"Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
In Kammie Girl's world today the question was answered of what Foghorn Leghorn, a San Francisco liberal, a fake Southern in Atlanta, and a French speaker at a Covid lab in France, among several other accents, have in common.
At Kammie Girl's Labor Day rally in Detroit, she unveiled her newest accent speaking to blue-collar union workers in Michigan. Of course, the accent proved to be like Kammie Girl. -- FAKE to the max!
At least seven inauthentic accents have been used by Kammie Girl in the last four weeks. All of them displayed by the recognized "phoniest politician in all of politics." Running against Trumpie-Poo that is quite an accomplishment.
Kammie Girl changes her fake accents as many times as she does her political positions, her political personnas, and, yes, even her nasty underwear.
This was verified later on Labor Day when Kammie Girl made the same speech in Pittsburgh she had in Detroit, without her blue-collar accent. Why, because Kammie Girl is well known to change her accent depending on the group of people she speaks to.
Why is Kammie Girl so afraid to reveal her true self?
Could it be she has no real substance to offer anyone?
And, that is a look at Kammie Girl's world today.
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
So Trump is reprehensible. We've known about this tape for 8 years. Right now though, this is a valid criticism of Harris' phoniness, and bringing up Trump's Access Hollywood tape seems like whataboutism. Women everywhere are talking about Harris like she's the second coming. Electing a woman because she is a woman is not going to fix Biden's policies, especially when Harris is so closely attached to them. Her accent changes are a symptom of her lack of intellectual integrity and conviction about anything except for free abortions for anyone, anytime, anywhere.
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
We've all known for over two thousand years now that the devil is bad--whooptydoo, old news.
What we really want to know is why this unknown would-be angel keeps changing her voice. This is more important.
At least we know that all the devil wants to do is merely to steal from, kill and destroy us.
But what is this chameleon-tongued mysterious entity up to?
Why does she speak black when she's among blacks, Indian when she's around Indians, white when she's in the midst of whites, and klingon when she's on the planet Volcan?
Forget her message, but focus on how she's deviously delivering it, like a scheming polyglot.
What could such a diabolic voice box be composed of?
A Congressional investigation is duly warranted.
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
There's so little substance to anything she says that her accent is all there is to talk about in her speeches. For once, I agree with Brett. Go, would you care to share with us some profound oratory from her speeches? (It should get better as she has access to better speechwriters, so what she has said up to this point is more authentic).
I'd rather hear anything by Obama.
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
Tis true, a good speechwriter can make all the difference. To understand your point H, can you give us some profound oratory from a Trump speech please?
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
There hasn't been a Republican orator since, oh I don't know, "tear down this wall". I'm not comparing Harris to Republicans, who are mostly terrible with anything more than a sound bite. And I have no intention of comparing her to Trump ("everything in life is luck", or "Do you mind if I sit back a little? Because your breath is very bad.") No, I am comparing her to other Democrats who unlike HER actually had to win a nomination by using their words, not by using the color of their skin.
JFK: ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
Bill Clinton: Character is a journey, not a destination.
Barack Obama: My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too.
Michelle Obama: when they go low, we go high.
Kamala Harris: I think that to be very honest with you that I do believe that we should have rightly believed but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.
I'm cherry picking, obviously. But can anyone find a great original quote by Harris? And who actually wants a prosecutor with no executive experience running the country?
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
When Ronald Reagan said "Mister Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!" I was a born again-neophyte into politics. As the rest of the world did, I too bore witness to the failed policy of perestroika and glasnost. Did Trump really say, everything in life is luck because if he did, it reminds me of Woody Allen's movie Match Point and we all know how that turned out.
Are any of the quotes you presented truly remarkable? I don't think so.
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
Kennedy's might be; certainly it is quoted enough. To your point Gloria, the context of a quote gives it its importance and courage. What they do matters. Trump's quote about luck in the right context might possibly be courageous or analogous to Barack Obama's quote, although I doubt it, as most of his quotes are simply calling the kettle black and self-serving.
Both Trump and Harris are trying to buy votes by announcing future checks they will write, paid for by the inflation imposed on everyone else who didn't get a check. They are both thieves, trying to make welfare recipients out of all of us. The biggest difference is one party wants to also make welfare recipients of illegal immigrants, while the other party is calling for massive tariffs across the board. Both of these are extremely dumb policies that will hurt the poor and middle classes.
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
Compare any presidential speech from the past 20 years to the Gettysburg Address. Something's gone amiss in our education system since Lincoln...
RE: "Foghorn Leghorn" - Starring Kammie Girl Harris
I can provide tons of profound political oratory/stirring quotes from Nero, Machiavelli, Napoleon and Hitler.
Would these convince you that those personages were worth voting for as leaders? Yet they wielded massive sway over many folks.