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CD Richards

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Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble

<< Thread Modifed October 1 at 5:53PM >>

According to theologians, God is omniscient, meaning there is nothing he doesn't know. But his knowledge runs a poor second to that of the fellow who made these statements:

"I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me."
— Speech in Fort Dodge, Iowa (November 12, 2015)

"Nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world."
— Speech at campaign rally in Birmingham, Alabama (February 27, 2016)

"I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth."
— Interview with The Economist (May 11, 2017)

"I know more about contributions than anybody."
— Speech in Sioux Center, Iowa (January 23, 2016)

"Nobody knows more about debt than I do."
— Interview on Fox & Friends (March 31, 2016)

"Nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump."
— Speech at a campaign rally in Ohio (July 6, 2016)

"Nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do."
— Speech at campaign rally (October 15, 2015)

"I think nobody knows more about the environment than I do."
— Interview on Fox News (July 19, 2019)

"Nobody knows more about trade than me."
— Interview with Reuters (March 2018)

"I know more about courts than any human being on Earth."
— Remarks at a campaign rally (October 2015)

"Nobody knows more about drones than me."
— Remarks at a press conference (September 2019)

"I know more about technology than anybody."
— Remarks at an event with technology executives (June 2017)

"Nobody knows more about construction than I do."
— Speech at a campaign rally (February 2016)

"Nobody knows more about banking than I do."
— Speech at a campaign rally (August 2016)

"Nobody knows more about politicians than I do."
— Remarks at a press conference (June 2015)

"Nobody knows more about the military than I do."
— Remarks at Meet the Press (October 2015)

"Nobody knows more about health care than Donald Trump."
— Remarks during a meeting with governors (February 2017)

"I know more about steelworkers than anybody."
— Speech at a campaign rally (July 2016)

"Nobody knows more about energy than Donald Trump."
— Remarks during a rally in Pennsylvania (October 2016)

"Nobody knows more about fentanyl than I do."
— CPAC Speech (2023)

"I know more about the FBI than anyone."
— CPAC Speech (2023)

"Nobody knows more about election integrity than me."
— CPAC Speech (2023)

To which we should probably add: "No one exhibits more Christian humility than Donald Trump".

It appears that, in a little over a month, something approaching half of all American citizens will vote to elect this man President of the most powerful nation on the planet. To my mind, that says little about Donald Trump, but mountains about the lack of clear thinking in a world rapidly going insane.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble

CD, we have agreed not to engage in personal tit-for-tat. I am merely fact-checking your assertion that anything close to half of American citizens have ever voted for a political candidate in an election. We have somewhere around 290 citizens here. About a quarter them will vote for Harris, and a quarter will vote for Trump. The other half are either minors or can't be bothered to vote for either of these two clowns, who have way more in common with each other's policies than either cares to admit.

As far as Harris' lies, I can't be bothered to talk about them right now. But we have a VP debate tonight and there will be plenty of lies from both Walz and Vance.

CD Richards

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
I would have thought it obvious the number didn't include those who can't or choose not to vote, otherwise it's a fairly pointless statement. However, let me clarify. I mean half of all American voters.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble

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Don't forget that many voters cast a vote not because they like their candidate, but to stop the other candidate, due to their policies or personalities. This is especially true of many so-called white-collar voters who will vote for Trump.

CD Richards

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
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I get that under normal circumstances, sensible voters will choose to vote for a candidate or party they don't like, based on policies. That makes good sense. Bad policies are one thing, but this sort of narcissism and megalomania, believing they know more about everything than everyone, indicates severe mental issues. Is this a person you'd wish to entrust with the nuclear codes, or even just making day-to-day policy decisions? Especially considering the threats he has repeatedly made against any who oppose him? I wouldn't.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble

I'm more interested in talking about the data and results than whatever BS he said or she said. Everything else is just fluff and rhetoric. To pick just one of your topics, we had four years of Trump and war deaths around the world declined significantly and consistently while he was in office. For all the stupid things American presidents try to take credit for, control of State Department policy is actually something they can pin their hats on. Under Biden/Harris, international conflict and death is way up. Just take a look at today's news. Israel is invading a neighbor and Iran is using all the money Biden gave them to throw missiles at Israel. Care to opine?

CD Richards

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
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Not especially. It wouldn't be difficult to demonstrate that the situation regarding global conflicts has absolutely nothing, despite his bloviating, to do with Donald Trump. Correlation is not causation.

The reason I'd rather not go into that now is because it is a smokescreen, to deflect from the real issue. And that is that the problems in the case of this individual are not BS, not rhetoric, and not empty boasting. The problems are immaturity and mental instability. 

No one who behaves as this man does, and speaks in the way Trump speaks in that endless list I provided is competent to run a brothel, let alone a country (although he might have a better chance at the former). More than 100 former high-ranking Republicans (not Democrats) have said so. They don't believe it's "fluff", and they are concerned enough for the future of their country to have written an open letter to voters, imploring them not to vote for this individual. It goes without saying that's unprecedented in US history.

Megalomania is not something I think most decent Americans look for in a leader.


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
Well said, Craig.

Basically Trump is a nasty and self-centred and selfish person.

Even if, for some indiscernible reason, you thought his policies were better than Harris's you should not want this person running your country.

I could go on for hours, but would you read it? let's simply make two quick points.

1. Trump is unwinding physically and mentally. One way or another the awful and woefully inexperienced JD Vance would end up running the country. Many people believe that this is why Thiel and the other tech billionaires have funded his ascent.

2. It is painfully obvious that Trump want to throw Ukraine under the bus, emboldening Putin, destabilising Europe and undermining the global geopolitical balance.

Both #1 and #2 are very, very, very scary.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble

If either of you saw last night's debate, you'd have noticed that Vance was far and away the most competent debater of the four of them. Had he not gone easy on Walz, he could have completely crushed him. Vance is growing and surpassing expectations. Win or lose, we're gonna hear from him again, perhaps next time at the top of the ticket.

CD Richards

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble
I haven't seen the debate in full yet. Perceptions are interesting things. I have seen at least three reviews that gave Vance as winning by one or two points (e.g. 49-51). In other words, hardly a crushing defeat, more like an even contest. Clearly, that isn't how you saw it. I wonder why? In the snippets I've seen, Walz looked pretty good. I heard he made a couple of slips of the tongue. That happens.

Vance may be a reasonable debater, but he is still capable of saying exceedingly stupid things, and he is still Trump's puppet. No one (apart from those who couldn't tell their arse from their elbow) seriously believes he's gone from detesting Trump to being his faithful lap dog. I'm inclined to agree that when the GOP that currently worships the ground Trump walks on decides to dump him as a lost cause, we could see Vance take the reins.

I look forward to seeing the debate in its entirety. By all accounts it seems to demonstrate that some political opponents are capable of disagreeing without acting like 2-year-olds. That's a refreshing change, even if it was largely for show.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: Oh Lord, It's Hard to be Humble

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