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RE: Australia News
Sorry to be a pendant, but no, 'assault rifle' is not a made up term.
It may not be widely used in the US, but elsewhere it is recognised thusly:

CD Richards

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RE: Australia News
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Now that we've established assault rifles do actually exist, which Constitutional Article or Amendment enshrines the right to possess assault rifles, automatic or semi-automatic, or for that matter any weapons to the general public?

So you're happy to explain to the parents of Sandy Hook and Columbine victims that the exact same laws that permit you to carry around a gun which is likely to be statistically next to useless in an actual attack by an armed criminal is the same law that permits psychopaths and other disturbed individuals to own such weapons and use them to murder their children? Wow.


What on Earth has a national gun fetish got to do with being a "superpower"? I didn't, nor did I intend to, make any implication that higher gun homicide rates increase the suicide rate. I did not introduce suicide rates into the conversation. I only stated when you sought to exclude gun suicide from the US figures, in order to make them look "better", you need to exclude them for other countries, which leaves you in no better position. Your "gorilla math" most certainly is majorly faulty.

As for "There are a lot of creative ways to punish people without legislation", I'll be sure next time someone commits the criminal act of inciting violence I write a nasty essay or poem about them on Fanstory. That'll fix 'em.

You say gun violence is not a problem where you live. You've probably told us where that is before, but I don't recall. Would you mind telling us again so we can check that assertion?


Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Australia News

There is no sense trying to explain to you why assault weapons are a misnomer if you don't have weapons training.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Australia News

CD: I don't think I am going to reveal for now what state I am in, because probably you will somehow try to politicize it. So let’s put it this way.

In my town, there is virtually zero crime reported, even though people have guns and teach their children how to safely handle them. Crime basically consists of zoning code violations, noise complaints, and speeding tickets. It is probably much safer than Australia.

In my county, the most recent unsolved homicide was in 1998.

In my state, well over 80% of "firearms deaths" are suicides. The homicides happen in another part of the state. When there are murders around here, they usually involve knives, not firearms. In fact, the last person murdered anywhere around here was a friend of one of my brothers. That was also with a knife. So yes, you brought up suicides by including them in your stat in the first place, which is misleading. And it is misleading because suicides happen regardless of gun laws.

In my extended network, I knew two guys who were murdered by firearms. Our opioid deaths in this state are 20 times higher than overall homicides. Of the young kids in my circles growing up, at least three have died from drug overdoses, and quite a few more may likely die. I don't know anyone who is likely to get shot, but I have known quite a few people to struggle with substance abuse. So I really don't think talking about guns merits any more of my time.

Firearms training is essential to keep our service members alive and deadly in war. The best snipers in the world are from Canada and the US. And they are the best because they grew up with guns, rather than touching them for the first time when they got into the military. However, as I have said, personal firearm training is likely to be less relevant in the military of tomorrow.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

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#2 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Australia News
The answer to our question, CD, is yes. I would have no problem explaining why I carry a gun and keep another at home. I would have no issue explaining why I go the range and practice.

And I will tell and have told evil criminal thugs who prey on people, that if you think you can take my gun or are brave enough to face me with yours, then go right ahead. Roll those dice and see if statistics will save your evil butt. See if statistics will be your side when you break into my home.

Because only a fool or a coward would choose to be unarmed when facing an armed evil thug. I mean seriously, who choose that?

Let me hear from the ladies. Would you rather be armed or unarmed when that group of young thugs cross the street and head in your direction?

Seriously, let me hear from you.

CD Richards

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RE: Australia News
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"There is no sense trying to explain to you why assault weapons are a misnomer if you don't have weapons training."

Oh, the "You wouldn't understand" defense. Well, if it's OK with you, I'll choose to believe that 2 national armies, a defense research organisation, and numerous other authorities probably have weapons training superior to yours, and accept what they tell me. Caught again.

"Because only a fool or a coward would choose to be unarmed when facing an armed evil thug."

No, only a fool would endorse laws which make it as easy as possible for every evil thug to be armed. Your solution is to create a problem, then adopt a "fix" that only exacerbates it. The smart solution is not to have the problem in the first place by not arming criminals and the mentally deranged (which could be anyone, since most mass shooters are first offenders). I mean seriously, who chooses that?

Are you waiting for the ladies of Sandy Hook and Columbine, and hundreds of other senseless acts of violence to write you letters praising your great good sense? I think you'll be waiting a while.


Your logic is strange. You pick your town, as opposed to your state or your country, and then claim " It is probably much safer than Australia." That's comparing apples to oranges.

It's fine if you don't want to reveal your state and town. The only issue is that we only have your anecdotal evidence to go by, and we all know how useful such evidence is. Also, not sure about in the US, but in this country crime stats for individual towns are difficult to come by, the figures being obtained over wider areas; which makes proving or disproving claims rather difficult. I would suspect I could find towns here that have never had an incident of violent crime confirmed in their history. Of course, you kindly gave us enough information to guess with reasonable certainty which county and state you are in. But I'll respect your privacy. Nevertheless, we can't have gun laws applied on an individual town basis, can we? Or are you suggesting national gun laws should be based on your paragon of a harmonious, peaceful community?

I tend to agree enough time has been spent discussing firearms (for now). When I have time, I'll return to reinforce why the issue is important in relation to the opening post of this thread, and the opioid epicdemics are not as relevant. In the meantime, I'll extend the offer for the third time to you and Lancellot, since you both speak so much about "freedom", to define what exactly the term means to you.

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#2 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Australia News
Okay, CD, guy on the other side of the planet. If you were President of the US. What would be your "practical" solution? You have the Oval Office for four years. Tell me what you could do and would do.

CD Richards

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RE: Australia News
I appreciate the invitation, Lancellot; I think I might take you up on it. Already, there are some devilishly clever ideas swirling around up there.

But for now, I'm about to head to work, so I can't address it right now. I'll get back to you. Meanwhile, the simple answer that springs immediately to mind is I'd do pretty much what is done by every country in which the leading cause of death for children is NOT GUNS, i.e. every country in the western world, bar yours.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Australia News

Actually it's the #2 cause of death for children, narrowly behind car accidents. The stats have been baked to call "children" age 1-19 instead of 1-17 for gun deaths. It's a small distinction, but details still matter.

CD Richards

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RE: Australia News
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Since details matter, yours are wrong on two counts, Harambe.

Firstly, the number of deaths of children aged 0-17 due to car crashes is 1,000, approximately. For guns, it's around 1,600. Not even close. Secondly, why not use 0-19? I don't know many people who have finished their high school education by age 17, do you? 

If you need references, it will have to wait until I'm home. Even typing a response on my phone is a PITA.

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