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Who knows the answer?

I've been trying to find the answer to this important (to me, at least) question. Only being a lowly foreigner of modest intellect and poor info-gathering skills, I need your help.

What happens if, any time in the next 19 or so days, Donald Trump either dies or (more likely) is institutionalised with a severe mental disorder?

Seriously, more generally, what is the procedure if either major candidate id forced out of the race at this late stage? Has anything like that ever happened before?

Racking my poor brain I come up with some possible scenarios, but none of them seem particularly satisfactory, considering that voting has already started in some states.

1. Election goes ahead with only one candidate. Not fair I hear you screaming.

2. Party that has lost their front-runner hurriedly drafts in a new one. How would that work? Would Vance automatically replace Trump? Not likely according to hHarambe who is still smarting that Harris hasn't had a single democratic vote cast her way - despite the fact that not one Biden voter has objected to his votes being gift-wrapped for her.

3. Election is postponed. Google tells me that a delay has never happened. Could it happen in this hypothetical emergency?

4. Trump rises from the grave after three days, rolls aside the massive boulder with a nonchalant swipe of his massive hands and declares himself the Messiah and president for life.

Okay #4 is because my brain gave up. I can't think of more options and yet none of the first three seem even vaguely possible.

What say you?

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#2 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Who knows the answer?

Nothing. The ballots do not change. The conventions and official nominations have been made. Dead candidates have been voted into offices before (Not Prez. but the process is the same). In this case the VP nominee will simply be elected, sworn in, then quickly be sworn in a second time as President. After that, the new President will nominate a new VP, who will be confirmed by the Senate.

If both the Presidential and VP candidates die, and are still elected. Then when the old President's term ends in January, Whoever the Speaker of the House is gets sworn in as President, then they pick a VP, etc, etc.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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RE: Who knows the answer?
From October 2, 1919 and for some time afterwards, First Lady Edith Wilson unofficially ran the U.S. government following her husband's (then President Woodrow Wilson's) life-changing stroke; a role that Jill Biden wanted to play with her failing husband, Joe Biden.

I'd trust Melania Trump over Doctor Jill any day. Jill Biden is a liar. I place her right up on a pedestal as the most overly ambitious, unqualified first ladies of our generation. Perhaps one day she will confess to her dubious intentions, but I'm not holding my breath.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Who knows the answer?

If Trump dies in the next few days, it will no doubt be from a fourth assassination attempt. Harambe doesn't have much time to comment further right now as HE is on a road trip campaigning for the election, but rest assured that HIS righteous vengeance shall be duly meted upon those who slander and blaspheme HIS holy name.

In more important news, apparently Christopher Columbus was outed as a Jew. Sorry Italians.


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RE: Who knows the answer?
And they said these threads weren't dangerous to one's (mental) health. Pff! ...

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Who knows the answer?

>> 2. Party that has lost their front-runner hurriedly drafts in a new one. How would that work? Would Vance automatically replace Trump? Not likely according to hHarambe who is still smarting that Harris hasn't had a single democratic vote cast her way - despite the fact that not one Biden voter has objected to his votes being gift-wrapped for her.

Actually, BLM has publicly protested it. And many of the conscientious Democrats I have spoken to are also bothered by it. The Democratic Party obviously is no longer the party of democracy. Yet all these signs are out saying "protect democracy". Actions speak louder than words.

CD Richards

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RE: Who knows the answer?
Yes, actions speak louder than words, Harambe.


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Who knows the answer?
wait, wait, wait...

Harambe, you are campaigning?
May we even ask who for? I seem to recall you protesting some sort of neutrality a while ago, despite being apparently upset at the few sane people here who have strong and valid criticisms of the Orange One. or perhaps it's a candidate lower down the ballot??

And wait some more...

Gloria, you have a bad case of the Hate-Jills. Where did that come from and do you have any strong claims for what you say. It's a fairly outrageous claim and I know some of the crazies were jumping up and down when she actually appeared at a Biden cabinet meeting, but really??

Have you swallowed the KoolAid poured out liberally by the MAGA nutters that Biden was so disabled that his handlers were literally wheeling him about the White House? He's just done another criss-crossing of the Atlantic and was apparently still much more coherent and quick with a quip that the other buffoon would ever be.

I don't know that much about Dr Jill but your comments seem really over the top, so spill the beans if you have any.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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RE: Who knows the answer?
I know you are a political neophyte Steve, so I will grant you some period of grace with your personal insults, as harmless as they are. It is however time for you to remove your partisan blinders and research Doctor Jill. Begin with this article.

Jill was acting more like a vice president than a first lady. She was in the VP's lane and did a horrible job of it because she is a weak communicator. It's quite possible she also played an oversized role in the biggest disaster of Biden's career--his inept withdrawal from Afghanistan; A huge failure and black mark on the presidency that he has still to address.

Jill Biden denied Joe's cognitive challenges that were overwhelming apparent to insiders before the debate, and to the entire world after the debate. She had to have known about his decline for a few years and yet she chose to lie about it for her own personal ambition. I think that is a pretty shitty thing to do especially coming from someone who claims the moral high ground. And if democracy itself is on the ballot and all Doctor Jill cares about is her own personal ambition, then WTF.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Who knows the answer?

To answer Steve's question, I am obviously campaigning for Harambe -- the candidate our country needs, but not the one it deserves. Haven't you been paying any attention to my writing for the last three years? Harambe never stopped running for President.


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  117

RE: Who knows the answer?
Gloria, I might be a neophyte, but at least I don't begin presenting a supposed piece of evidence with, "It's also quite possible..."

It's quite possible that Harambe will get enough write-ins to topple both leading candidates.

In the VP's lane. Really? Evidence?
Did a horrible job of it. It wasn't her job, she didn't have to be a communicator...

Wouldn't own up about Biden's decline... maybe. But maybe that's just spousal loyalty, usually considered a good thing.

Pretty sure it's the Kool-Aid.

All irrelevant now, isn't it. I was just a bit gobsmacked at the venom in your words.. Want to have a go at Melania now?

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