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CD Richards

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RE: Who knows the answer?
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I'm fast getting over discussing this. It's boring. It is pitifully obvious that Trump failed massively in his responsibilities while failing to handle the Coronavirus outbreak.

The simplest proof is the pathetic mortality figures in the US compared to every country that had access to reasonable resources and treated the virus seriously. Trump never took the virus seriously. Hospitals and other health facilities were desperately short of equipment needed to combat the spread of the virus. He peddled insane miracle cures, while ignoring the advice of experts on virology and immunology. He refused to endorse the expert opinion he was receiving from everywhere concerning measures such as social distancing and mask wearing, and convey them to the public. He prevented the experts from being heard on the subject. Instead of setting an example with regard to his own vaccination as other leaders worldwide were doing, he chose to hide it. And he chose to blame everyone else for the problem, while praising his own appalling mismanagement.

His own Covid Response Coordinator (the one to whom he suggested injecting bleach) testified before a congressional hearing that 130,000 to 140,000 lives were lost due to Trump's ineptitude. And that was long before anything like the current death toll was reached. I could go into much more detail, but is there any point? Watch the video on this page if you want a few further particulars:

As for what Hillary would have done, I strongly suspect she would have listened to her expert advisors and given careful consideration to what they were telling her. I imagine she would have deferred to their better knowledge, as she is not an out-of-control megalomaniac who believes herself to know more on every single subject imaginable than the most highly trained experts in their fields. Trump IS such a person, as has been demonstrated here at length, in his own words. This hubris cost many tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Americans, their lives. 

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Who knows the answer?
Boy, do liberals enjoy using the word "expert". It's quite clear now that no one calling themselves that knew jack crap what the heck was going on during COVID. Public health officials need to hire engineers.

I'll take a look at the video in a bit.

CD Richards

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RE: Who knows the answer?
Yeah, by "expert" liberals mean someone who has studied the subject for at least several years at university, usually made a career of working for years in the field, and contributed significantly to the knowledge in the area. By "expert", Republicans mean anyone who can hold a Bible upside down without recognising that's what they are doing and sprout bullshit.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Who knows the answer?
Nah the Repubs don't use that term at all. It's a term made up by the Left and is self-referential. Use of the term does not require a degree, although DEI degrees count for extra points on the Expert index.

If we're bashing the religious right, I'd say that calling oneself an expert and referring to the certification of one's expertise is like arguing scriptural infallibility based on a single verse referencing the infallibility of "scripture", and applying that argument to anything else calling itself scripture.


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RE: Who knows the answer?
Why are we talking about COVID?

Trump fucked things up - we all know that. The one thing he did accomplish of note was Operation Warp Speed so we can safely assume that somebody else spearheaded that and he took credit for signing off on it.

If ANYONE else had been in office at the time they might have made mistakes too, but probably not as much as Trump. Would they have come up with something to match WarpSpeed? Who knows, but quite possibly.

More important right now is to ask the question why would anyone thing that Trump is remotely a possibility to be put back in the White House.

He is clearly criminal.
He is clearly in cognitive and physical decline.
The few plans he has articulated for a second term are disturbing to say the least.
What kind of person chooses someone who has made revenge one of his top priorities?

If you question Kamala's intellect, then what on earth do you think of his? At least she has the common sense to take the advice of experts rather than claiming to be the font of all knowledge herself.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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Rank:  49

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Rank:  111

RE: Who knows the answer?
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The problem with Kamala is who she considers an expert. She put her own sister in charge of her campaign in 2020, and we know how that went. Smart people are capable of identifying other people who are smarter than themselves in critical areas, and getting those smart people to work for them. Trump says a lot of shit about himself being the best [fill-in-the-blank] but then he goes and -- sometimes -- hires people who are actually capable.Yes he has problems retaining good people with his ridiculous expectations of loyalty, and there are concerns over who he will find for his cabinet positions in a second term. On the other hand, there is even less confidence among swing voters like myself about who Kamala would put in positions of importance.

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