RE: Cabinet picks
Sharp, hard-biting light humor
Is like a fatal benign tumor.
We can't debate
A nation's fate,
Despite much fear and rumor.
Matt Gaetz has slammed the gate
On his appointment fate.
Some saw the proof
Which blew the roof
And settled the debate.
Musk played his latest launch.
Trump watched, but missed the hunch.
Hubris will crash
Power to ash.
Will they survive the punch?
RE: Cabinet picks
blondes are what gentlemen like
they got Gaetz to go take a hike
so now we've got Bondi
a red-blooded blondie
and she doesn't look like a dyke
RE: Cabinet picks
Another blonde gentlemen like
Is Marjorie, loaded to strike.
She's gonna get Fauci
Cuz she's Smurfette grouchy,
Some say she is built like a dyke.
CD Richards
Poet Rating
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Rank: 172
RE: Cabinet picks
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Cabinets can serve no good
when they're carved from rotten wood.
RE: Cabinet picks
The wood of the Trump is not rotten
It is grown from a stool misbegotten
It might smell like your poo
And taste like it too
But its progeny won't be forgotten
CD Richards
Poet Rating
Short Works Rating
Novel Rating
Review Stars
Rank: 172
RE: Cabinet picks
The villagers have done their job
The idiot’s been raised
Now ignorance and malice both
Are virtues to be praised
Around him gather sycophants
Their noses shiny brown
For moments in the spotlight’s glare
They’ll bring a country down
A once proud land forgets its past
Its hopes now pinned on greed
Replacing long-time friends with those
Who vilify its creed
Now, "Stupid is as stupid does"
As Forrest Gump once said
What will the future hold now that
Democracy is dead?
RE: Cabinet picks
Democracy's a crafty shtick
Plutocrats to buy and sell
They tried to amputate Trump's dick
And send him straight to hell
She picked a veep with half a brain
dined in fancy clubs
By three to one, it's just insane
She outspent the Repubs
What CD wrote about my nation
Would be true if SHE had won
Just change line 5, slick operation
"HIM" to "HER". It’s really fun.
CD Richards
Poet Rating
Short Works Rating
Novel Rating
Review Stars
Rank: 172
RE: Cabinet picks
A dickless wonder Trump has been
Since he was just a lad
He wouldn't have a penny if
It weren't for dear old dad
And as for bravery, you jest
I hear draft-dodging's fun
Just call his name, sit down and then
Watch Captain Bonespurs run
Hell's far too good for him, you know
They wouldn't let him in
He'd give the place a nasty rep'
Old Nick can't match his sin
So now, in God's most loved of lands
The masses, full of glee,
Are rushing to oblivion
Like lemmings to the sea*
* Poetic license. It's well known that lemmings are not as stupid as the people with whom they are sometimes compared. Walt Disney was a murderous arse.
RE: Cabinet picks
Everybody's stupid,
everybody's dumb,
she lost undisputed
and I need to suck my thumb
I love to revel that I'm right
and those who won are scum,
Disney is the devil's blight
like the poopy on my bum
RE: Cabinet picks
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