RE: Cabinet picks
It drives decisions in Berlin
they can't run on kvass
so if we want Ukraine to win
we gotta pump the gas
Enter stage right, Mr. Wright
a laureate from MIT
he's not an Amish acolyte
he knows his double E
If you want to raise the poor
it's time to listen up:
it's mining of the earthly ore
that fills the grocery store
He might be Trump's most vital pick
to fuel our renaissance;
to claim that he's a right-wing dick
would be a dumb response.
RE: Cabinet picks
Politicians, public servants
Love 'em / hate 'em, here's the thing:
They are here to serve the people
With what talents they may bring
One though is bereft of virtues
Pompous, selfish brat is he
He's convinced the people serve him
All he knows is "Me! me! me!"
Those who worship at his altar
Sold their souls in vain, the fools
They deserve what they have wished for
Watch them bleat when chaos rules
Lucky us who watch from far-off
As his country bites the dust
Something that we never wished for
Fueled by one man's power lust
Sermon's over, done with talk here
We await when you are done
One day, you'll return to normal
Once fine, now not, prodigal son
RE: Cabinet picks
Some cannot sin, it's evident,
If they became the president.
Egregious flaw
In such a law,
We must not remain reticent.
The Commandments are back in schools.
(It's God's country, you sinful fools!)
Now 'Church and state,'
New rules dictate
That Bible texts be teaching tools.
RE: Cabinet picks
The solid wit spewed in this thread
has raised some humor from the dead
with tales of tyrants getting head
I'll just repeat one thing I said
This thread is for the nominees
Not random pooping from the trees
So kindly throw your ripe feces
Upon the new appointees, please.
This list was provided by the New York Times, which contains further blurbs on each of the cabinet nominees.

RE: Cabinet picks
Good idea to have a rapist
Run your country’s DOJ
When you need some kiddie nookie
Don’t let laws get in the way
Who’s in charge of your armed forces?
News reader’s an obvious choice
Generals will all listen to him
‘Coz he’s got a sexy voice
Speak of problems, here a taxer:
In whose hands should health be placed?
Why not choose an anti-vaxxer?
Tinfoil hats quite suit your taste
Wonder who’s your top-shelf spy pick?
Putin’s girlfriend is the one
Better brush up on your Russian
Gulags can be heaps of fun
Got a power-hungry fryer?
Not a worry, I would say
There’s a climate change denier
Heading up the EPA
But this exercise is pointless
Judging Trump’s crew good or bad
They’ve earned favour from a despot
One who’s evil and quite mad
I’ve said once, and I’ll repeat it:
Cabinets can do no good -
They’re not worth the crap they’re made from
When they’re carved from rotting wood
Now I’ve played your game – you happy?
Carry on, I’m outta here
I’ve got better ways to time-waste:
Swimming, music, farm life, beer
RE: Cabinet picks
Trump picked loyal Patel today
Cuz he's gonna fire Christopher Wray
Kash'll waste lots of time
Chasing fictitious crime
2020's vote count was a nay
Trump'll never stop there that is true
He'll send Kash back to Russia-Gate new
And then out of thin air
Create evidence there
That Obama bugged Trump Tower too
With obedient Patel in charge
It's the law will be broken at large
Behind dastardly doors
Trump will settle his scores
While feigning it's woke he'll disbar
RE: Cabinet picks
For FBI, Patel.
A pick that's such a tell.
He'll dole the blows;
Woe to Trump's foes.
He'll send them all to hell.
Hegseth is not the man.
Mom's not really a fan.
Fraud, drugs and sex--
The usual hex--
Will nix his defence plan
Bomb threats to some Trump picks;
Some out there think them pricks.
Will they survive
Past Jan'ry 5?
Or kaboom from tick-tick-ticks?
RE: Cabinet picks
Communicate to Director Cheung
That his fat ass watch his tongue.
For one unfit,
He talks much shit
With mouth so stuffed with dung.
RE: Cabinet picks
So why is Pete Hegseth now still in the race
His drunken assaults are beyond a disgrace.
He looks like Tom Berenger man of some craft
Way back in the day Donald cheated the draft.
Pete weren't in Vietnam in our time for sure
Nor soldier of fortune, freebooters secure,
Corrupt, he's but one who looks good on TV,
Six sheets to the wind is this mercenary.
Get rid of the guy he's up to no good
To fight like hell's more than he ever could
He hasn't a centre or core to his soul
To wield drunken power is his only goal.
This mama's boy ain't no Tom Berenger.

Southbound, Part One.
Osbert and company leave Bebbanburg for the old roman roads.
Osbert and company leave Bebbanburg for the old roman roads.
10 points. and 12 member cents