- Spend Love by Sally Law
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Spend Love by Sally Law
Love Poem Poetry Contest contest entry

Spend it all on love;
give it all away.
You'll be richer still
at the ending of each day. 

Give it all you've got
even when you think,
your tank is running low
and ship's about to sink.

Run the hardest mile,
and climb the highest peak,
traverse the river wide,
if it's real love that you seek.

Never give it up,
this quest for love so true.
Search until the very end, 
and find the love for you. 



Author Notes
I had always hoped to fall in love and be happily married with children and grandchildren. When I met Jackson for the first time, I was thirteen. When we became reacquainted the second time, I was sixteen. I had just about given up on love when he re-entered my life. If I excel in anything, I want it to be here, with my husband and family as my greatest gifts and accomplishments. My three sons were four years apart and were a handful. Yep, I had some rough days, but so many great ones back then and now. I live a love-filled life. I think it's because I have spent myself on them, and gladly so.

Photo is my own. My husband and me spending the day with our grandchildren.


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