- A Lullaby for Baby - Chapter 19by Tootie
This work has reached the exceptional level
Co-Authored with Bill Bishop (aka Commando)
Love Long Distance
: A Lullaby for Baby - Chapter 19 by Tootie

The year is 1964. Bill is headed to war leaving his sweetheart, Cathy, behind.
The novel begins with him boarding the train taking him from Tennessee to
San Antonio, Texas, & continues from there.

Greetings Friends!

Bill Bishop (aka Commando) co-authors this book with me. Our wish is to make you laugh and cry, then leave you in a state of uncertainty as to what will happen next. We invite you to follow along with us and will appreciate your feedback and recommendations for improvement. As always, thank you for reading our work and best wishes wherever you are.



At that moment, I heard a horn sound--turned around, and saw an 18-wheeler coming my way.

"Sweet Jesus! What's a 'matter with that fool driver? He's lost control of the truck and is going to run over me. Why me, God?"

I heard a thud, then felt myself tumbling along the road. Although the darkness was walking across my eyes, I saw Cathy smile, wave, then heard her say, "We're waiting, Honey--hurry along!"


"Wow! Quite a tumbling performance, Bill. I witnessed the driver of the 18-wheeler bump you. He did, however, do his best to avoid contact, so I would say, matter-of-fact, you're lucky to be alive. I'll report the details of the incident to the State Highway Patrol as a 'hit and run.' Are you okay now? May I help in any way?"

"First off, you can tell me who you are and how you know me?"

"My name is Rick Woods. Most everyone calls me Tennessee. I'm a Navy Seal, and am two weeks ahead of you in class. On your last mission, I played the Viet Cong guerilla whom you shot in the keister!"

"Pray tell! Small world, huh? Did the plastic bullet sting your butt?"

"Sting? Ouch! What Martial Art training did you learn the tumbling act in?"

"Taekwondo! Of course, you wouldn't know 'cause it's not a requirement for Boy Scout training."

"Oh, I'll not go there at the moment! However, I will say, 'Every commando knows how full of poppycock you are, and it'd take twenty boxcars on a train to haul it all away!'"

"What part of Tennessee are you from, Rick?"

"Gatlinburg! If you go any farther east, you'll be crossing the Smoky Mountains into Cherokee, North Carolina. Know where it's located, Bill?"

"I graduated high school there. I was born and raised in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Presently, I'm on emergency leave to see my grandpa. My fiancé
e called to tell me, 'He had a heart attack and the prognosis looks grim.' She also told me, 'We're expecting a baby!' Hurrah! I've got to get there and feel it kick."

"A coincidence indeed! I'm headed there on a week's regular leave to do some trout fishing prior to going to Vietnam. Just might bag me a big ol' bear while I'm there. Now, let's figure this out! The distance from here to Gatlinburg, Tennessee is 546 miles. Our travel time will be around nine hours. We'll stop off half way in Atlanta, Georgia, and eat at Howard Johnson's Restaurant. It has great fried clams and 28 flavors of ice cream! Makes my mouth water just thinkin' 'bout it! So, c'mon, brother . . . pitch your bag in my vehicle, and let's ride.'"

"Thanks, Rick! Mind if I crash in back for a while? I feel like Elvis Presley when he was 'All Shook Up!'"

"Aww, hush little baby and don't you cry, cause momma's gonna sing you a lullaby. Sweet dreams, Commando! I'll wake you in Atlanta."

"So cute, Rick! Now, could I have my teddy bear?"

"Cathy, listen here. Grandpa ain't responding to either one of us, but we shouldn't fuss, 'cause he's a strong man, and I've prayed long and hard. I'm believin' he's just given up, temporarily. Soon enough, he'll be back on his feet again, giving me another reason to swat him with my broom for misbehavin' and scaring us," Grandma said, although she was still very worried. She'd never seen Grandpa unresponsive with so many tubes coming out of him. The heart monitor gave a steady beat, showing his heart was now working fine, but in her mind, she was wondering if it was going to hold up.

"You did say Billy was comin', didn't ya?" she asked.

"He is doing his best to get here as soon as possible," Cathy replied. "Of course, it's a long journey. Still, I'll bet we'll be seeing him soon enough. I told him to come straight to the hospital because we'd both be right here by Grandpa's side. Why? Do you think something's happened to him, too?"

"Why, you know as well as I do that something's always happening to Billy! But, he should be here any time now."

