Question for Trump Supporters
A very simple, straight-forward question for Trump voters:
Do you want him to keep his campaign promises?
Normally, the answer would be self-evident, but I don't like to assume things I don't know.
By the way, self-professed non-Trump supporters who spend an inordinate amount of time defending him should feel free to also respond.
RE: Question for Trump Supporters
I meant to add that I will be shocked if any Trump supporters answer the question. If any of them do, great, maybe it can be the start of a meaningful conversation on some of these policies.
RE: Question for Trump Supporters
Bananafish, this comes across as a trick question, and anyone who answers it falls into a trap of both being associated with your feelings about a particular political figure and having to blanket-defend anything he might have said in the last four years that he would do. And what does it matter what anyone wants Trump to do or not do? He's been elected now, and he is not going to be elected a third time, so unless we have a seat at the table of his decision making, it is of no relevance.
I however do not need a political excuse to reply, because I am a gorilla and you are a banana fish. And I happen to have some inside access because Harambe is a demigod, and HE says that some of the things Trump says are negotiating tactics and starting points rather than absolutist statements (like tariffs).
If you want people here to answer your question, you might consider rephrasing it to something more specific.
Or you can start trying to answer this question for yourself, by watching the various interviews Trump conducted with radio hosts. They are surprisingly full of nuance and detail that you would never get at a Trump rally, and will give you some idea of the voting demographic blocks that Trump was reaching out to by appearing there.
Maybe if Harris had taken the offer to visit Joe Rogan, her best opportunity to avoid sounding like a scripted wind-up toy or a drunk puppet, she wouldn't have been crushed like a twig in this election despite outspending Trump 3 to 1. Democrats spat in the face of the middle class, and they got what they deserved. I have spent enough of the last four years working as one of those middle class people to be as angry as they are. Hopefully Dems learn their lesson and become a party worth voting for by 2028.
RE: Question for Trump Supporters
Message edited:
Edit: by middle class, I meant to say working class. I don't like editing my posts here because the crappy editor gets rid of the line breaks, and turns any new line breaks into 4 line breaks.
I will also add that I have evolved (as gorillas do) from wanting to k1ll Trump 9 years ago to hating his political opponents far more, and seeing the disruptive value that he brings to both parties.
Four years from now, with the acceleration of AI, we may face an unrecognizable landscape. Putting aside fears of conflicts of interest -- Musk does things even if he knows they will lose money, and has a remarkable record of turning failures around -- having an alien at the table with Trump gives the federal government an opportunity to be part of a solution instead of just a spout printing money to throw from a blimp to the mob. I would pay more attention to what Musk has promised than what Trump has promised. Affordable electric cars. A $6000 house. Safe AI. Making human life interplanetary. Expanding the human brain.
One more thing. Families who have dealt with substance abuse from alcohol and drugs, and lost or come close to losing a loved one: which candidate do you think they would vote for? Option A: a candidate who cracks a beer on a show, or Option B: a candidate who is sober because of losing his own brother, just like them.

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RE: Question for Trump Supporters
I think Trump should try to keep all his promises. The country spoke. Not just for President but also for control of Congress.
For those who do not get why this election results favored Trump and the GOP. I think this sums it up, nicely
RE: Question for Trump Supporters
I'll wait a little longer to see if anyone else wants to answer the question before I respond.

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RE: Question for Trump Supporters
Republicans win House control after retaking Senate, CBS News projects. See 2024 live House election results.
Republicans have 218 seats, will likely end with 222.
A clean sweep, and a majority in all three branches of US government.
The People have spoken.
RE: Question for Trump Supporters
No kidding, hahaha. It's exactly what I was hoping for. I am dead serious. Now that the government is entirely in Republican hands (don't forget the Supreme Court)the voters are going to get exactly what they asked for and what they deserve. And I'm going to remind them of it every step of the way.
Actually, the people haven't spoken. Roughly 31% of adult Americans voted for Trump, hardly a referendum. Clearly a large segment of the population feels it is futile to vote for either party.
I'm getting ahead of myself, though. I'm still working on my initial response. Thankfully, FS isn't my first priority, so I haven't had time to finish my response, yet. But I'm getting there. And more fun stuff to comment on keeps hitting the news. Stay tuned. In the meantime, I ask you respectfully to keep this thread on topic. The topic is Trump's promised policies and whether or not Trump supporters want to see these policies enacted.

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RE: Question for Trump Supporters
Clearly, it's not just "Trump supporters" but the majority of the electorate (just look at the numbers and what has happened in California). By giving Congress to Trump's fellow Republicans, the people are aiding in the passage and implementation of his policies and promises.
RE: Question for Trump Supporters
"Step into my parlour...." This will be good.
RE: Question for Trump Supporters
Trump has a record of delivering on his campaign promises. CNN was the first to say it, as I recall. I suspect that is what you are getting at, Bananafish.
Libertarians voted for Trump due to his opposition to war, his promise to free Ross Ulbricht, and pledge to reduce the size of government.
Social conservatives voted for Trump due to his war on forced speech "woke" culture and limited commitment of traditional Republican policies from the George W Bush era. He has promised to strip funding from publicly funded universities that discriminate based on race.
Seniors voted for Trump due to his plan to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. I'm a little iffy on the details here and who said what. It was something Vance mentioned in the VP debate, I think.
Capitalists voted for Trump due to his likelihood to reduce corporate taxes (not sure what specific promises he has made here) and particularly to reduce regulation.
The working class voted for Trump because he speaks their language, entertains them, uses patriotic rhetoric, and promised to "fix everything", like President Camacho in Idiocracy. He also picked a running mate who relates more to the upbringing of poorer folks. The working class has been hurt substantially by inflation, which Trump may have helped cause, but presumably is committed to reducing -- to the extent that a President can control that.
Hispanic immigrants voted for Trump due to his tough talk on borders, and pledge to reward and expand legal immigration once illegal immigration was controlled.
Dissidents voted for Trump because they saw him as an underdog fighting the system, which his opponent represented, and which he has pledged to systematically dismantle (eg reducing or eliminating the department of education, and adding a department of government efficiency). They also hope he will commute sentences for various other dissidents. Big overlap here with Libertarians.
Conspiracy theorists and skeptics voted for Trump because he questions the "experts", and has talked about overhauling the FDA and FBI. He has also hinted about releasing records about aliens and JFK.
Intellectuals and commoners alike voted for Trump because it was the only way to call out the Democratic Party on abandoning democracy in its own primary. I might be getting off subject here but it's an implied promise that the Democrats broke, while still parroting this nonsense about "saving democracy" even while doing exactly the opposite. I think that more than anything else got Trump elected.
Each of these groups listed above has different promises Trump made that they hope he will keep, or at least try to. This is all just off the top of my head and it's probably just a small fraction of the things Trump has promised but I think it covers fairly well a lot of what he repeats.
I did not vote for Trump, because I had my own campaign to run, and I have my own issues with him. That is beyond the scope of this post.

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