RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Message edited:
OK, one point at a time, Harambe.
1. If it makes you happy to pretend to be a monkey, you go for it. Just don't tell other people to "grow up" at the same time.
2. I presume I pay the same amount as you do to belong to this site. I'm entitled to use the forum regardless of how much or little I write or review poetry or prose. I used to write and review a lot. Not any more; it's too depressing to see the way both these activities have been bastardized over recent years.
3. Your claim about citing sources is ridiculous. When there is anything new to be discussed, I'm comprehensive in acknowledging the sources I cite. That goes back years. Everything discussed in this thread is common knowledge and undisputed; if it's not, take me to task, and I'll gladly supply sources. There's no reason to supply sources for that which is common knowledge.
4. No, I don't use CNN as an exclusive source. It's understandable you're not able to distinguish between individuals from south of the equator. We're easily confused, as we have a lot of characteristics in common: not terribly prone to embracing make-believe stories, not warmongers, mostly in favour of working with nature rather than destroying it, mostly not overly materialistic, generally have some compassion for the less well-off, etc.
5. Whether Trump defrauded the IRS (and hence his fellow citizens) of $133,000, $46,500 or $0 is irrelevant. The crime of which he was correctly convicted was falsifying business records. It was conclusively proven he did that. And he did it for gain. Gain in both monetary terms, and for his personal benefit to ensure he was able to run for President. Had the story come out in 2015 instead of 2018, he'd have had no hope.
6. Trump and his army of buffoons were happy to chant "lock her up" at Hillary, who had committed no crime. Trump has committed numerous crimes, though he has to this point managed to avoid personal conviction on all but one. So why the fuss about Joe's call?
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Alright CD, fair enough. You did plenty of writing and reviewing in the past, and I can understand getting depressed and giving up on writing now and then when you see unworthy entries winning all the time in contests. Two points of contention:
1) A gorilla is an ape, but a gorilla is not a monkey. I suppose that's roughly on par with mixing you up with Steve, so now we're even, we will both try not to make the same mistake. It doesn't help that neither of you has a picture on your profiles.
2) My point all along is not to morally exonerate Trump, but to point out that the attacks on him are backfiring, and for good reason. Trump is an unsinkable turd. If Access Hollywood couldn't sink him in 2016, most likely neither would have his payment to Stormy Daniels, but who knows. And for his conviction to be by a partisan judge and jury just makes it backfire even more. It just comes off as spiteful and opportunistic. Did you know that this same judge was appointed to preside over all the other Trump trials as well? Something smells fishy there.
I need to get back to campaigning and selling gorilla campaign merch here, so TTYL.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
I don't want to protract this discussion any more either. Just to say that I am aware that gorillas are apes, not monkeys. Call it poetic license. What's more, I also understand that you don't have to pretend to be a gorilla, live or dead, to be an ape. By virtue of being human, you are an ape.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
You are right about humans being apes. Of course, Harambe is not just any gorilla. Harambe died for your sins. Harambe took a shot for you and now it's time to give Harambe a shot. All of you in Australia, Tasmania, and so on should send your mail-in ballots now and save this election from being stolen by imposters.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
I'll be sure to tell my Tasmanian friends you don't consider them Australians. They love that ;-)
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Haha I bet. It looks like an amputated fingertip. Or worse

Shoes On the Danube Bank
Write a Bob: The 1944 -1945 massacre of 20,000 innocents
Write a Bob: The 1944 -1945 massacre of 20,000 innocents
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