The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
It’s absolutely laughable. Harris, her leftist cronies and the left-wing media have for years been spouting the most nice, wonderful, benign, peaceful rhetoric about illegal immigration, in a calculated ploy to steal votes and split the country apart for their own gain. Yet, when her plan backfires, and the lunatics they have empowered with their use of "peaceful" language don't vote for her and start eating her puppies in Ohio, suddenly it is the Republicans who are causing all the problems and need to go "back to the doghouse". In reality, unlike leftists and the far left, Republicans have never pretended that everyone who just waltzes into this country gets to vote and, in contrast to Kamala and her cronies, have repeatedly denounced it.
Since the year 2000, Dems have been whining about the electoral college and how it needs to go away as an outmoded, racist, elitist, small-state-favoring, undemocratic way to determine the Presidency. Yet when Harris didn't get a single primary vote because none were cast for her, the kingmakers "allowed" the electors who had all been promised to Biden magically change their votes to 99% Harris. Now where's the last time we saw that sort of democratic consensus? Do the Iraq elections prior to 2003 ring a bell? Or North Korea, Russia, China, basically any dictatorship that comes to mind.
Trump may have wreaked the Republican Party, and now Harris and her fellow DEI whores have whored democracy out to the highest bidder, the very capitalist pigs they claimed to be fighting not so long ago. Animal Farm has never borne a better resemblance to a devolving political party as to this one over the last 20 years. Look at the Democrats and weep. In the words of Bain, "victory has defeated you."
The best thing that can happen to Democrats now is for them to be defeated in the general election, so they can rebuild and clean up from this DEI diarrhea they have spewed all over themselves. If they win, it will just continue and get worse. Either way, there will be no winners this election.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so thanks for the huge compliment, Savant.
It's interesting to see your progression, back from the days when you went by the name Harambe, and pretended to have an iota of compassion and decency, to what you've become now. Cults will do that to people.
The entire point of my post (which, unlike this drivel, made sense) was the pathetic crying and hand-wringing of MAGA Republicans over a situation they have created.
While on the subject of insipid whining, glad to see you've joined your snivelling cohorts on the "How dare you get rid of a losing candidate?" bandwagon. Joe Biden is a very decent man, who is obviously losing some of his edge. But no matter how incoherent he sometimes became, he could never hope to match the sheer stupidity of his opponent. But how sad is it that your new Messiah has to spit his dummy over the fact that he now faces a smart, articulate woman? One who shows him up for the imbecile he is.
I provided proof of 54 cases of violence and hateful behaviour which led to criminal prosecution, all inspired by the vile garbage espoused by your hero and his cronies. Care to provide a similar list of despicable behaviour prompted by the nefarious message of cooperation, civility and reasonableness delivered by the Biden/Harris team? Thought not.
The best thing that could come out of this election is a Harris victory by a huge margin (quite on the cards), and for Trump to slither back into the swamp he came from, never to be heard from again. That's just the first step in getting rid of the detritus the GOP has become, and maybe setting out on the road to ensuring there are two reasonable opposing forces in US politics.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Couple of questions, H. Is the focus on Ohio now because it is a battleground state that plays into the electoral college? Why has Trump inflated the number of Haitian immigrants from 18,000 to 35,000? Is he suggesting all those folks will vote for Harris and that will explain his loss?
Trump says he is going to Springfield which will cost the community a lot of extra cash for his security. If Trump insists on going there after scapegoating the Haitians do you think perhaps the RNC, or Trump, should cover the cost of security? I see no reason why the city should absorb that budgetary excess given that Trump lied about the whole pet-eating thing to fit it into his immigration narrative.
A serious discussion about immigration would be a good thing, yes?
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
OMG Harambe. You hasten to assure me you are not a Trump-supporter and yet here you are sounding more and more like him each day. The same demeaning, derogatory and hurtful language as Cult leader has made fashionable over the last nine years. All it takes now is for you to express surprise at how a woman >b>gasp! can >b>somehow be doing better than Biden.
Plus of course the shameless Trump-signature projection of calling democrats whining hypocrites. You should be sued for copyright infringement! Another Trump signature tune!
Craig, I must have missed something of yours. Back home now? Who looked after the critters while you were skiving off up North?
republicans shoot themselves in the foot again with the whole mark Robinson Black Nazi Trans-Porn Women shouldn't have the vote thing. It is truly glorious and uplifting to see.
Meanwhile the enablers (as opposed to the brain-dead cult followers) are tearing their hair out because they can't get Trump to simply stay on message. They haven't quite got it yet that he's a few sandwiches short of a picnic and he can be triggered by any one of a dozen well-known buttons.
What a great player on the world stage he would be if the unthinkable were to happen and he got back into the Casa Blanca. Putin, Xi and Kim would all be rubbing their hands with glee as they played him like a piano accordion - that's the one with all the buttons, right? The Egyptian president is probably already packing up a few more millions of dollars into sacks to buy some favours again.
