Of all the attributes we should have
I had to learn humility the hard way
Smart as a whip, having all the answers
I was brought down in a traffic accident
I was selfish, self-centered and intolerant
After three months in critical care
My leg amputated; my humility surfaced
No longer smart and quick witted
Cocooned and nursed for months
For the first time, not in control
A priest came by to see me daily
He taught me how to be humble
" Give way so as to conquer"
I did give way, I handed my broken body
Over to the One who could heal me
I have never had so much love and peace
One Word Only Contest Winner
Author Notes
Contest Entry for One Word Poem. Self explanatory. When we are weak, then we are strong. Holy Bible. I have never looked back, after 38 yrs, I can still walk a little. Fan- story is one of my biggest lifelines, helping other people on line. Blessings to you all.