Streets of Cincinnati
Violence in the city49 total reviews
Comment from Karen Cherry
As per usual you show your gifts. ***********************************************************************************************************************************
Karen hurt my hand can"t write.
reply by the author on 24-Aug-2023
As per usual you show your gifts. ***********************************************************************************************************************************
Karen hurt my hand can"t write.
Comment Written 24-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 24-Aug-2023
Thank you so much, Karen, for another of your wonderful reviews and kind words, which are the types of encouragement that keep be scratching along to write more. I appreciate YOU!
Now, what in the world did you do to your hand? I sure hope you didn't punch some cowpoke in a barroom brawl?
fell over a cord. dumb. hurt both palms and right knee. hard to writ pass wrd arouhd please. be off a few days kct
Well, I'll be missing your wit and humor while you recoup. My dad always thought a person must've been drunk to fall down. Have a wonderful weekend! :-)
Comment from John Ciarmello
Absolutely chilling. What I love about your writing my friend, is it's inviting; meaning it offers a way in. A way into Laila's innocence. A way into Ghalen's love and protectiveness of her. I felt the sticky park bench and I smelled the blood. I watched the man watching you. You forced me to Stand adjacent to the "pop" of shots fired and the young mother falling to her Knees beside her dead son. I felt her pain and Laila's ensuing emptiness. I walked through a portal into every scene of this story. I have to say, as violent as it all was, I didn't want to leave. Loved this, Ric.
reply by the author on 23-Feb-2022
Absolutely chilling. What I love about your writing my friend, is it's inviting; meaning it offers a way in. A way into Laila's innocence. A way into Ghalen's love and protectiveness of her. I felt the sticky park bench and I smelled the blood. I watched the man watching you. You forced me to Stand adjacent to the "pop" of shots fired and the young mother falling to her Knees beside her dead son. I felt her pain and Laila's ensuing emptiness. I walked through a portal into every scene of this story. I have to say, as violent as it all was, I didn't want to leave. Loved this, Ric.
Comment Written 22-Feb-2022
reply by the author on 23-Feb-2022
Thank you so much, John, for another of your kind and generous reviews. I find that no matter how hard people try, sometimes they just can't understand everything I'm trying to get across, which is so much more than the violence. You get it! And for that, I can't thank you enough. Life is about so much more than what a writer can show with words, senses, and descriptions. We hear conflict, conflict, conflict, but without emotions, even conflict falls short. It's the encouragement like what you always offer that's kept me writing. You've made my week! I just wish I could give you a vote in the reviewing contest, but unfortunately I've used up all six. If I ever get caught up from getting so far behind, I'll be checking out a few more of your posts. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Ronni
Hi Ric,
Well deserved are the recognition and awards for this bone chilling
and sense searing story on street violence, and glad to see it for your
incomparable range of images of desperation and degradation in this
particular city; though most are aware it goes on anywhere and everywhere in these crime ridden and drug prone pockets of senseless
massacre and shattering of innocence and all that bespeaks of being
human even to the least traceable degree.
I realize my belated 6 star is a bit too late for desired significance,
but I give it because it truly still deserves it, and a story written for
benefit of more awareness and impact in the raw truth and consequences style you wrote it with, for which I commend and
compliment you with most sincerely and appreciably.
Mind boggling how much evil and decadent crimes pervade so
many cities besides the all too common ones still ongoing. War zone
catastrophies all adding to but more fatalities, young, old and in between. When, where how will it ever end, if ever , no one knows.
At least with reminders and reflections as gripping and gut wrenching
as you have conscientiously and provocatively brought forth in this
write, no such story is the only, but at least a noble caring as you've
condensed it so inspiringly for all the rest of us who care and grateful
to you for compassionately sharing it.
I've noticed you've won a couple of other contests or wins on here,
and belated congrats to you for those. Unfortunately I am on here
far less often than used to be, but slowly working way back in again.
However belated this review and star is, could not let go unnoted.
Happy and glad for your writing successes here, keep up the great
work and I'll keep trying to catch up...
Most appreciably always, Ronni
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2021
Hi Ric,
Well deserved are the recognition and awards for this bone chilling
and sense searing story on street violence, and glad to see it for your
incomparable range of images of desperation and degradation in this
particular city; though most are aware it goes on anywhere and everywhere in these crime ridden and drug prone pockets of senseless
massacre and shattering of innocence and all that bespeaks of being
human even to the least traceable degree.