47 days to find president 47
Stockmarket setting new records.
Inflation down.
Interest rates down.
Jobs up.
US economy touted as best in the world.
Border crossings down.
fentanyl deaths down
Violent crime down.
And Trump making a racist, misogynistic idiot of himself every time he opens his mouth.
It's almost as if God is smiling upon one particular candidate, but since I don't believe in mythological beings, I guess it's just that sensible, humane policies are working.
Here's a copy of my latest poem in vase you missed it. Against my own predictions it won a podium place - unusual for a clearly political hit job,
The Sultan of Slime
He's the Sultan of Slime and he lies all the time,
He's fickle and feral and foul.
His mind is a cesspool of grievance and grime,
He wears a contemptuous scowl.
He's ruined the lives of his multiple wives
And cheated on each of them freely.
His tame evangelicals think that this jives
With their faith, but I ask, "Does it really?"
He's pasty, he's pouty, he's putrid, he's painted,
He claims every day he's a victim.
His cronies are crooked, his cohorts are tainted
And daily poor choices afflict him.
He's rotten, he's rude and he's callous and crude,
Insulting all those who oppose him.
The basics of courtesy seem to elude
both him and the cultists who chose him.
"I'm a star so they let me just grab 'em down there,"
These words should have ended the question.
Do you think that it matters? Do you simply not care?
Does it give you a vile indigestion?
Debating disaster, the gulf's even vaster,
The elephant's swallowed the room.
November draws nearer, the future grows clearer
And Kamala serves up his doom!
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Quick response to Gloria before responding to the trolls: in all seriousness Trump and Vance seem to have made a bad PR move on Ohio (technically a battleground state but tends to go red) and their only chance now is to double down and look for turds until they find them. And there will be plenty of turds to find, cause it's Ohio, and Haitians are crazy people. How many of them got dumped out there, I don't know. It's not my home state and I don't support or pay any attention to its politics outside the zoo. While I have lived across from normal and respectable Haitians in other states, the only one I have actually known was extremely disturbed, and sent me and my family and many people I knew abusive letters from prison after immigration finally got to him, as he came here illegally. His brain was fried. My family significantly supports Haitian schools and ministries, and the situation there is completely and unspeakably screwed up, and these people should NOT be getting dumped en masse into American towns. They are dangerous and dysfunctional. They need a containment area and a lot of help. The country is run by gangs who run around looting and slaughtering aid workers. Vance was not exaggerating. He just picked the wrong points cause he hasn't learned to talk like an adult yet, or if he has, the media likes to pretend he hasn't.
Harambe can't speak for Trump's security costs. Harambe does not speak for Trump or have inside access to that kind of information, even though Springfield is only about an hour from here. Those costs will be a drop in the bucket compared to the weekly, monthly, annual costs of absorbing immigrants who got dumped in the wrong place to integrate them. Maybe Trump will come up with a solution that saves them tens of millions of dollars. Maybe he won't. Let's wait and see how it turns out.
Agricultural immigrants need to go to agro areas. We could use workers in ammunition factories after all the stuff that needs to be replenished after 2 1/2 years of Ukraine. People with no skills? Send them to the blue states full of pasty white people who like to preach to the red states on how anti-immigrant they are, even though they are taking the brunt of the immigration. Send them to Maine and Vermont, and cut Florida and Texas some slack. I’d say send them to NY and CA but those states seem to have enough problems that they created for themselves there, and these may not be relatively good places for unskilled immigrants to land. But SPREAD THEM OUT. Or they will take forever to integrate in a healthy way.
No country wants to take people from Haiti by the way. And the US did not screw up their country for them. They've just had a lot of bad luck handed to them and, as a country run by savages, made bad decisions with what was given them. It would probably take a significant multinational military force and aid effort over many years to gut and fix their country. Don't hold your breath.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Message edited:
You might have missed my post on the letter from 110 top-level Republicans begging people not to vote for shit-for-brains. Also, the post that started this thread, which a certain dead ape decided to plagiarise, with a rather disappointing result.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Message edited:
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
CD, Americans don't care to be caricatured by foreign shills any more than you do, or told who to vote for, so you can put your southern hemisphere propaganda and name calling ("insipid", "sniveling") where the sun don't shine much, cause it's still winter there for another day.
