RE: It's the guns!
"And did this "Man" just say..."
Very civil how you subtly challenged/questioned my manhood and ability/readiness to protect my family, lance, by alluding to me as a 'Man'--in special quotation marks. Nice jab (ahem).
And yes, after carefully reading through what I've written here, it's quite obvious that I subtly confessed to owning tons of guns, with which I shoot at my obnoxious neighbors and their pesky mutts every night (ahem).
kiwi, don't you dare leave me to go insane here alone! It takes at least two to create a cuckoo's nest.
I tentatively opt to do the flying over it later.
For those who keep clamoring for (useless/unnecessary) data to every claim under the sun, I recommend the regional IBM depot.
Any data not found there does not exist in this universe.
RE: It's the guns!
Go, the nonstop hyperbole and sarcasm makes it almost impossible to make sense out of your posts. Why not make a brand and stick to it? It will make you more entertaining at least.

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RE: It's the guns!
It's very simple. I own a gun. Go, owns a gun. We're both in the states. I bet we're (responsible and legal) gun owners for the same reason. And that reason is not to fight the Government.
I live in Illinois.
My gun was registered when I purchased it.
I am licensed. I have my F.O.I.D from the state police.
I took the 40 hours training to carry.
So, what is the argument for? Did republicans or the NRA make Go, buy and keep a gun? I bet the answer is no. Same as me. So, why blame the GOP or NRA for guns, when clearly a Liberal Democrat owns a gun?
RE: It's the guns!
Judy, other countries have the same or higher rates of mental illness as the US. They still have FAR lower rates of gun deaths and virtually ZERO rates of school shootings.
The best part of your post though was quoting Archie Bunker as some sort of authority!
Harambe, thanks for posting some facts and figures. I am notoriously lazy in this regard. Some people here won't even 'engage' with me because I only bring common sense without evidence.
here are a couple of interesting 'bits' from the Pew analysis you give us.
1. A 2019 study conducted by injury epidemiologists and trauma surgeons found that the risk of someone dying in a mass shooting was 70 percent lower when the 1994 ban was in place, one of the report’s authors, trauma surgeon Michael Klein, wrote in a recent article.
The study noted, however, that the drop could not be definitively linked to the ban alone as it accompanied an overall reduction in crime attributable to several other possible factors.
2. Sorry, this is actually from another source - Al jazeera
Yet, regardless of the metric used, almost all trackers show that the number of mass shootings has increased significantly since the 1994 ban expired. Morral also said that assault weapons have been disproportionately used "in the highest casualty" incidents in recent years.
"And that suggests that they may be attractive to people who are intent on killing a large number of people, for obvious reasons."
(Steve thumbs his nose again)
Ho -hum Kentucky man wanders into a gunshop today, buys a weapon and 2,000 rounds and heads off to the highway to take potshots at passing cars...
Nobody dead (yet) but this kind of malarkey (Thanks, Joe) simply could not happen in Canada, Australia, NZ, UK...
Toodle pip!
RE: It's the guns!
I'll respond to part of Steve's post. Common sense means different things to different folks. Here's a new argument that has nothing to do with the second amendment: kids having access to guns makes them better shots in their future as America's Starship Troopers. There is a collateral cost and benefit associated with having a culture that grows up comfortable around guns. One benefit is fewer of our soldiers die in battle. Not sure how well this argument would hold up as a proportionate cost/benefit analysis considering all the inner city gun deaths. Having the world's biggest most powerful military though is definitely a factor in the US dollar being the world's reserve currency, and ensures the rest of the world that holds dollars helps pay their share of our spending deficits in inflation and interest fees. And military jobs are a good gig for America's inner city poor.
Sure, call it blood money. How much blood is the question, since most money has a certain amount of blood and cocaine on it, just like all public swimming pools have a certain amount of pee.
RE: It's the guns!
Ho-hum... Really Harambe? Are you sure you're not thinking of the Old West?
