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It's the guns!


2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  89

RE: It's the guns!

It has always been about the guns despite Trump and the National Rifle Association's idiotic claims that guns don't kill people, people kill people. To really hit a home run, write a comparison between the assassination of innocent school children and the assassination attempt on Trump's life, the would-be man who said, "I did nothing" about gun violence. Moreover, it could be argued that Biden saved Trump's life. Do you know how?

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: It's the guns!
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Yes let's hear how. I assume you're referring to Joe Biden and not Jill, who was the driving impetus for putting in place Director Cheatle, who in turn received a firmly bipartisan drubbing for her passivity and cowardice at the house hearing. She was directly responsible for the near success of the assassination attempt.

As for the death of school children from guns in school, we've talked about this before many times, and I recall doing the math and finding that kids were something like 50 times more likely to be killed outside of school by the hour than in school. So sure, guns can be blamed, but not guns in school. And the biggest at-risk demographic is far and away young black males. But the leftist media doesn't care about them, so you'll never hear about it.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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RE: It's the guns!
Starting a new post so I can include an image. This shooting had been in the making for over a year:

"It has emerged that the FBI interviewed him last year after receiving anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting, but agents did not arrest him at the time."

With a name like "Colt", sounds like he was trying to live up to it by killing his math teachers. Victims should sue his father, who claimed his did not have unsupervised access to guns. Well, 14-year-olds are pretty good at finding hidden things like keys. For a parent to make that claim these days, they need to cycle the codes on their locks or use biometric access. In this era, these are the sorts of precautions a sensible gun owner with kids ought to take.

When I was in a conservative middle school a long time ago, kids joked all the time about wanting to kill their math teachers. This was before the era of school shootings. There was a song they used to cheerfully sing to the tune of a popular hymn "Glory glory hallelujah":

My eyes have seen the glory
Of the burning of the school
We've tortured all the teachers
And we've broken all the rules
And now we're marching down the street
To hang the principal
The truth is marching on

Glory, glory hallelujah
Teacher hit me with a ruler
So I hid behind the door
With an M-64
She ain't my teacher no more

Four people died and nine were injured. Now let's talk about what you won't see reported: all the other kids who die annually in homicides, largely outside of the classroom. If we ever want this to change, there's more to it than we think.


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RE: It's the guns!
Guns don't kill people; people kill people--slightly using guns to kill tons and tons of people, but only slightly using guns.

Even one student killed with a gun in a school is bad enough. But let's normalize it by deflecting attention to the kids killed outside of schools. Excellent logic and sensitivity to the issue.

So, if a few kids get shot at their day-care centers, afterschool programs, tutorial centers, field trip excursions, or summer camps, it doesn't really matter because the vast majority of them get killed in the streets--by black male fiends.
Another school shooting, and it's ho-hum.

Can anyone provide additional studies, reports, charts, graphs and statistics to prove this?

In my worthless opinion, the 2nd amendment is way outdated and should be deleted/canceled from the Constitution.
We are not likely to be invaded by an external military force, but even if we were, we have the strongest standing military force to defend us. And I strongly doubt whether our military would attack its own citizens (and if it chose to, do we really stand a chance?)
Only professional law enforcement, hunters and sports folk should be permitted to own and use guns.
But what do I know?

Julie Helms

Level 1 Pro

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RE: It's the guns!
Banning guns to stop school shootings is like putting a band-aid on an amputation. It's an attempt at dealing with a symptom without looking at the actual problem.

Why are kids shooting kids in school? When I was in school (70s and 80s) there were no school shootings, yet there were certainly guns.

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America. (250,000 deaths per year according to John's Hopkins). Should we ban doctors? Apparently they are responsible for 4-5x more deaths than guns.

If we ban guns will would-be school shooters suddenly become well-adjusted law-abiding citizens?

The gun argument is superficial and completely ignores what the real problem is.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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Rank:  50

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Rank:  110

RE: It's the guns!
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School shootings are only reported because the victims usually aren't black. "The death of one man is a tragedy; the death of millions, a statistic".

Julie Helms

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  76

RE: It's the guns!
Kinda like apparently all abducted children are cute, blonde-haired girls.
The power of media and their agenda.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

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#10 Ranked Author

#2 Ranked Script Writer

RE: It's the guns!
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Several things: 1) Yes, there were school shootings in the 80s. There were shootings by thugs in my high school in Chicago, and others. It's just that no one cared (not our community or anyone else's).

2) Why do people blame the NRA and Trump? These things and guns existed before Trump, during Trump's term and after Trump. So, why bring him into it? Is it just TDS? And do foreigners really believe America has the 2nd amendment and guns because of the NRA? Really? Do they actually think, only Republicans have guns, and Democrats or Liberals do not?

3) "but even if we were, we have the strongest standing military force to defend us." --- This says it all. This is the main difference between the two sides of the debate. One side is willing to rely on others to defend them (why they wanted to defund cops is beyond me.). While the other side (at least vocally), prefers to have the ability to defend themselves.

4) The 2nd amendment will not be repealed, so why keep bringing it up.

5) If you really wanted to solve the school shooting problem, first you would ask why schools are targeted and not... prisons or police stations or army bases? We all know why? Other than a nursery, what softer target is there than where children congregate? That guy in the UK killed children with a kife attack. He too chose a school setting. This is called a CLUE.


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RE: It's the guns!
So what is the 'real/actual problem'? Violence from black people? Mental health?

Guns are primarily 'designed/purposed' to kill--not for gardening, construction, etc.--but to maim bodies and destroy lives.
Maiming, killing/destroying lives is not the design/purpose of doctors/nurses/hospitals, though, unfortunately, many fatal mistakes happen from these.

I'd rather be attacked by five crazy sword-wielding goons--at a school or anywhere else--than one disgruntled individual with a modern gun of any sort, as the latter is much more likely to kill multiple times more people on his own, and from a distance, than the former five.
But what do I know?

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  49

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Rank:  10

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Rank:  2

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Rank:  29

#10 Ranked Author

#2 Ranked Script Writer

RE: It's the guns!
Go, tell that to the families from the UK who lost their children to a maniac with a knife. They're children for God's sake. You don't need much. Or how about that wacko in Milwaukee who used his car to killed multiple people and kids?

Understand, guns aren't going anywhere. Guns are a equalizer so the weak, few, female, elderly and most vulnerable has a chance against the strong and many.

Do you really not understand that?

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