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Well, It Has Finally Happened!

Americans, we have finally lost our minds and gone ape-shit kray-kray!
Donald Trump has been re-elected president--*GULP!*

The kray-kray silent majority and two-faced Hispanics (truly garbage) have done us in.

Buckle your seats, world; we're in for a very bumpy four-year ride!

Already, Trump's 'I've won' speech was telling--pledging to deliver on all campaign promises.
Lord help his non-supporters!

Julie Helms

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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!

**two-faced Hispanics (truly garbage) **

Wow. This speaks volumes.

Brett Matthew West

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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
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Green Card everyone of them two-facers! 

If they don't have a Green Card round them up and run them back where those two-facers came from!

No bleeding hearts allowed here.

Oh crap!

Don't give Trumpie-Poo any ideas. He's got enough hair-brained ones of his own.



:) :) :)

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
What?! You mean president-elect Donald Trump is actually going to deport the immigrant people that he calls dog-eating, rapist, blood-poisoning, vermin, criminal animals from shithole countries?

I thought he was just kidding.

CD Richards

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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
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And so once again, and perhaps in the most emphatic way in a long time, the American people demonstrate to their children that the way to get what you want in this world is through spreading ignorance, hypocrisy, lies, deceit, hatred, fear, division, and violence, both threatened and real.

One of Donald Trump's clear intentions since his last term in office has been to set himself against the leaders of other similar democracies and isolate his country from its allies. In that effort, I wish him success. We have no desire to go down the same path.

Commiseration to my friends who did their best to save their country. May the damage not be irreversible.


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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
When a Trump-supporting not-funny comedian insults a significant portion of an ethnic group, by saying they're from an island of garbage and are baby-making machines, but they still vote for Trump in droves, then they must be truly the garbage they were called.
How does someone spit on your face and you say, 'thanks, here's my support?' You must truly be scum.

And if those kray-kray rural folk who turned out to vote, for the very first time in their backward lives, for Trump think that his economic policies and tax cuts for the rich will somehow magically reduce their grocery bills and general expenses, those water-replacing moonshine intakes must be shriveling away their last brain cells.
And deporting every last illegal wouldn't help them an iota, either.

Hey Ukraine, get ready to kiss Crimea and your eastern flank away to Russia forever!

WW3 will not simply be a video game anymore!
Stock up on essential supplies!

Oh, and yes, NATO, you should be quaking in your boots!

2021 Script Writer of the Year

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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
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CD, finally you and I can agree on something. 'isolate his country from its allies. In that effort, I wish him success. We have no desire to go down the same path.' Good! The US should never be responsible for the security or prosperity of another Sovereign nation.

The fact that many, like Go, is angry about this should be a giant red flag that something in your own nations has gone horribly wrong. If your countries and NATO are dependent on the U.S. for anything, then the problem is not with Trump or the American voters. The problem clearly rests with you and your leaders. You can look at this as a red day, or a new beginning. 

Take this as a lesson back to your leaders and make them invest in your own independence and strength. Never allow yourselves to be dependent on that which you have no say, vote, or control of. That is what BREXIT was all bout, remember?

Don't be mad at Trump, the GOP or half of America, none of those people owe you, Ukraine, Australia, Europe or even Canada a single thing. I promise you no one here watches your elections nor cares what you do. We do care about our own liberty, borders, and general welfare, and we've never asked you to agree with us.

CD Richards

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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
We are not dependent on the US for anything, Lancelot. What exactly do you think it is we depend on you for?

Trade? The US is currently our third-ranked trading partner behind China and Japan. Five of our top six partners are in the Asia/Pacific region. When your monkey-in-chief decided to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, he did everyone, except his own people, a favour.

War? Protection in war? Well, you might be right about the former. If it weren't for the US and the UK, our country would never have been involved in any war. Our "friends" have been really useful to us in keeping our population numbers under control, if nothing else.

Moral guidance? Maybe we should be thankful for the wonderful example of integrity, uprightness, honesty, freedom and friendliness to our tiny, insignificant nation? Ha ha ha.

You and those who share your views are of the opinion your proud and mighty nation has no need of friends. That may have been true at one time. Today, you couldn't be more wrong.

Best of luck to you, you're going to need it.


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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
Elon Musk may be one of the richest persons on Earth and a tech genius, but he is a social nutter. And Trump may turn our tech and energy sectors over to him to 'play' with. Oh boy!

And can you dare even imagine Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of our health ministry, or as some cabinet-level health czar advisor? Talk about the retarded treating the sick--oy vey!

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!

A second Trump presidency is entirely unpredictable. Harambe does not join with conservative rhetoric on US autonomy. Harambe literally means "working together".

