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RE: Another Trump Weave
Harambe, America is a Bizarro nation, as demonstrated by a majority of its voters choosing to elect a criminal rapist fraudster. Perhaps the tale of your friend and his child custody situation is yet one more example of the USA being 'weird.'

In any reasonable country, when a couple get divorced there is a judicial procedure where the court takes into account the financial status of each partner and then determines who gets what including custody of any children in which case the welfare of the child or children will be a major consideration.

In a case like the one you provide the rich wife would likely have to cough up a decent proportion of her wealth as part of the divorce agreement. In any case, where there is obvious unfairness - rich ex-wife living in the lap of luxury while poor hubby barely has two cents to rub together - it would be an easy court decision to have the terms of custody payments revised.

I know there will be complicating factors - who has the best lawyers, did she bring wealth into the marriage rather than earning it etc., but still...

Abortion? I'm pretty sure the stats will show that third trimester abortions are already quite rare. It would be an unusual woman who carries a fetus that far into pregnancy and then decides on a whim to have the pregnancy terminated. I can't imagine any woman opting for that without genuine, strong reasons,

Of course there is always Trump's evidence (aka no evidence at all) of six states that carry out postnatal executions... Similarly with the genital mutilation you feel so strong about. Perhaps you are absorbing his story of little Johnny going off to school one day and returning as little Jenny? Still a major mystery to me why no one ever challenged him about that particular piece of fakery.


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Another Trump Weave
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Good point, Steve. Child support payments in the UK are means - tested. It's a percentage taking into consideration means and assets. If he is genuinely on the bones of his arse, any payment from the father reflects that. It's not uncommon for fathers here to hide their assets from the CSA.


As I said, if it's a choice between the daily grind of parenting and paying a percentage of my wages and only seeing the kids for fun times on the weekend, I would pick the latter.  But it's still a bit taboo for women to think like that.  It still raises eyebrows if the woman doesn't have full custody.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Another Trump Weave

Fraudster? Yes. Trump has written off taxes he should not have, and hasn't been held accountable for it.

Criminal? Not in the way you keep saying. I have mentioned many times now that this was a sham of a trial, in a district that voted 87% for Biden, presided over by a judge who donated to Biden, who was appointed in a partisan fashion to preside over all the Trump cases. Yet you keep repeating this like a wind-up toy. I'm tired of hearing about it. The election is over and the Democrats lost by being dumb. If Trump was that bad, they should have easily beat him.

Rapist? Unsubstantiated and unproven. Bill Clinton has gotten away with worse. However, as this guerilla does not condone his behavior, I did the only right thing this election:

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Another Trump Weave

In the US, assets are considered for a divorce. There are ways of hiding assets. Eg make your family members own your house and your car and you pay them nothing or a nominal amount to lease those assets.

Child support considers income rather than assets, from what I am told. And again, people play all sorts of legal games to get around that, and the richer you are, the easier it is to hide your real wealth in terms of the law. Eg your family takes care of all yours and your kid's expenses, you use their miles to travel, you call everything a business expense. A court isn't allowed to consider your expenses or quality of life in deciding who owes what. If you deliberately reduce your income, your spouse will owe more.

I don't disagree with anything that has been said about the weight of child rearing tending to fall on women, as that is historically true in most cultures. It's just that in my experience, that's rarely the case at all, and the fathers are very heavily involved. But now fewer white folks are becoming parents at all, and at this rate white people will be a tiny percent of the world population in a couple centuries unless everyone starts hiding inside to avoid sunlight, like the Koreans.


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Another Trump Weave
Fraudster... Not just tax write-offs. Do I have to list all the frauds? The constant stream of business fraud. The Fraudulent University. The Charity fraud which means he is unable to operate a charity again in New York.

Criminal. Well he was convicted by a jury of his peers in front of a judge usually considered fair and there has been no successful appeal to suggest that he was a partisan appointment. Of course there was the fraud conviction too, although the judgement was against the company he ran rather than against him personally. Still it was a decades-long fraud. Do you really think he's not a criminal?

And Trump v Clinton in terms of sexual violation? As far as I know, Clinton's 'indiscretions' were with consenting adults... I may be a little hazy on that. And yes the judge has clarified more than once that the E Jean Carroll verdict (another unanimous jury!) means that Trump raped her even if it hadn't been proven which body part penetrated.

You may not have voted for him, but I'm REALLY curious as to why you keep defending him in the face of all the evidence that he is a truly vile individual.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Another Trump Weave

Why, because you're applying your accusations in a transparently partisan manner. Trump was in no way provided a jury of "peers". It was a jury in a district that had voted 87% for Biden. The judge donated to his political opponent. How many times do I have to say this? Apparently one more, since you continue to ignore it. It was a clear attempt at election interference. That's why it is important.

Here's a story about Bill Clinton's alleged rape. In her account, he penetrated her with more than just his fingers, as alleged against Trump, and she told him no, stop, I'm married. There is probably the same level of evidence against him as against Trump in the Carroll case, which is to say, it's one person's word against another. If the story matters to you half as much as the Trump story, you can go read up more about it. There was a national TV interview. It went nowhere in part because Clinton had already been re-elected and it was overshadowed by the [consensual] Lewinsky scandal.

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