RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Thanks for sharing this info, Gloria. Sounds like Canada has a good system to handle their immigrants.
Wikipedia says 3.0 for the US and 5.4 for Canada. Our actual number might be double or triple that.
Canada has long been a good entry point for immigrants. My dad first landed when he flew the coop. He experienced some discrimination, and moved south. The biggest movement of people in the world over the last couple years appears to have been from Ukraine to Poland. How well it works has a lot to do with how it is organized. In South Park, Americans streamed across the border to escape Trump, and Canada built a wall to stop them. Americans joke about moving to Canada if their candidate loses, illustrating the problem that Canada does not have. They are able to mostly control who arrives in the country, (mostly air) while the US is less able (most net incoming migration happens by foot).
The original point of this thread was a word editing exercise to point out how little I could change the words of a rant to completely subvert it. Immigration just happened to be the best edit of the original text CD had written. But I will own the position. Gloria is right: immigration SHOULD not be a partisan issue. It ends up that way because of the unequal distribution of who ends up where and who gets resources to deal with it. Since the President through the State Department has direct control over who gets let in where, it easily becomes a partisan issue with doctored statistics, as it has in Texas, which takes at least half the brunt of illegal entry.
The focus on Haitians is a distraction from the main issue with Latin American entry but aptly illustrates the point of resources getting overwhelmed. How many illegal aliens are in the US currently? No one knows. Biden/Harris are motivated to say 11 million, which everyone knows is false. Republicans are motivated to inflate it. It might be close to 20 million. It's probably not 40. Whatever it is, our actual migration rate is likely higher than Canada's right now.
Cats do get eatenbtw, like in France in WW2 and in modern-day China. Quora reports "The taste is good and rich and the texture of the meat is as greasy lamb meat with a slightly darker color." But dogs are more popular. Anyway, anyone here who has visited a real slum will see that there is some likely basis to the rumors, true or not. Eg the Springfield police say no pets were "stolen". That's not how it works. Your pet gets loose. Before you find it, someone scoops it up. In their culture, unattended by you, it is fair pickings. Might be time to upgrade that geofencing app and amp up the shock collar.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
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Your posts have demonstrated nothing other than a lack of originality, immaturity, narcissism and a penchant for conspiracy theories, Harambe.
We get it, the right doesn't like immigrants, because they're evil, criminals, cannibals and they eat pets. Oh, and they take "black jobs", whatever they might be. Wait, I know. Come November, "black jobs" will be 2 of the 4 most recent Presidents of the United States.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Proof that CD hasn't actually read what I wrote above. And he's the only one who has ever called me a narcissist or lacking creativity. I'm not going to indulge in his game of name calling.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Harmful name-calling game:
The Haitians are to blame.
The real issue
Is not pet stew,
But we stay dumb and tame.
There are more serious/pressing local, economic and international matters to confront and address than the fear of our beloved Fidos and Fifis being snagged up for a pet roast/snack.
Do you know how many shelter and stray animals are put down/die each year?
Even if Haitians/folks are eating cats and dogs--WHICH I NEVER CLAIM THEY ARE--we should be thanking them for the service of putting these poor critters to good use.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
You had your chance, Harambe. I offered the suggestion that we simply ignore each other – a suggestion with which I thought you concurred. Then, lo and behold, in your very next post you can’t help diminishing my good name by using it. Disparagingly, of course. Perhaps we need to add hypocritical to the list?
I'm not going to indulge in his game of name calling.
Really? Why stop now?
he's the only one who has ever called me a narcissist or lacking creativity.
Oh, good. No need to explain the conspiracy theorist or immaturity references then.
Constantly referring to oneself in the third person, focusing on “identity branding” (seriously?) instead of issues, and constantly seeking to make a discussion about oneself instead of issues would all be considered forms of narcissism in these parts.
Constantly referring to oneself in the third person, focusing on “identity branding” (seriously?) instead of issues, and constantly seeking to make a discussion about oneself instead of issues would all be considered forms of narcissism in these parts.