Trump's tactics are to renegotiate everything, on the basis that we're being played and siphoned off of since we allow it. That is fair enough, but we do need allies. They provide valuable trade arrangements (especially for maintaining aerospace/naval supremacy and enabling economy of scale), and some of the highest quality immigrants in our country. Australia is a critical partner for the US, Japan, Korea, the Philippians, and other pacific islands to balance growing Chinese aggression. Relations of individual powers with China will ebb and flow. For example, from a cursory reading, Australia and China were having a big trade spat up until about a year ago but at the moment they are getting along better.

The US with its runaway bipartisan deficit spending also needs other countries to use dollars to spread out our inflation, and we ensure this by providing trade security through military alliances. In fact, our debt payment is almost exactly equal to what we spend on the military. For one of those figures to drop, the other probably would rise. This logic goes straight over the heads of libertarians. Trump might be taking more of a libertarian tact on the world stage, though it's kind of hard to say yet. One of his goals is to kill tariffs other countries have on US goods sold to them.

On security, there is a growing gap with US supremacy worldwide and Trump cannot magically fix this on his own. The success of the Abraham Accords provides some hope that he might empower rational dealmaking that promotes international stability. The danger is that we prop up strongmen along with it, and suffer the consequences and backlash from regime changes, like we did in Iran with the Shah. The US has done highly successful nation rebuilding in structured cultures like Germany and Japan, but it is hard offhand to point to much since then that hasn't backfired in a big way.

To anyone who says the US doesn't need other countries, they might mean different things by that, but I do suggest doing some studying about international supply chains. The quality of life we enjoy here with affordable goods depends on it. We don't need to get involved with every military conflict. But we do need to understand that the world is more connected than most folks realize. And if we do not provide the power to protect microchips and trade routes, China will be happy to fill that gap, suppressing free trade and information wherever they spread.


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RE: Well, It Has Finally Happened!
The American people have chosen their own President, as is their right. I broadly agree with Lance that it is up to the rest of the world to ensure that decision doesn't have a global impact.

But I am still puzzled by Lance's naivety. I could be wrong, Lance, but you seem to think America has been a reluctant participant on the world stage, dragged into conflicts against its wishes, being the world's policeman out of the good of its heart.

Harambe has talked about trade, but it isn't just about trade. Your nation has syndicated itself worldwide. I've said before that the reason we all get so involved is because America has put itself in the corner of our living rooms. It has spent most of the last century and the start of this one marketing itself as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Military success brings power, and with power comes money. America isn't the world's police because it's a nice guy who wants to protect the neighbours. It's the world's police because war (as long as it's at arm's length) can be very lucrative. It's a huge industry. There's a wonderful song about British troops fighting Argentinians with a weapon that was made in Birmingham (England, not Alabama) and the same is true of the US. The arms dealers make a lot of cash. Provided your nation doesn't get destroyed in the process, war can make a tidy profit.

It also gives more grist to the mill of superiority. You get to play the hero, which brings its own reward. Didn't quite work with Vietnam, but we'll gloss over that for a moment.

Whilst individual Americans may not give two hoots about how other nations run their affairs, the same cannot be said of its government. Lance mentioned Brexit (an absolute shit show, by the way, you think it was a good idea, it really wasn't. Biggest mistake we ever made, financially). The American government at the time interfered a lot in that.

I always find it slightly amusing that the most meddlesome nation in other nation's affairs gets huffy about any interference in their own affairs.

America has made a fortune out of selling itself to the world, and now, like a jaded film star, it is weary of the demands of its adoring public. Like Greta Garbo, it wants to be alone. But preferably with the big cheques still rolling in from its past glories. Preferably still with the adoration.

You don't want your leader to play on the world's stage? You want to be 'just' another country? Like my own nation and bloody Brexit, that's fine, provided you really understand what you are giving up and don't whine when suddenly you aren't in a position to influence anything anymore.

I sometimes think the UK is like some elderly lady in a nursing home, blethering on about how she used to own half the world, you know. I can't help thinking that's going to be America. It's really not going to like being shoved to one side.

All empires fall, usually at their own hands. America has had a good run at being a superpower. If it really doesn't want it any more, fine. But I don't believe that's true. You want the power, you just can't accept the consequences of your actions and the position you put yourself in.

We have had the consequences conversation before, Lance. The cost of Empire building. It's not about owing any nation an apology for what we did. It's about accepting that our actions in the world have consequences that have a lasting impact, and we cannot presume, having taken the good stuff, the prosperity, we can just shut the door on the shit we left behind.

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