RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
It was a stupid thing for Biden to say is because it gives Team Trump a nice little sound bite to put in their political ads as an admission from President Biden that he had indeed weaponized the DOJ to target his political enemies. That of course is not true so what could have prompted Biden to say something so colossally reckless.
Perhaps it was his lame attempt at salvaging his ego, perhaps he is vindictive toward his own party, or perhaps he's dumber than a box of rocks. At any rate he did damage to his own party.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
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CD, I am not a Republican and Trump's action in this case fits the definition of victimless crimes, unlike his tax write-offs, which would be a valid accusation, but clearly you're not interested in making attacks of substance. If you continue to call me a Republican, I'll give you a reason to regret it. Why don't you mind your own business and go back to milking kangaroos.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Or perhaps, Gloria, you're determined to find fault with him no matter what. Biden's entitled to say what he said, and he has every reason to say it.
Who is going to be swayed by the fact he said what he did? Anyone who is going to believe the DOJ was recruited by the Democrats to do their bidding and launch a vendetta against Trump is already a hopeless, dedicated Trump fanatic. It's not going to make any difference to them. As he so famously observed, he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone, and it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to his voters. They are that stupid.
Anyone other than a deluded Trump fanatic already understands the depths of his crimes, and that he has committed far more serious felonies than he has (yet) been convicted of, so it's hardly going to bother them, is it?
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
I'm sorry, Harambe. I seem to have temporarily mistaken you for someone of average intelligence. But such a person would understand that a payment of $130,000 to a sex worker, disguised as a business expense, makes it very much a tax fraud.
If any further proof of your MAGA proclivities were ever needed, your failure to understand the concept of "victimless crime" fulfills it.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
$130k is of insufficient magnitude for a criminal trial. Trump has written off $900 million in other people's losses and never paid taxes since, and you're obsessed with 0.02% of the real problem. Grow up.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Your response to someone who meets your ludicrous nonsense with facts is to "grow up"? That's after you've told me to mind my own business and milk kangaroos? You seriously want to look at yourself in the mirror. Seriously.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
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I see a hairy handsome ape who is about to become President of America. What do YOU see? Also did you look at WHY a gorilla told you to grow up? It's your inability to look at proportionality. Thousands of news sources and all you can listen to is CNN. Millions in wrongful tax write-offs, and you're obsessed with the 0.02% that a partisan judge and jury went after under dubious legal circumstances. I suppose you'll keep screaming in your corner, attracting a dwindling audience of sympathizers while the world moves on.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Your ignorance and childishness is disturbing. You're incapable of having a discussion without dragging it down to kindgergarten level. But I suppose that's to be expected of an allegedly grown man who wants to go through life role-playing as a gorilla.
The reason I focused on the tax-evading write-off of hush money payments to a sex worker as a business expense is because that's what he's been convicted of. The other fraud issues for which his organization has been found guilty did not result in a personal conviction against him, sadly. And, of course, there are many more cases to come. Let's hope he gets his deserved comeuppance and rots in jail, as the nemesis of all the hard-line conservatives has demanded.
Your argument about this is absurd, and frankly, I didn't think even you could be so obtuse. If he were to rob a bank, would it be less of a crime if he got away with only $133,000, instead of $10 million? Why should any different rules be applied since it is only honest taxpayers he is robbing? You try defrauding the IRS of $133,000 and let me know when their response to you is, "Don't worry about it, it's peanuts."
I don't listen to CNN. I don't listen to CBS or NBC or ABC and I certainly don't listen to Fox. Which is kind of a pity, really, because in spite of the fact that almost all of them are Trump lapdogs, Jessica Tarlov rips them to shreds with great regularity. Also, cracks are starting to appear in their MAGA armour. More than one have come out criticising him of late.
I get Youtube sources of all persuasions on my feed, including moderate and hard left and moderate and hard right. I tend to ignore the lunatic fringes of both sides because they scare me with their stupidity almost equally.
I guess we'll see in less than a couple of weeks' time who has a dwindling audience of sympathisers.
My money is on you and your MAGA friends, but when it comes to being astounded by what goes on in the opposite hemisphere, that ended for me long ago.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
CD, there's power in a nom de plume, and people have been doing it for a long time. Both children and women used to write as men, so what's to stop the next wave of evolution back to primates? If we're going on substance, this grown ape regularly writes and reviews on this site, while you just whine about people writing religious material. This ape cites sources, while you rarely do.
Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that you were saying you follow (listen to, read, whatever) CNN as an almost exclusive source for US news? Or am I mixing you up with Steve again?
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Also, Trump didn't defraud the IRS of $133k. That's the amount he called an expense. The amount he defrauded by would be whatever the tax rate on that is. The corporate tax rate was 35% in 2016, so $46,550. The top individual tax rate would have been 39.6%. That's assuming he would have had profits to write off. He might not have, if he is still writing off those other real estate "losses". So you see, it becomes very much relevant. Maybe he defrauded the US govt of $0 because the larger write-offs were not challenged.

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