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Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  50 (+1)

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Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  111

RE: Cabinet picks

Ozempic is a wonder drug
that makes the gays look svelte
it's cleaner than your coffee mug
and tightens up your belt

Bessent is ignescent
and could spark up the economy
his ass was quite an asset
in the flame community

The spending binge is really gross
he says he'll cut the bloat
he has learned his stuff from Soros
and can keep a boat afloat

The deficit has gone to shit
we gotta stop the waste,
let's hope Bessent can achieve it
we all need a slimmer waist

CD Richards

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  172

RE: Cabinet picks
Message edited:

Not everybody’s stupid

Just most, it would appear

It's not true everybody’s dumb

The "RINOs" made that clear

‘Twas dear old Bert who pointed out

The fool’s debating piece

That stupid folk are honest

While the clever ones are cheats

And when it comes to stupid

There’s none can outdo Trump

They’ll watch in horror as on his

Own land he takes a dump

Promoting all his mates to jobs

For which they have no clue

And Stormy’s old news now it seems

He’ll happily screw you

But don’t despair when things get rough

You should have used your brain

Now say goodbye to freedom

As it gurgles down the drain

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  50 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  111

RE: Cabinet picks

Freedom's an illusion,
and everyone who says that word,
suffers from confusion
or is just a giant turd.

The leftist gods have sprayed their piss
and made the peasants pay the price
If Trump's so dumb then answer this:
How come he's won twice?

This insect that you love to hate
has got a massive Rolodex
so don't just underestimate
the spurs on his T-Rex

Trump's an ass and so are you
we all keep useful pets around
so scream and yell until you're blue
and no one's left around

The truth is everyone's a slave
and needs to enslave others
so that they can spout some crap to save
their face among their brothers

Things don't happen for a reason
there's a reason why they happen
find the reason for the season
and you'll find your zen.

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  50 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  111

RE: Cabinet picks

His backers in the agro lobby
make our country sick.
Can Marco find another hobby
or is he a prick?

He's learned to speak with eloquence
and quick upon his feet,
and just might be an elephant
the pirates can't defeat.

Will Marco go to China?
everybody wants to know
if he's got a soft manjina
or if little Marco's grown.

CD Richards

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  172

RE: Cabinet picks
Message edited:

There is no need for you to get

Your knickers in a flap

Mistaking erudition

for deterministic crap

Neither should you lecture those

Bemoaning your poor nation

Accusing them of ignorance

Of purpose and causation

And lest we be enamoured of

The ignorance of youth

You set us straight by showing us

An arrogance uncouth

As Oscar Wilde so wisely said

(A paraphrase, I bring)

"I don't think I am young enough

To know most ev'rything"

Your turd-faced idol is indeed

A stupid, spineless thing

He rants and raves in ignorance

While others pull the strings

He's demonstrated his true role

Is being Putin's puppet

Religious-right folk run amok

Thanks to this clueless muppet

You ask if he's that dumb, how come

He won, and twice, in fact

It's difficult to answer that

Preserving any tact

I'll just repeat it one more time

As subtly as I can

It's hard to overstate

The gross stupidity of man

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  13

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  90

RE: Cabinet picks
O China's new cultural icon
Is Maye, who's the mother of Elon
While he makes his dough
On the government's dole
she rakes in her cash from Wuhan

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  50 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  111

RE: Cabinet picks

Once again your answer
is that 'Mericans are dumb,
yet about malignant cancer
on the Left, your voice is mum

Joe and Bernie got the shaft
they swapped them out with shrews,
they somehow thought that it was daft
to let their voters choose

The party of the working class
has raised the price of food
their donkey show is second class
and plain folks think it's crude

It’s arrogant to thumb your nose
with sagely dross redux
if you only see the side that blows
and not the one that sucks.

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  50 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  111

RE: Cabinet picks

When sitting down with Rogan
he talked sense on the VA,
but he sounds more like Hulk Hogan
than a four-star bird of prey

Already he is on defense
for whipping out his stick,
and it's starting to look rather tense
for Hegseth as the pick.

CD Richards

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  172

RE: Cabinet picks
A hundred plus of your land’s bravest
Begged you not to be outrageous
Patriots forced to beg and plead
That you forego your petty greed

But one who’d tear your country down
To wear again his tinsel crown
Got more than half the nation’s vote
I’ll gladly stand by what I wrote

To fall for nonsense rhetoric
Requires a brain that’s pretty thick
They’ll take your guns, They’ll eat your pet
You swallow this with no regret

If the cap fits, you should wear it
If the truth hurts, grin and bear it
There’s no need to wail and bawl
When such is obvious to all

Endorsing fear and greed and hate
Will never make a country great
You may well gloat, but you can’t win it
You’ve made your bed, now you’ll lie in it.

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  50 (+1)

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  111

RE: Cabinet picks

If Kamala had won we'd get
a state full of castration,
extended wars we might regret
as cash bleeds from the nation.

Not once here have you blamed the left
for bloated loads of pork,
inflation is the biggest theft
when government's at work

You scream about democracy
but only when it suits you,
and claim that we are crazy
yet your blind spot's in plain view

It's the third time now you've waved with glee
that letter from the nursing home
what if they called and raised you three --
have they all got Down's Syndrome?

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