- Saving Tessa/Part 1by scongrove
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A Chapter of Unleashed Chaos/A Novel of the Breedline series
: Saving Tessa/Part 1 by scongrove

Thanks for taking the time to read my chapter. It's a rewrite, so if you catch mistakes, please let me know. Stay safe & enjoy!

Through Jace’s eyes, everything seemed to move at the speed of a snail: Helen and Cassie rushing over the instant they arrived at the Covenant. Their mouths were moving, but he couldn’t hear what they were saying. Jem looking at him, trying to tell him something, but whatever it was, it didn’t register in his brain. It was as if the volume in his ears had been turned all the way down. He felt froze in the place he stood, completely incoherent, holding Tessa in his arms. Then suddenly, Helen’s voice rang loud and clear. It was like someone had cranked up the volume, snapping him back to focus.

“Jace…” Helen put her hand on his shoulder. “Did you hear what I said?”

He flinched. “What…?”

She raised her voice, “Put her down, so I can get her to the examination room.”

Instantly, Jace obeyed Helen’s orders and carefully placed Tessa on top of a gurney.

Moments later, as they wheeled Tessa inside, Jace said, “Please, Helen… tell me she’s going to be okay.”

Helen looked at him sympathetically. “I promise, I’ll do everything I can.”

As Helen and Cassie traded clinical terms while examining Tessa, Jace bent down and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I love you, Tessa,” he whispered close to her ear. “Please come back to me.”


Jace glanced up to see his brother standing next to him, his expression pained.   

“Come on, Brother.” Jem lightly tugged at Jace’s arm. “Let’s give them some room.” 

Jace swallowed and nodded numbly, allowing himself to be pulled away.
It wasn’t long after Jem and Jace stepped back when Helen said, “We’re going to have to do an emergency C-section.”

“But… the twins,” Jace said with a panicked look on his face. “They’re not due for another two weeks.”

“I don’t have a choice,” Helen replied. “The babies are in distress and Tessa has lost a lot of blood.”

Jem came forward and said, “Helen, do you want us to step out?”

“Stay close,” she said. “I may need you, Jem.”

While Cassie started an IV, and Helen laid out surgical tools, Jace went pale. When he started to sway, Jem grabbed his arm.

“Jace… are you going to be okay?”

He took a deep breath. “I’ll be fine.”

Jem lightly squeezed his arm. “Jace... Tessa is a survivor. She'll get through this.”

"She's got to," Jace said, despair seeping into his soul. "I'd be lost without her."

"If Helen can't save her," Jem reluctantly said, "you know I will do whatever it takes to bring her back."

“I know you will,” Jace simply said.

As they watched Helen and Cassie prepare Tessa for delivery, Jace closed his eyes and said a silent prayer. Then, at the sound of a baby’s cry, his lids popped open. It nearly brought him to his knees.

“This one has definitely got a set of lungs on him,” Helen said, handing the first baby to Cassie. “Now… let’s get baby number two.” 
After Cassie did a quick examination, she swaddled the tiny infant in a blanket. “Even though he’s a few weeks early,” Cassie said, handing the baby to Jace, “his vital signs are great.”

Jace was silent for a moment, and he looked over at Jem with tears in his eyes. “I’m…” he sucked in a breath, “…a father.”

The corner of Jem’s mouth lifted. “Congratulations, Brother.”

Jace lowered his gaze to the tiny bundle in his arms. “My son…” He bit back tears and looked at Jem again. “I’m naming my first born after you.”

Jem’s eyes brightened. “I’m honored.”    
“Cassie,” Helen finally said. “I’ve got baby number two.”

As Cassie took the baby from Helen, Jace noticed he wasn’t crying. He patiently waited while Cassie worked fast with a suction syringe over the baby’s mouth and nose. Shortly after, came a high-pitched cry, relieving some of the tension in the room.

“He’s just fine,” Cassie said, wrapping the baby in a blanket.

Jem reached out as Cassie placed the baby in his arms. “Hey there, little man,” he said with tears brimming his eyes. “I’m your Uncle, Jem.”

“Tessa and I,” Jace said, “decided to name our second born after Uncle Jacks. Except we’re spelling it a little different.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” Jem said, smiling down at the baby. “The name suits him.”

Jace opened his mouth to respond but hesitated at the urgency of Helen’s voice.

“Quick Cassie… I need your help. She’s hemorrhaging.”

To be continued . . .


Author Notes
A reference for terms and cast of characters in the chapter, especially for new readers:

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into wolf form if they are born an identical twin. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. The Breedline species can shift into their wolf at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans. Although they live among humans, their species is secret. In wolf form, they have superstrength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illness or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only way to kill a Breedline.
All male Breedlines change into their first wolf at the age of eighteen. Female Breedlines do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE TWINS - They have a strong, unbreakable bond from birth. Born with telepathic abilities, they have the power to sense their twin's emotions or injuries. In some cases, the bond between twins is so strong they cannot live without the other.

BREEDLINE BONDING - The male Breedline spends his life searching for his bonded mate. When two Breedline species experience a bond, they instantly feel a simultaneous, desirable attraction. The bond is for life. It is possible for them to have more than one mate in their lifespan.

BELOVED - A word used by a Breedline to express the bond to their mate.

THE BREEDLINE QUEEN - A Breedline queen is born once every one hundred years. Her massive stature, black fur, and red eyes are the queen's trademarks. Her alpha wolf has twice the strength, speed, and size of any Breedline. She rules over all the Breedline Covenants. She is their absolute law.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of their Covenant. There is one in every state. A council governs its laws and oversees the species population.

Jace Chamberlain (a.k.a. the Beast) - He is a Breedline species who later discovers he was born with a curse of the Beast, inherited by the Chiang-Shih demon. His bonded mate is Tessa Fairchild. He's an IT engineer and the lead singer and plays acoustic guitar in the band Chaos.

Jem Chamberlain (a.k.a. the Chosen Son) - He is a Breedline species and Jace's identical twin brother. He carries the gene of the Chiang-Shih demon, which gives him the power to create a portal and a force of electrical energy used as a weapon and other powers he discovers later. His bonded mate is Mia Blackwood. He's an IT engineer and the drummer in the band Chaos.

Tessa Fairchild (the Breedline queen) - She was born into the human world and later discovers she's a Breedline. Abandoned by her parents, and raised by her aunt and uncle, Tessa has no knowledge of being born a twin. After she meets Jace, they become bonded mates. During her first change into her Breedline wolf, she shifts into the new Breedline queen. She is an aspiring artist.

Dr. Helen Carrington - She is a Breedline species and a physician at the California Bates Hospital for both Breedlines and humans. She later bonds to Alexander Crest.

Cassie Chamberlain - Adopted at age two by Jace and Jem's adoptive parents after her mother abandons her. Later, she discovers she is a Breedline species and bonds with the handsome Drakon Hexus. She is a nurse practitioner, specializing in the neonatal intensive care unit.


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