- Staying Validby Sugarray77
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Rhyming poem
Staying Valid by Sugarray77
Uplifting Poetry! writing prompt entry

Accomplishments build pride within your heart,
the kind that reassures you that you're strong.
Whenever circumstances fall apart,
a self-reliant nature can't be wrong.

Real confidence is built with each new task
that you complete throughout your given day.
An independent life is all you ask,
as age creeps up and joins you on your way.

For when time hinders movement ~ slows your pace,
it helps to know that you've prepared a plan
to overcome each obstacle you face
by striving to accomplish all you can.

Achievements are the crucial, valid key,
to live a life full of vitality.


Writing Prompt
Can you write a poem that cheers lonely hearts, soothes tired brains, inspires the soul. Any style, any length.

Author Notes
Photo is of the 91 year old gymnast ~ Johanna Quaas.... such an inspiration.


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