"I hope so, Grandma. Grandpa really needs him, and so do both of us! Also, we've got some big news to share with you that might cheer Grandpa up."


Rick and I ate like Grandpa's hogs, then I drove on to Gatlinburg while Rick played with teddy and slept. The miles passed like sand through an hourglass . . . and thank God, we were home. Rick dropped me off at the hospital, then headed for Gatlinburg. As I walked into Grandpa's room, Grandma and Cathy rushed over and gave me a big hug.

"Thank the Lord! You're home, Billy!" Grandma exclaimed.

"Oh, Honey! I've missed you so very much. Sweet Jesus! Thank You for the gift of compassion."

After hugging them both, I walked over to the hospital bed and put my hand on Grandpa's forehead.

"I'm here for you, my hero! So, show your colors!"

I watched as Grandpa stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He looked into mine, then smiled.

"I'll be alright now, Billy, so don't you worry none. I was kind of tired after fighting in the trenches for so long. A little bit of a setback, but I'll just take a short nap, then you and I will go fishing and catch a heap for supper."

"Of course we will! While you're sleeping, I'll flirt with Cathy, then feel our baby kick."

"Aww, you silly gander! It won't kick until around seven months," Cathy said.

"Oh, I'll teach it to kick when we get Grandpa home; yet, in the meantime, I'll sing it a lullaby."

"In your mamma's cradle, hush, don't you cry,
Just close your eyes, dream and visualize
colorful butterflies fluttering high in the sky,
while I sing to you this sweet lullaby.

In mama's cradle, safe and sound;
a beautiful miracle to all around.
Baby is drowsy, cozy, and fair;
Mama sits proudly in her rocking chair.

Forward and backward, the cradle will swing,
and though baby's dozing, it hears what I sing.
High as the mountain top, and down to the sea,
no one's so dear as our baby to me.

Wee little fingers, eyes wide and bright;
yet, all are still hidden and out of sight.
Sleep on, precious baby; and soon kick your feet,
So Daddy can feel them--I can't wait till we meet!"

"So, that's the good news you were talking about!" Grandma exclaimed. "Grandpa did you hear? Our Billy and Cathy are having a baby! Why that's wonderful news, you two!"

"Yes," Grandpa agreed, although his voice was weak. "Why, now I need to get better, don't I? We can't have that grandchild of ours growing up without me."

"Seems like you just gave Grandpa a reason to keep on living! God bless your hearts!" Grandma said as she looked at us. She blushed and quickly turned away 'cause I had Cathy's pretty dress lifted up and was now planting a big kiss for the baby on her belly.

"My, my, how I've missed you, Honey! Why, I'm sure our child loves your kisses as much as I do," Cathy said to me. "And what a beautiful lullaby! But, please, can you lower my dress now, because I don't need anyone seeing my white panties!"

Just then, the doctor came through the door. Cathy shooed me away and covered up. The doctor didn't notice because he was looking intently at Grandpa and Grandma.

"We've got the results of the tests we put you through," he announced to Grandpa. "Now, would you like to first know the good news . . . or the bad news?"


Oh, my! The doctor said, "I have
good news and bad news!" Not only is it
a cliff-hanger for you our friends--it's one for
both of us, as well. Stay tuned . . . Chapter
20 is coming soon! Thanks for reading
our work and for your continued support.
God Bless,
Bill (Commando) & Cathy (Tootie)


Author Notes
Co-authored by Bill Bishop (aka Commando) and Cathy Waldron (aka Tootie).
If you haven't read the previous chapters, we encourage you to do so. We are posting each chapter as we complete it and plan to finish and publish this novel early next year. As always, any comments/suggestions are appreciated. Thank you so much for reading along and for your support.
Bill & Cathy

*** Because of the full justified formatting in most of this chapter, you may see what appears as extra spacing in places. Full justification is the way the majority of novels are formatted. ***

Howard Johnson's Restaurant -

Here's another, more personal, interesting fact. Cathy (Tootie) worked as a hostess, then a waitress, at a Howard Johnson's in Weirs Beach, NH ( in the late 1970's and early 80's. And, yes, she even scooped ice cream!

It's sad to say that was once the largest food chain is no longer. Here is a video about the "last one standing." This is from a few years ago, so we don't know for sure if it's still around. Probably not. :(

"All Shook Up" - Elvis Presley -

NOTE: The lullaby here was written by Bill & Cathy. It was inspired by the well-known lullaby "Rock-a-bye Baby. (


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