you, that is a humongous compliment. :)) Warm hugs, Sandra xxx
I hope you arrived safely at your Mother-in-Laws. :)
Comment from Cindy Warren
I'm thinking it's Miles' mother who wants Meg dead. His father is quite a piece of work, but not a killer. Gwendolyn and the butler? Maybe, but I don't think so. My money's on Mom.
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
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I'm thinking it's Miles' mother who wants Meg dead. His father is quite a piece of work, but not a killer. Gwendolyn and the butler? Maybe, but I don't think so. My money's on Mom.
Comment Written 02-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2022
Thank you so much for reading this chapter, Cindy. You and a few others have Miles' mother down for the possible murderer. Others have his father. Bessie and Margot have diluted the threat from Gwendolyn and her charming butler, and of course, Meg's brother is dead, so he's out of it, too. You'll all find out soon. :)) I love that everyone is so involved in this story, it's so encouraging. Thank you, my friend! Love and hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
You did a great job with this chapter, Sandra. The details of
it were amazing. It seemed Miles' found out much about the
underhanded actions of his parents. His parents deserve each
other--no excuses. They made their choices, now they're trying
to weasel out of blame--won't work. I'm glad Miles pressurized his
father for more of the real reason he swindled Meg's father. I
liked Bessie's answers about the memories Margot would retain
after Meg returns to her time. I didn't know ginger beer had been
around way back then. Also, was the word 'ballistic' common in
Meg's time? You gave readers a refresher on the suspects, so when
the real killer is known, they'll remember all the clues better.
I noticed the scorecard of character names is missing. I know, too,
it was long. Maybe, you can add one with only the names of the
characters in each chapter.
Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the next, Jan
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2022
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You did a great job with this chapter, Sandra. The details of
it were amazing. It seemed Miles' found out much about the
underhanded actions of his parents. His parents deserve each
other--no excuses. They made their choices, now they're trying
to weasel out of blame--won't work. I'm glad Miles pressurized his
father for more of the real reason he swindled Meg's father. I
liked Bessie's answers about the memories Margot would retain
after Meg returns to her time. I didn't know ginger beer had been
around way back then. Also, was the word 'ballistic' common in
Meg's time? You gave readers a refresher on the suspects, so when
the real killer is known, they'll remember all the clues better.
I noticed the scorecard of character names is missing. I know, too,
it was long. Maybe, you can add one with only the names of the
characters in each chapter.
Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the next, Jan
Comment Written 02-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2022
Hello, dear Jan, thank you so much for this really fabulous review! You are right about Miles' parents having no excuses. What they did was atrocious.
I checked out the year ginger beer was around, and it came to the UK in 1800, and in America in 1790. I didn't realise that, either. 'Ballistic' it was Margot who said that, and she's from our time. But it was good of you to pick these up, my friend, I do appreciate it when you talk to me about the story.
I forgot about the character list!! I've added it now, thank you for that, you're eagle eyes are most appreciated! Love and hugs, coming your way. xxx Sandra xxx
Comment from damommy
Well, it's all out in the open now. I wouldn't imagine Miles will have anything more to do with his onerous parents. Still, we have to watch out for any attempt on Meg's life!
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2022
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Well, it's all out in the open now. I wouldn't imagine Miles will have anything more to do with his onerous parents. Still, we have to watch out for any attempt on Meg's life!
Comment Written 02-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2022
Hi dearest sister! Sorry I haven't been in touch, I've had a few problems and haven't been able to get on here. I'll email you tomorrow.
Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing this chapter, and for that wonderful golden star! I really appreciate them. Sending a special hug and lots of love. :)) Sandra xxx
I hope you are getting to see the light through that dark wood, now, dear one.
Comment from Begin Again
Now did the guilty party leave the room unable to face her son's wrath??? You've done another outstanding job of leading us to the cliff and teasing us with the whodunnit. I simply love love love this story and you couldn't have done a better job of entertaining and stirring the readers mind chapter after chapter. So well done!
Love and hugs to my dear friend. Hope you are feeling well now and the Covid doesn't still haunt you. Take care.... Always your friend, Carol
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2022
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Now did the guilty party leave the room unable to face her son's wrath??? You've done another outstanding job of leading us to the cliff and teasing us with the whodunnit. I simply love love love this story and you couldn't have done a better job of entertaining and stirring the readers mind chapter after chapter. So well done!
Love and hugs to my dear friend. Hope you are feeling well now and the Covid doesn't still haunt you. Take care.... Always your friend, Carol
Comment Written 02-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2022
Aw, Carol, please pm me. I'm missing you such a lot. I hope you aren't being put upon still.
Thank you so much for coming and reading my chapter, and for giving me the golden star! You have said some really encouraging words, dear friend. I really appreciate that, and you. Love you lots, and sending humongous hugs. :)) Always your friend, too! Sandra xxx