- The Miracle - Chapter 28by Tootie
This work has reached the exceptional level
Co-Authored with Bill Bishop (aka Commando)
Love Long Distance
: The Miracle - Chapter 28 by Tootie

The year is 1964. Bill is headed for Vietnam to fight, and Cathy
is in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, missing him, and pregnant with
their baby. An astonishing; yet, heart-wrenching novel.

Greetings, Friends!

Cathy Waldron (aka Tootie) and Bill Bishop (aka Commando) are co-authors of this book. Both invite you to join them in each chapter, and they hope to make you laugh, cry, and leave you in a state of uncertainty about what will happen next. As always, your suggestions for improvement will be appreciated. Thanks for reading our work and God Bless.


"Put your weapons on safe; yet, stay down. The children are most likely Viet Cong sympathizers with plastic explosives strapped on their backs with detonators."

"Look, Boss! A small boy and girl are running toward us. They, as well, are smiling and waiving; yet, they do have packs on their backs. What next, Bill?"

"Send up a prayer asking God to stop them! Otherwise, we're gonna hafta shoot 'em!"

*Special Note*

Some words in our book are written in a way that is appropriate for Smoky Mountain folks; yet, they are not always grammatically correct. Characters will reflect earlier scenes in their lives at times and shall, as well, talk to the readers. Wider spaces between words are due to full just
ified formatting.

The little boy and girl kept on running toward us. Of course both of 'em knew they better do as told. Maybe they were promised that they'd become angels in heaven and could eat gallons of ice cream with candied cherries on top.

It was heart-wrenching to think that we'd hafta shoot those innocent kids if they didn't turn back; yet, they kept on running toward us despite our warnings to stop. They were getting so close that I could see their precious little faces crystal clear. I raised my eyes toward the sky, then cried, "God, have mercy on Your little children and tell them to go back from whence they came."

My throat was drier than the Mohave Desert, and I could not swallow the sadness down. My thoughts walked the pathway of yesterday, and I saw Cathy and our little baby standing out there in the sand. "Get on home," I yelled, then slowly tightened my finger on the trigger of my M-16 rifle.

Suddenly, two of our ground support aircraft flew in from the north . . . "Rat-tat-tat--Kaboom--Kaboom!" Once the smoke and debris had cleared away, I called to my fellow commandos, "Is everyone okay?"

"Yes, Sir! We're fine as huckleberry wine; yet, the little boy and girl are nowhere to be found."

"Lord a mercy! Is the Great Harry Houdini amongst us here today? Did he say, "Poof," then make the little children disappear?"

"Wait . . . Sweet Jesus! Look over yonder behind that huge boulder, Bill. It certainly looks like the children lying behind it. Can you see 'em?"

"Of course, I can! Now, c'mon--let's move it, Commando, 'cause they may still be alive."

"But, how in heaven's name could they have gotten over there, Boss?"

"My guess is, the bomb exploding threw them there; yet, the explosives strapped to their backs did not explode."

"Hmm! Sounds like a miracle, Bill."

"Of course it was, Larry! 'Cause God sends 'em down for his little children."

At that moment, Larry placed a knee upon the ground, raised a hand toward heaven, then cried out, "Glory, Glory--Hallelujah."


While sleeping that night with one eye open, Cathy and our baby were heavy on my mind and deep inside my heart. So, I wrote them a poem--not knowing whether or not it would reach her.
Ol' Glory!

*From my soul, through my heart, by my hand, this is written for you and our baby*

We stand in the shadow of Ol' Glory, we're ready to fight today.
Side-by-side, with tons of pride, we're alone on foreign ground.
I say a prayer for you and our baby; so near in mind while away.
Knowing you're back home for me muffles war's horrid sound.

Quietly waiting; yet, anticipating, the Viet Cong's on their way.
I think back to our last kiss and the clickety-clack of the train.
Waving goodbye; tears in our eyes; I promise to return one day.
But, within our hearts, miles apart, we must bear the lonely pain.

Suddenly, in the dark of night, something glitters nearby as I hear
the earth-shaking, blood-curdling, gut-wrenching noises resound.
Rat-tat-tat--Kaboom--Kaboom! The enemy has arrived and is near.
"Down Commandos! Load and lock; the guerillas are all around."

"C'mon, men! Let's move, show the colors, then kick butt once again.
Let's rumble, give them the cold steel, and show 'em how we fight.
Hurrah! Shoot 'em all, and bring this slaughter quickly to an end.
"Ho Chi Minh! Your guerillas are history; 'cause we'll win tonight!"