I realize my belated 6 star is a bit too late for desired significance,
but I give it because it truly still deserves it, and a story written for
benefit of more awareness and impact in the raw truth and consequences style you wrote it with, for which I commend and
compliment you with most sincerely and appreciably.
Mind boggling how much evil and decadent crimes pervade so
many cities besides the all too common ones still ongoing. War zone
catastrophies all adding to but more fatalities, young, old and in between. When, where how will it ever end, if ever , no one knows.
At least with reminders and reflections as gripping and gut wrenching
as you have conscientiously and provocatively brought forth in this
write, no such story is the only, but at least a noble caring as you've
condensed it so inspiringly for all the rest of us who care and grateful
to you for compassionately sharing it.
I've noticed you've won a couple of other contests or wins on here,
and belated congrats to you for those. Unfortunately I am on here
far less often than used to be, but slowly working way back in again.
However belated this review and star is, could not let go unnoted.
Happy and glad for your writing successes here, keep up the great
work and I'll keep trying to catch up...
Most appreciably always, Ronni
Comment Written 06-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 07-Sep-2021
Hello, Ronni,
What a pleasant and unsuspected surprise! Thank you for your wonderful review, extra-special six-stars, and for taking time to read and share such eloquent comments for no monetary reward. And most of all for your caring heart that understands how important it is for us to speak out about world conditions outside our comfort zones. It seems the world is spiraling out of control with anger and resentment, crime, climate change, and the pandemic that has ramped up the volume. But, I'm hoping that, as in the past, people will step up and find or create answers to overcome, and open their hearts. I can't thank you enough for your kindness and encouragement! Wish you the best, always, Ric
Hi Ric,,
Surprises are always nice, early
or late, bring no less a moment of cheer ;so glad
this one brought you a cheerful moment! Well
deserved too! Hope all else
is going great for you too!
Best always, Ronni
Comment from rockinm76233
Again you've been awarded for this excellent and very true story. What a shame we have become complacent with this sadness. Hopefully things will improve as time moves on. Good job.
reply by the author on 06-Sep-2021
Again you've been awarded for this excellent and very true story. What a shame we have become complacent with this sadness. Hopefully things will improve as time moves on. Good job.
Comment Written 06-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 06-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, RockinM, (for lack of knowing another name) for your extra-special six-star review. Yes, our world is going through bad times that have definitely escalated the tensions. We can only hope time heals our frustrations and brings unity, and maybe someday, love, understanding, and acceptance. It's your kind words and encouragement that keeps an old hack scratching to write something meaningful every great once in a while. You've made my week by taking time to read and reward a post that offers no fan dollars in return. Very much appreciated!
Comment from LisaMay
I can see this is exceptional writing in depicting atmosphere, environment, and emotion in tragic circumstances- I applaud you on your win.
What you describe is so far removed from how things are where i live that it reads like a complete horror story to me. The mindlessness of such addictions and violence is overwhelmingly sad.
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2021
I can see this is exceptional writing in depicting atmosphere, environment, and emotion in tragic circumstances- I applaud you on your win.
What you describe is so far removed from how things are where i live that it reads like a complete horror story to me. The mindlessness of such addictions and violence is overwhelmingly sad.
Comment Written 05-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Lisa, for your extra-special six-star review. This story is way outside my comfort zone, but one that I feel needed to be told. There's more truth in it than I care to share. It wasn't so long ago that I grew up near the city I'm writing about and our doors were never locked, even when we went on two-week vacations. But times have changed, and sadly, what I've described could and does happen in cities across ours and many countries every day. Thanks for reading my depressing story. Your kindness and encouragement is greatly appreciated!
I've never felt the need to lock my back door where i live in southern NZ, but when i've had boarders staying with me who come from Auckland, NZ's biggest city, they get scared if the door isn't locked.
Sounds like you are lucky to be in Southern NZ. But, these days, I wouldn't recommend leaving the doors unlocked anywhere. :-)
You are right - better safe than sorry.
