- Housing for Hell or Heavenby Seville Bates
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One will be overcrowded, while the other has plenty of room!
Housing for Hell or Heaven by Seville Bates
A House for Rent writing prompt entry
Artwork by simonka at

For Rent, space limited, 666 Cemetery Road,
Hurry, apply now today, to live in this fiery abode,
Robbers, thieves and hustlers, liars and prideful are embraced,
Sorry, no air, no fans, just heat everyday in this place.
Urged to stay forever, you've already paid with your soul,
Satan, landlord and owner, is the one in full control,
The space, dark and gloomy, smells putrid and has not been cleaned,
Sinners waive all the comforts, when they do their ugly deeds,
To bring evilness to a world, God did surely create,
All those, defiantly reckless, have strayed far from their faith,
All apps are accepted, for Satan never turns away,
His true, loyal, steadfast tenants, who never disobey.

For Rent, plenty of room, 77 Pearly Gates Road,
Lofty, high on the hill, close to the clouds, touch a rainbow,
Righteous, meek and humbled, givers and grateful accepted,
Only the faithful few can rent, others get rejected,
Plan to stay forever, trust you will never want to leave,
God, landlord and owner, wants to reward those who believed,
Alas, you'll get to meet Jesus, who proudly called your name,
For you, he has a mansion, if his offer you will claim,
Fine walls, jewels shining, with adjoining porcelain doors,
No need to be surprised, for it's all so completely yours,
Drop in, to see your neighbors, loved ones who'd left long ago,
For you, God is waiting, He loves you more than you can know.

Writing Prompt
Make two ads for an apartment for rent. Write one for Heaven and one for hell. Describe your apartment and give an address. Be creative. Recommended: No mention of Heaven or hell in the ads. Maximum word count is 300 words.

Author Notes
I hope all find some deep meaning to this piece.


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