Kindly shelve your "how far have you fallen" condescension and screw your short-circuiting brain back on. How many times does Harambe have to say this to you trolls. (NOT referring to Gloria as such, since she is decent, inquisitive and respectful). Harambe has never voted for or supported Trump or MAGA mania. HE challenges your narrative of Joe Biden as "a decent man", when he is directly responsible for the rape and slavery of millions of Afghani girls and women. Harambe attacks the dictators in charge, whoever they are,
whether in Harambe's house run by a Democrat who raised HIS rent 40% to send more money to Kamala Harris, and imposes increasingly draconian limitations on HIS movements,
or on Harambe's street, with its wealthy German whitewashed houses with their burglar alarms and green grass yards covered with Kamala Harris signs reminding that "we’re not going back" just two blocks away from the ghetto people (who these homeowners avoid at all costs), who threaten Harambe when he's out walking instead of them because HE's not white. These yards and domiciles are maintained and purified by Scherzinger, and the smell of dead rats wafts through my Jewish-owned window many a morning to wake me up -- exaggeration none --
and on this site, where Harambe does battle with leftist bullies like you,
and in Harambe's country, where the left is making most of the policy right now. Harambe doesn't have to post 50/50 left and right to defend HIS record as a moderate extremist. The distribution of HIS attacks is just and proportionate to the areas that are not being attacked enough. Harambe attacks the right on Ukraine and the left on Afghanistan -- in fact that first post brought me to this site, so don't try and pretend I’ve moved to the right. Harambe attacks the left on aborting democracy and the right on undermining the Republic. Harambe attacks Trump for his impropriety and greed, the left for its snootiness. Harambe attacks both sides for their crappy debates. Harambe regularly crosses political lines to insult both sides simultaneously.
Harambe also conducted an interview recently where HE went on record for HIS positions, which is far more than you'll ever hear from Princess Harris. There is plenty of evidence in HIS posts to support that which you conveniently pretend not to see, or maybe you’re as senile as Old Uncle Joe.
That criticizing your own halfwit DEI messiah gets a "if you aren't for us, you're against us" reaction out of you only shows how today's wannabe puritanical left has lost its moorings. Thanks for taking such an interest in our affairs, but keep your paws off our guns and our puppies, thank you very much.
And my name change in no way depicts a change in my policies. It's for protection, and I'm not going to explain it or that would undermine the protection. But essentially, Harambe doesn't want to get shot again by people like you, and Harambe makes no distinction whether you do it with a gun or a boomerang.
Further taunts:
Steve, nice poem. I've written about 20 like that about Kamala eating puppies. Scroll to the bottom here and check them out where they are all linked. Then head over to w3schools.com and learn how to write HTML. Those broken tags are unbefitting of your talents. And the stock market being up is entirely due to Fed rate cuts. Trump appointed that guy, not Biden, but he seems to be giving the Dems a massive favor now by doing this right before the election. Jobs are not up. Tech jobs are going to crap. Go read the news.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
That's a hell of a lot of words in an attempt to qualify as a schizophrenic attention-seeker, rather than a sycophantic MAGA echo chamber.
Did the nasty Democrat man put your rent up, Harambe? Boo-hoo. My rates went up 33% too, but I wouldn't have a clue about the political proclivities of the councilors who raised them. Your problems in your little picket-fenced community are no different from the rest of the world. It's simply that the rest of the world gets on and deals with it instead of endlessly whining about it.
I'm a leftist bully? Only in a world somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan. But you wouldn't know that, because you spend all your time prattling on about yourself and how hard you have it, and not listening to anyone else.
Clearly, your pretended knowledge about these parts is as deficient as your pretended knowledge about everything else, since it's the 20th day of spring here. But what would a foreigner know, right? You're forgiven for that, but not for being a fake centrist.
I don't really care what QAnon-loving Americans do or don't want, Harambe, so I'll speak my mind on whatever topic I like. And foreigners like you can like it or kiss my lily white. As it happens, I've had several Americans ask for permission to share my Facebook posts roughly equivalent to the two which opened threads here. So I guess your "Americans don't care" could be better expressed as "some Americans don't care to listen".
Nor do I particularly care to stroke your over-inflated ego reading an "interview" which is you talking about you. That's all I've ever seen from you, apart from the defending of Trump and attacks upon whomever is opposing him at the time. You're just not that interesting, sorry.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
My mistake on the seasons. So they're offset slightly. As for the rest of what you wrote, your level of vitriol seems to be through the roof dude. Wake up and smell the kangaroos. I write about plenty of other things on here but I am also developing branding out of my gorilla posts. My lesbian landlady is a Democrat who suddenly raised rent by that much. Half the house is covered in her political paraphernalia. Over what period did yours go up 33%? Overnight? Guessing you don't live in a neighborhood where someone in your neighborhood is robbed, threatened, or in a vehicle accent on a regular basis. There are no picket fences here to keep the guns out of my face. There's just race and territory. I mow lawns in the hood for my disabled neighbors. That's why I have to deal with this crap.
You don't even publish anything on this site anymore. You've written a single review in the last 11 months because you got riled up over someone's post attacking the Big Bang. What a waste of your money to be on here just for the privilege of trolling a dead gorilla who's more productive than you. You're not dead yet. Why don't you do something, write something. Go leave some nice constructive reviews and help people get better at something.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
And Harambe never called Himself a centrist. He's a moderate extremist. But you're just a bored bully. Now go find some evidence of Harambe "defending Trump".

Write a Bob: The 1944 -1945 massacre of 20,000 innocents