"My Darling, please don't worry, although the loneliness still nips.
So, let your mind erase all of war's disgrace, and what I gotta do.
Just hold me steadfast in your heart, with my kisses on your lips.
As promised, even if I die in battle, my spirit shall return to you."

"Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead!"
Quote: Rear Admiral David Glasgow Farragut


It has been almost a month since we received the call from the Red Cross about Bill's injury, and we were all thankful he was all right. However, except for a quick confirmation that he'd been released from the hospital, we haven't heard a word since. I know he told me there would be long stretches of time when he couldn't get my letters, nor write one to me; yet, I pray every day for his safety. "Please, God, protect him from harm."

Last week, President Johnson won the presidential race against Barry Goldwater by a landslide. I fear he will continue to escalate the conflict in Vietnam.

I had heard on the news last week there was an assault by the Vietcong at an airport in Bien Hoa. Then, there were two typhoons in a row devastating parts of South Vietnam with thousands declared dead. Dreadful thoughts keep spinning 'round in my head. The entire country is only three times larger than the State of Tennessee. How can it be that Bill is going to make it through all this, especially since he's already been injured two times? There's many months to go before he can come back home, and every day feels like an eternity without him here.

The baby is getting strong, and I'm already seven months along. My little "innie" belly button Bill loves so much will soon become an "outie, 'cause my belly is already stretching', growin', and I'm definitely showing'. Everyone around us knows now. There ain't no secrets kept in this small town.

Every night, before I turn out the light, I sing "Baby Love" by the Supremes, to our little angel, while trying not to cry over being separated from Bill. "Oh baby love, my baby love, I need you, oh how I need you."

Although trying to sleep, I continued to weep. The golden rays of an eastern sun began to creep through my window. The ol' red rooster on the picket fence began to show his masculinity and crow. I smiled; but my heart was breaking. I wondered, "Will Bill be critically injured, killed, or become a political pawn in a game far beyond? Will I be left at home, all alone, with a baby who's father is missing in action? Please God! Have mercy on Your children, and bring Bill home to us."


The poem for Cathy was safely in my back pocket. I hadn't been able to send it to her yet and to also assure her I was all right. It had been close to a month of constant battling with the horrors of war embedded in my mind. The only joy to be found among us commandos, both in the air and on the ground, were the moments we could enjoy a nice meal, good American cigarette and, occasionally, a few shots of whiskey to numb us even more than we already were.

We'd shoot the breeze with one another during these sparing moments and talk about when we would finally get to go back home to our loved ones. Course, we all knew deep down that many of us would die in battle before we could, but those were sad thoughts, so we did our best not to think about 'em.

We were engaged in one of those moments when the moon was high and we were lying low in our foxholes. My fellow commando, John, was on watch. All was quiet and I was thinking' the night might be peaceful, but then a sudden rustling woke us up.

The Viet Cong had crept up, and they were fast upon us. One pointed his gun down at Larry, ready to execute him. Rat-a-tat-tat! I took him down. We fired our guns;  yet, the battle wasn't won. There were at least a hundred of them, but only seven of us. "Shoot low, Commandos, 'cause some are crawling on the ground." I remember praying, "Dear Lord, if it's not asking too much, would You send down another miracle? Would Ya, huh?"


War is hell for those who are fightin' . . .
and also for their loved ones back home waiting for their safe return.

FYI - "Ol' Glory," the poem in this chapter, won first place
in a recent FanStory contest. HURRAH!

Thanks so much for reading. Chapter 29 is coming soon!
Best wishes and God Bless.

Respectfully with Admiration,
Bill & Cathy
(Commando & Tootie)


Author Notes
Co-authored by Bill Bishop (aka Commando) and Cathy Waldron (aka Tootie). Chapter 28 is a continuation of the 3rd part of our book and is primarily about Bill in Vietnam with Cathy pregnant with their baby and missing him back home. It is also the most heart-wrenching and dramatic. Throughout this novel, both characters reflect back and forth to scenes that are happening in each location. They, as well, exchange letters and poems throughout. For those of you who haven't read the previous chapters, we encourage it. We are posting each chapter as we write it, and once finished, plan to publish our novel. Preparation and typesetting are already in the works. As always, any comments/suggestions for improvement will be appreciated. A "Salute" for reading along and for your support.

Respectfully with Admiration,

Cathy and Bill.


1964 Presidential Election -

Ho Chi Minh -

"Baby Love" - The Supremes -


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