- Just a Theatre Play? by visionary1234
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Just a Theatre Play? by visionary1234
This is serious writing prompt entry

Corona is on all our minds—
a virus, quite disgusting,
and getting off our soft behinds
sure takes some readjusting.
Put on your gloves! Put on your mask!
Corona isn’t stopping!
Not sure I’m up for such a task.

Why can’t I just go shopping?

Instead, I’m told to stay at home
and scrub my hands with soap
for twenty seconds ... lots o’ foam ...
and as for Trump?
Duh ... such a dope!
“The virus will just disappear,”
he says, and “lots of testing!”
Well, one thing’s very clear
to me. This poor man must be jesting.
What masks? What gloves? What P.P.E?
“Not me! Let’s blame the states!”
This twit sure needs psychiatry.
I barf at all his “updates”.

I’m really good at hand-washing—

the best in our great nation!
That virus I’ll be
with such exfoliation!

So, yes, it’s up to you and me.
We don’t need lies or bluster.
Stay home and write more poetry …

and watch Trump filibuster.

We don’t want virus in the air!
Remember …
Stay home, stay safe and do take care
and now please realize
that Trump is just as theatre play
(like "Two Gents in Verona").
And we’ll all live another day—

so … pass that cold Corona!


Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type that treats a serious subject as humor.

Author Notes
With NO apologies whatsoever to Trump supporters - sorry! (not)
And ... who could resist the pic of the HEAD of the Corona task force NOT exactly 'social distancing'???
"behind" - a very English & polite reference to one's 'butt' or 'ass' or 'arse'
"twit" - originally "twite", an aphetism of Middle English atwite = a nuisance / annoying person
"ki-bosh" = put an abrupt end to something and has been used even as slang by Charles Dickens. "Kai-bosh" incidentally, is also the name of a high powered disinfectant! :):):):):) So a double chuckle!
Corona = one of the best kinds of beer. I think we'll all welcome one of these rather than the Covid-19 variety!


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