RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
There is no comparison between Trump and Biden in terms of cognitive decline--Joe's is accelerated real. Although I think Trump is going to be mightily unhappy when he sees the video of himself taking off his suit jacket to don his McDonald's apron. His man boobs and granny muffin roll around the mid-section was significant. It's rather difficult keeping up the illusion you're Vin Diesel when you more resemble Chris Christie.
Biden really should stay off the campaign trail unless he can stop saying stupid things. On second thought, Biden should just stay off the campaign trail.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
And yet, saying stupid things doesn't appear to have affected Trump's popularity one iota. What does that say?
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
It says that Trump is a more effective communicator. I am referring to Biden falling right into Trump's trap about lock him up...politically.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
I don't see the problem. He's merely echoing Trump's own idiotic and baseless chant used against Hillary Clinton, with some effect, it would seem. And it's pretty hard to argue that Trump's crimes far outweigh any errors on Clinton's part. The man remains the only ever President who is also a convicted criminal.
I guess the American people need to decide. They know full well if he is elected next month, he will have himself absolved of all 34 counts on which he has been found guilty, quash all the remaining actions pending against him, and ensure he is never held accountable for anything. Is that what they want? Sadly, some large number do.
He has committed crimes for which ordinary people would be jailed. Why should he not be locked up? It's not a matter of persecuting political opponents, it's a matter of dealing with lawbreakers, whomever they might be.
In any case, Biden is a non-issue going forward. What he says hardly matters.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
A staged partisan trial in a precinct that has voted (as I recall) 87% for Biden, presided over by a judge who had donated to Biden's campaign. The left keeps screaming about this one thing, yet it's an attack built on a foundation of sand. And Harris' big attack on Trump in the town hall is that he is going to tax the middle class 20% on their food, which is a lie based on her infantile understanding of economics. Time for her to go back to nursery school.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Well, Mr I'm Not a Republican Nor a Trump Supporter, have you looked at the evidence that was produced during the trial? Because there was a mountain of it, and it pointed to Trump being guilty of exactly the crimes of which he was convicted.
On the other hand, we have his own self-appointed flunky, Judge Aileen Cannon who, without any legal justification, threw out the 40 indictments in the classified documents case brought against him, after stonewalling court proceedings for an interminably long time. The same flunky he wants to make Attorney General of the U.S. I wonder why? Let's hope that the 11th Circuit gets it right whenever they eventually get around to deciding on the Mar-A-Lago case by overturning this incompetent sycophant's ruling and removing her from the case.
If he does not win in November, Trump is going to be in a world of pain, and no one could deserve it more.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
34 redundant counts of falsifying business records. Big deal. Trump's done far worse. To call him a convicted felon over this particular thing does more to help him than hurt him. It's one of the dumbest attacks in US political history, and if Trump wins, the Dems will be kicking themselves over all the "f*** you" votes it provided to their adversary.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
To call him a convicted felon after being convicted of felonies is somehow wrong?
Others who have committed the same crime would see jail time, why shouldn't he?
Yes, he has done far worse; that somehow exonerates him for falsifying business records and covering up hush money payments? Hopefully the far worse will see him spending a good part of what remains of his miserable life in jail.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
You keep bringing up the conviction like it's some big deal we should care about. I really don't care, dude. I stand by what I already wrote.
RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Of course you don't care. I've come across very few Republicans who care about the law, when it doesn't suit their agenda of gifts for the rich and powerful and screw the poor.

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