The inept and pointless use of poorly targeted mimicry, instead of developing one’s own case, or even answering the one presented, indicates a distinct lack of original thought.
Those are just a couple of observations, you can draw whatever conclusions you like from them.
To return to the waste of words that is your opening post in this thread, you offered no answer to why MAGA continually whine about “inflammatory and violent language,” when they are the only ones using it. You couldn’t offer a single case in which Democrat vitriol has been shown to be responsible for violence, as opposed to the 54 documented cases I provided showing criminal actions were inspired by Trump rhetoric. That’s why you opened this thread with a poor attempt at mockery employing debunked conspiracy theories as ammunition.
One last piece of advice. Don’t pay attention to flattering voices. They will disappear as soon as you’ve served their purpose or chosen not to play their game.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
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Go, we totally agree on this. Pets are a waste of money. If we ate all our pets, we could use that money to:
A) double the size of our aircraft carrier fleet and secure the world's oceans as they grow from global warming
B) fund making another ten million babies (and then another ten million after that, once they grow up, and so on). It would be about half that many if we fund them through college but that's still another 5 million kids instead of a bunch of neutered cats and dogs who are all gonna be dead after 18 years.
C) put giant space lasers in space to fry our enemies
D) fund some social program that Kamala comes up with. Kamala seems to be on board with eating our pets, so I think we are off to a good start. In all seriousness, I actually think this is a good idea.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
To tell you the truth where I live I am more concerned that my cat will be carted off and eaten by a hungry coyote or raccoon, over hungry people, even though all are in good supply in the region. Of course people eat cats and dogs, and cats and dogs also eat people if they are hungry and their owner has died leaving their food bowls empty. That's a given and not even under discussion here.
What we are talking about is a former president who raises aggravating claims to draw media attention to the real issue because he is like a heroin addict mainlined on publicity and like any addict he will do anything to get his next fix. But in his defense, can you imagine the insult coming from those media personalities, some of them still wet behind the ears, scavenging through every word you speak to find a lie or inconsistency?
Like the US, Canada is also experiencing a significant housing shortage, and increased immigration is one of the contributing factors. H, you wrote that 10 million babies might be born, but it takes at least a generation (20 years) for those babies to reach maturity and that much time is just not there.
Any other workable suggestions?
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
Nope, realistically there is not much we can do about the birth rate and we have to let in more immigrants. I just threw that in there for fun, since the cost of 10 million kids appears to actually be pretty close to what people spend on pets (somewhere in the 150-180B range). We just need to be more deliberate about who we let in for what and where. The aggregate number of immigrants coming in now might actually be good, and maybe it should even be more, but this much unskilled labor and draw on free social services is unfair to border states -- if it was fair, Trump would probably not be able to make political hay from it.
It sounds like Trump was given bad information by some lady that even Marjorie Taylor Greene says is way too extreme and bigoted. Well damn. Now he has no choice but to double down, cause that is what he does. If Trump ever apologized or reversed himself (at least over the short term), his supporters would think he was on life support. You'd think being a French colony, maybe Haitians would eat cats like they do in France and Vietnam, but no Haitian gourmet cat recipes to be found. Like I have been saying for 2 1/2 years, it's Kamala eating the puppies. She's half Jamaican, not Haitian.
RE: The Whining Hypocrisy of Democrats
The USA hasn't had an open border since the 1920s.
Behind the Open Border myth
"An Axios review of news stories found that the open border language took off during the Obama administration as conservatives worked to thwart planned immigration reform.
Obama was routinely attacked for supporting open borders, though he stepped up deportations and was labeled by immigrant advocates as the "deporter-in-chief." Today, the GOP repeats the false claim that President Biden supports open borders."
Clinton wasn't in favour of open borders and neither was Obama or Biden which is why their administrations planned for immigration reform. So what gives? Why are the Republicans in favour of open borders?

Serendipitous Meeting Chapter 2
Tyler learns more about Rebeka.
Tyler learns more about Rebeka.
10 points. and 1.23 member dollars