Comment from Contests
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2021
A seven star rating from the Contest Committee for the recognition this post has received from the FanStory community. While this was not a Contest Committee decision, the committee recognizes this achievement with a seven star review. |
Comment Written 05-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2021
Wow, I've never heard or seen a seven star recognition before. I'm honored and grateful to all those who have made this possible. Most of all, I'm just happy to be associated with such a fine group of Fanstorians and talented writers who spend their time reading my posts and allowing me to read their work. Much appreciated!
Comment from Mabaker12
This was gritty and powerful and the message was a punch in the guts. But it was real. Pick up a newspaper any day and to can read this story and others just as scary, but sadly just as honest. Hope you win the contest. Mabaker12
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2021
This was gritty and powerful and the message was a punch in the guts. But it was real. Pick up a newspaper any day and to can read this story and others just as scary, but sadly just as honest. Hope you win the contest. Mabaker12
Comment Written 04-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Mabaker12, for your kind words and generous review. Honestly, the contest doesn't mean nearly as much to me as the kindness and encouragement from talented writers like you. And hopefully, one person might see themselves in the picture I've painted and make a change. I appreciate YOU!
You are very welcome
Comment from judiverse
This is heart-wrenching, and it's so sad that this is happening routinely in so many of our big cities. Unfortunately, many of the victims are innocent persons, going about their own business, but being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ghalen would have had a wonderful life ahead, if it hadn't been taken so needlessly. Unfortunately, many of these thugs aren't ever brought to justice. This is a very vividly told account, and as you mention it could have happened in any number of large cities. Great work. Congratulations on being a story of the month nominee. judi
reply by the author on 03-Sep-2021
This is heart-wrenching, and it's so sad that this is happening routinely in so many of our big cities. Unfortunately, many of the victims are innocent persons, going about their own business, but being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ghalen would have had a wonderful life ahead, if it hadn't been taken so needlessly. Unfortunately, many of these thugs aren't ever brought to justice. This is a very vividly told account, and as you mention it could have happened in any number of large cities. Great work. Congratulations on being a story of the month nominee. judi
Comment Written 03-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 03-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Judi, for your kind words and generous review. Yes, sadly, it seems to be happening everywhere and the ages of those killed continually gets younger. I appreciate you taking time to read my depressing story. Your kindness and congrats are greatly appreciated!
You're welcome, Ric. It's so sad to read that even children are sometimes victims of these drive-by shootings. People need to speak up when these things happen, but they're probably afraid of reprisal. judi
Comment from Nomar Chagrin
Whoa, Ric. This is some really deep, mesmerizing stuff. I felt that the writing style generated a dark, hard-hitting mood that really demands attention. It's an extremely effective style for this type of story.
I felt like I was watching a horror film that depicts a repulsive scene, but one that I couldn't take my eyes off of.
REALLY good writing, Ric.
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2021
Whoa, Ric. This is some really deep, mesmerizing stuff. I felt that the writing style generated a dark, hard-hitting mood that really demands attention. It's an extremely effective style for this type of story.
I felt like I was watching a horror film that depicts a repulsive scene, but one that I couldn't take my eyes off of.
REALLY good writing, Ric.
Comment Written 01-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Captain Jack, for your extra-special six-star review. This story is way outside my comfort zone. I mean, who wants to be depressed from start to finish when we read to be entertained. But, there is plenty of truth in this story that I felt needed to be shared. I'm glad you liked it. And I'm always honored when talented writers such as you spend their time reading and enjoy my offerings. Maybe enjoy isn't the right word. LOL. I haven't seen your name around for a long time, but I've always enjoyed of your stories from a few years back. You've made my week! And I appreciate you and the wonderful review! Ric
Comment from Judy Lawless
I think maybe I have read something of yours, Ric. I recognize the stupendous dialogue and vivid imagery. Chicago sounds like a frightening place to live, or at least the area you are describing. Exceptional writing, and congratulations on winning second in the All Time Best for August.
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2021
I think maybe I have read something of yours, Ric. I recognize the stupendous dialogue and vivid imagery. Chicago sounds like a frightening place to live, or at least the area you are describing. Exceptional writing, and congratulations on winning second in the All Time Best for August.
Comment Written 01-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Judy, for your kind words and generous review. This story is way outside my comfort zone, but sometimes we feel like a story needs to be told regardless how depressing. I'm always honored when such talented writers as you spend their reading my work. I appreciate the kind and encouraging review. Ric