I'm reasonably sure that the kind of weapons that decide future wars won't require familiarity with or even expertise in light guns. More likely the army will be recruiting kids who are good at video games!
I see the Georgia kid pretty upbeat about using his AR15 to slaughter a deer. Not even a decent sportsman, then.
Meanwhile, of course, nobody even attempts to refute the ironclad correlation between number of guns in circulation and number of gun deaths.
In a vaguely related issue, can anyone explain how Trump managed to have a bullet tear though his ear (his words) and turn up a few days later with no sign of a wound or a scar on aforesaid ear.
More related is the sheer stupidity of having state laws that permit individuals such as the now deceased assassin strolling around publicly carrying a high-powered rifle near a venue where a high-profile target happens to be appearing and nobody can question his intent because, you know, open carry.
Funnier is that he also carried a ladder so he could climb onto a roof to get a better shot at Trump.
Weird doesn't cut it any more. You couldn't make this stuff up!
RE: It's the guns!
What constitutes an AR-15 is somewhat of a misnomer. Anti-gun people use that word the same way green people throw around references to climate change instead of calling it what it is (global warming). Which beats me. I always thought global warming was the problem. Or the same way Repub morons corrupted by donations from the steel industry (or just desperate to win Pennsylvania in the next election) call for steel tariffs when they know damn well it messes with trade economics, and actually hurts US manufacturing of steel products. I digress.
If the wannabe assassin had just used a hunting rifle, that probably would have done the job better. He also missed cause he was distracted from the police officer who had just popped his head up at the side of the building, and his accuracy had always kinda sucked, and Trump turned his head in a direction that doesn't make sense to have dodged the shot from a front-facing camera, but does when you look at the position the shooter was at. And he was able to take the shot cause he was a smart kid who had done his homework on the area, and the Secret Service was not smart, or...
I agree there are a lot of weird things about the assassination attempt. What are you trying to imply? That Trump manufactured it, or that Democrats tried to take him out? Considering that the Secret Service was being run by Jill Biden's appointed favorite, who directed extra available manpower to protect her at a casual indoor function that day instead of Trump's much higher risk event, and ignored requests for extra protection, and used a sloped roof as an excuse not to cover it, and ignored multiple warnings about it, the available information doesn't seem to fit the former theory well. The only theory that really fits well is the one involving sexism.
I too, when I first saw the video, wondered if Trump had made the whole thing up. My black friends for sure thought the whole thing was fake. Then I looked at everything, and that theory did not hold up. Holyfield's ear bite was a long time ago, and plastic surgery has advanced considerably since then. Remember, ears are cartilage. People can turn their ears into anything. I could get banana-shaped ears. Maybe I will. You think Trump would walk around with a mutilated ear when he is so obsessed with his hair? There seem to have been some attempts though to falsify visual evidence on his ear. Nah Trump just got lucky as shit. That's how his life has mostly worked out for him up until he lost in 2020.
Some of your other information is off. When Lancelot says you don't get it cause you are not here, this is the sort of thing where it seems you just haven't followed very much of what actually happened. It wasn't days, but weeks, later that he was walking around without a bandage. Dude had a ladder in his car but didn't end up needing it. Open carry has nothing to do with anything. They did not see his gun til the last minute when people started shouting "HE'S GOT A GUN!" You can see this in the bootleg videos that are everywhere. The agents spotted him with a range finder and somehow didn't or couldn't follow him and didn't get Trump off the stage. Why the hell not, we'll never find out probably.
=> I'm reasonably sure that the kind of weapons that decide future wars won't require familiarity with or even expertise in light guns. More likely the army will be recruiting kids who are good at video games! <= Have you ever fired a gun? These comments seem to be coming from someone who has no idea how marksmanship works. But when it comes to drones, you are probably right. Those drones in future wars though will largely function autonomously. At most, humans will decide to fire or not to fire.