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Level 1 Pro

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New Zealand News

There is actually some interesting stuff happening in NZ politics at the moment. You may even have seen some of it mentioned in your news or in social media as apparently video of one particularly dramatic moment in our Parliament went viral.

I don't have time to go into detail right now but the two main topics centre around

1. Race Relations
2. Government apology and redress for abuse in care.

I'll be happy to comment on these when I have more time.


Level 1 Pro

Review Stars
Rank:  306

RE: New Zealand News

I have been looking at the 'abuse in care' issue. It's good that this has been formally recognised. Abuse in care is horrendous. Sadly, it's something I was witness to in a private nursing home for the elderly. I was 18, it was my first full-time job, but that's no excuse for the fact that I did not do enough about it. I have been haunted by it ever since.

We've had similar reports here. Honest conversation HAS made a difference. Admitting wrongdoing is an important step.

I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on NZ's issue regarding this and positive moves for change. I've not gone into race relations, but will have a look.


Review Stars

RE: New Zealand News
Care-giving is a special calling for only the truly saintly amongst us. So much compassion, patience, tolerance and loving humaneness is needed.
People shouldn't opt for it just for the money/pay.
I can't stomach the thought of the elderly, infirmed, children, and other care-needy persons, being physically and/or psycho-emotionally harmed. That's just sick and not right at all!

On a lighter note, I love Kiwis--the people and fruit! (Hope that didn't come out wrong.)
And the waters around New Zealand must be an off-shoot from Eden!


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