- God knew betterby Iza Deleanu
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Love- Hate
God knew better by Iza Deleanu
Sentimental Reflections writing prompt entry
Artwork by MoonWillow at

It was 2003, and I was playing with my coworkers on the computer in our office. Foolish girls, wasting our time on messenger trying to have virtual meetings and polish our human relation skills. I don't know how, but I found an American website for dating that had a free trial for a month. I created an account under "Snow White from Kansas". I wasn't searching for a husband, but I wanted to improve my English. At that time, I was still in Romania, and marriage was not on my To Do List.

One day, this guy started to talk with me, and we were having so much fun talking that we decided to see each other again, virtually, of course. Out of the blue, he told me that there is no way I was from Kansas; he told me I sounded Romanian. I admitted that he was right. I told him about my free trial and also that my account would expire in a few days. He was living in Canada, but was Romanian too. We decided to continue to talk on Yahoo Messenger. We talked for one year, and then I got mad and broke up with him. I was thinking that he is too old for me and moved on. I was tired of going to the Internet Cafe every weekend glued to a computer for several hours. I hated that place with to many people smoking inside and no privacy.

In 2007, my doctor went to the States to visit his daughter. I was running out of my thyroid medication that he was smuggling in the country from North America. Synthroid is used only in USA and Canada. I was panicking and started searching for someone who was living over there. The only person I knew was my 2003 Romanian-Canadian friend.

I contacted him and asked  for help. He told me that he can't get it without a prescription. I didn't believe him, but now I know you can't get medications without prescriptions.

He found a company in India that was manufacturing something similar and helped me to get it. I told him to let me know when he was back in Romania so I can return the money. He came later that year for a visit. We never met in person, so when he arrived and I saw him, I just wanted to drop the money and run.

Somehow he started to talk, and I just forgot about his looks and let myself be touched by his soul. I guess, God knew better!

Since that day, we decided to be together. In 2008 we got married. In 2009, I moved to Canada. In 2011 we had tour first baby girl - a beautiful cat. She passed away last year. Then one month later we got the boys, two tabby kitties that helped us to overcome the burden of our loss.
We are not perfect, but God knew that we were meant to be together with
beautiful kitties.

Writing Prompt
Write a true story about how you and your significant other first met. Describe how you became a couple. If you prefer, you may write about your parents instead. Maximum word count is 500 words.


Author Notes
This is a true story and the cats are real:) Thank you for reading my not so perfect love story.


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