- Oceans Silence (A)by Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Thoughts of a lost child.
: Oceans Silence (A) by Ricky1024
Artwork by MoonWillow at

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
"Ocean's Silence" (A)
Written on June 26th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'

'Quietly, Ever So Silent tis the Ocean's Waves that now wash over me.'
'I'm subjected to a beat of a different drummer.'
'The Sounds of the Waves as they wash over me.'
'Eventually I am at PEACE.'
'And, I'm where I BELONG.'
'The music is STEADY.'
'I'm quite prepared and READY.'
'And, the Ocean plays her song...
'And, it's been so very, very, long...
'And, I'm Alone...
'And, now nothing but,
"Ocean's Silence"

"Washed Away" (B)
'Closely now, ever so very closely, I followed the currents...
'My movements are now directed by a force greater...
'Greater than me?'
'And, I am as, if nothing more or less, than algae and weed.'
'Yes indeed, I feel my body slowly drifting...
'As if on a bed of waves...
'Ever present....
'My physical Presence is no longer but my Soul still has Substance.'
'I welcome this feeling and know in my Heart of Hearts...
'I'll be okay.'
"Washed Away"

"Once More" (C)
'They say the Human Body at Sea eventually sinks below?'
'This I don't know but I do know.'
'That I am no longer and Dead.'
'And, my life above?'
'Just sad instead.'
'And, I welcome the change as if I'm somehow rearranged?'
'I do feel different indeed.'
'I feel sleek and thin?'
'As if I can really now swim?'
'And, my skin?'
'My Human Skin?'
'I feel no more!'
'And, my hair?'
'There is no longer hair there?'
'There is no longer anything that used to be?'
'Dear Lord God?'
'What is now happening to me?'
"The Response and Reply"
'My Son, my long lost Son.'
'I felt your presence so and I know you had to go.'
'Go below.'
'So Jason, I equipped you with scales and gills.'
'In order to help comfort you on your new Journey below.'
'Enjoy these new gifts My Son and realize that even with immense pain.'
'And, with Death at your door.'
"Never *More"
Approximate Word Count:385

Author Notes
*More: n.
extra, needed, full.
This is a three-part series of thoughts based on life after death.
Based on my only Son Jason's car accident in which he was a hapless victim.
Along for the ride of his life on March 31st, 2003.
And, eventually on April Fool's Day.'
They took His Precious Organs to save four lives.
To learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti.
The L.S.W. with,
"The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at,
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
And, her Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Fighting the Storm"


© Copyright 2024. Ricky1024 All rights reserved.
Ricky1024 has granted, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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